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I really appreciate this entire conversation and response thread.
I grew up in a very strict Christian home. acceptance for something like this is just a taboo struggle, I practice my faith even now on a regular basis, and remain very active in a local congregation. My role in the church often allows me the opportunity to baptize women, and I saw the pure joy on their face as they rise up out of the waters of baptism. There is this cleanser that seems to come over them. A washing of their past, a renewal, to be born together as a woman. And while I share their joy and hugs, I find myself almost envious in my desires to do the same thing, Yes,I still struggle with the guilt and being except as the woman inside me.
I do believe that the two greatest commandments are to love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your might the second still love, our neighbors as ourselves. That has become a big learning curve for me. I love the male self of me….. and as time passes, I am beginning to more and more love the female self in me
In my spare time, I will even watch Christian female, preachers, offering, sermons, love, home, and devotions. And wish I could be them. Maybe one day I will start my own church of women like us with like minded faith.
Until then, this will be my Heaven!!!!