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Hello Ladies! Hope you are having sweet femme feelings today, whether you are dressed or not. I wasthinking about the beautiful title of our special site, "Crossdresser Heaven", and started thinking about the second word - Heaven. Haven't we all struggled with the issue of WHY we are this way, as special girls? I find myself wondering if, in fact, it is part of God's plan for us? After all, doesn't our femininity bring us immense joy? Don't we feel so whole and complete as girls? Don't we radiate those beautiful feminine qualities of gentleness, tenderness, sensitivity, self-sacrifice, romance, and affection that are so foreign to men? How can there not be good things, blessings, that come from our femininity?
I find myself wanting to thank God for making me this way! We certainly never deliberately chose it! The reality of our femininity HAS to be part of a larger plan, a divine plan, to bring more beauty, softness, and love into the world. Does this sound totally crazy? I remember my fervent prayers when I was young: "Oh God, please take these wrong feelings away from me. Help me to resist dressing, again." or, "Dear God, Please make me a happy, pretty girl. Change this wrong body I am in, and give me the curves, shape, and 'private parts' that I sooo long for!"
As I read our many stories here, so similar and with the same emotions, I am coming to believe that this is the only thing that makes sense of the special, beautiful, satisfying gift we have been given. The gift of femininity! I must be crazy, right? I certainly hope I am not sacrilegious. I am a person of deep faith, and regular participation in the life of the Church. I KNOW God loves me, deeply and dearly. And I feel that love both as a son, AND as a daughter. Thoughts, sisters?
There is such a contradiction within the scriptures as to whether it is accepted or not, some churches are welcoming and some are not. Are we not all gods children? So my answer is that old expression to answer the question, 'God knows'.
Angela,you are absolutely correct.God knows ,pure and simple.
Bless you Stephie for having the courage to start this topic. Agreed. Our special site does have a beautiful title. There's no sin in loving yourself, nor the art of cross-dressing. Whether you're religious or not, we all love to crossdress and find it a heavenly experience. Haha. Let's keep it friendly, sisters. Peace.
Hi Stephie. A fascinating post, beautifully written. I was raised in a C of E environment. Was head chorister at the local church. Later I ran the church youth club for a couple of years. Wrote a musical about the perils of adolescence which was performed by the club and my teenage rock band.
Fast forward many years and I find myself totally conflicted on the subject of religion. I do believe that any God would like that we are happy dressing as women, given that he/she made us this way.
I certainly experience no guilt with my crossdressing activities. I do however keep my dressing intensely private.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
I have thought about some of this a lot. As Cassie have have been a lot more empathetic. I have spent a lot of time listening to others problems. Have also spent a lot of time visiting with a couple of people, listening to their life stories. Had one older lady told me she loves our visits, that is is a bright spot in her depressing life.
This seems something I am wanting to do when in fem mode.
. Cassie
Why wouldn't God? She made us this way and we are living our gift of life to the fullest.
No not at all, being a Christian and a Believer it has never entered into my Crossdressing life. I don’t take Leviticus from the Old Testament very seriously, but that’s me . Not others
Thank you for your post. I have been holding off on rejoining CDH, but was compelled to do so when I read your post because I wanted to respond.
I believe that almost all of us who are Christians have had to deal with the issue of whether or not God accepts us, particularly us older ladies that have grown up in an era of non - acceptance and who are in relationships where we are not accepted. It is sometimes hard to separate the acceptance by society and our closest love ones with acceptance by our heavenly Father.
Recently my wife and I attended worship at a church we do not belong to. In that worship service the Lord spoke to me and told me he accepted me, but to keep things from my wife was not right. Now I have taken steps to talk to my wife, but as of yet have not had courage to approach her. When the topic has come up in the past, she has told me acceptance was never going to happen. So, I am still under a cloud.
I did however talk to another lady from our church and told her about Melissa. She was very touched and honored that I had bared my soul to her. I told were we were now "this close" while crossing my fingers to indicated what I meant.
Stephie God bless you and all other women of like mind.
I personally feel that with the correct focus my crossdressing is something that has strengthened my faith.
I am the type of person that wants to do it myself and take pride in handling my own problems.
Having a desire to do something that is very out of character and not accepted has been hard to understand.
Balancing the desire to dress with the desire to be what is expected of me as a Christian husband, and father would be impossible without the faith that God can use any situation to his glory, if we submit and allow him to move in our lives.
As far as Leviticus is concerned, my personal understanding is that Jesus paid the price and fulfilled the law for us, to save us from the old law.
I know that we all have tendencies that will lead us to make the decision to ask for help, or give in to temptation. I know that God loves us and wants to help his children lead wonderful lives. We are all fallen but reborn with faith in Jesus as our savior.
My own children have helped me to better understand the relationship between father and children. My desire is to help my children use their talents and desires to lead happy productive lives. I am also responsible for helping them look for the deceit of sin, in those talents and desires. The only way to accomplish this is by having dialogue and a relationship so I am involved in their lives. Very few things are evil until sin drives a wedge between us and God.
I'm with you, Stephie...my God is the "kinder, gentler, God"...the "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you" God...who accepts and loves you, not because we're perfect...rather with all our imperfections, because we try to live our lives as HE does...!!! And definitely NOT the "beat it into you God" that the nuns taught me all thru my elementary education...NOT the "do as I say, not as I do" God that the religious fanatics are preaching today. I may not be right...but I'm pretty sure it's not much more complicated than this...!!!
After the experiences of your youth Tinkerbell, I am glad you still kling to our loving father.
Religion is best, when practiced with a huge dosage of COMMON SENSE...you must question and challenge what doesn't seem right to you...and yes, I always start by asking myself..."What would Jesus do"...??? then go from there...!!! Thank you for your kind words, Melissa...I'm "no angel"...I'm just trying my best, like most of us, to be a "good person"...!!!
well lookie what we have here...! well done, Stephie.
i feel like God cares more about what's in your heart than what you actually do in life.
i think that God was gracious enough to endow us with this gift that allows us to see thru the gossamer veil so to speak. a unique perspective that not many have.
like other so endowed gifts, society in general doesn't understand this one either.
it is to you to develop its potential and manage in a way that enhances life...or in a way that does otherwise.
God is in our hearts, not our closets. I was made this way by God's choice and I am not about to argue with God!