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Crossdresser conventions, events, .. for a newbie

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Reputable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

I am just starting to explore the idea of attending an event, or crossdresser convention(?), or weekend and am only marginally aware, through the mentions on various posts of what all is out there.

I know of Keystone (which is happening in March) but my schedule does not work to make that happen. And I am vaguely aware of events that happen in Las Vega, Provincetown, Palm Springs(?). Is there a place on CDH on that lists what is what and where and when?

Attending something to meet like-minded souls has been on my list since I came out to my SO almost 3 years ago. And now we are at the point where she has actually encouraged me to look into going!

I am both excited (and terrified) of the prospect, as I have never met any crossdressers face to face, nor have I ever ventured out of the closet fully femme.

In any case, am now ready to start exploring the possibilities!



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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@3s3eve Hi Evie

The site DID have an events calendar until recently but apparently no-one really used it 🙂

Now, events have their own section in the Forums. You can access this by clicking on the link below:

Local Events and Meetups – Crossdresser Heaven Forums

I'm in the UK, so I'm not fully in the loop about US events. That said, I do know about:

  • Keystone (which as you know is a five day event in March in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania).
  • Desert CrossRoads, Palm Springs (which this year is March 30th to April 2nd).
  • The Esprit Gala (a week in May at Port Angeles, near Seattle).
  • TransWeek in Provincetown (Massachusetts), a week long Transgender festival which this year runs from 20th-27th October.
  • Diva Las Vegas (six days in late October).
  • The Lake Erie Gala (last year this was November 15th-19th, but I can't find the dates for this year).

No doubt there are many others!

Keep an eye on that Events forum though. It may well be that something considerably more local to Chicago will pop up there.


Ellie x

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Reputable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 149

@ellyd22 Thanks Ellie!

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 1742

@3s3eve Evie, the Keystone conference home page ( has a section on the bottom listing other events and the dates.

(@Anonymous 47410)
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Paradise Conference

April 18 to 21, 2024

Atlanta, Georgia


Atlanta Comfort Conference

August 8 to 14, 2024

Atlanta, Georgia 

Posts: 149
Topic starter
Reputable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Thanks Micki


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