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Crossdresser Photo Optics, Tips and Tricks

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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We all peruse the photos here on CDH. I think it’s probably the first stop for most of us here on the CDH tour. For me, a closeted girl, taking pictures is the main event. Most of the “regulars” that I follow here certainly take a lot of them as well. I always say that being a crossdresser is a vanity project with us as the stars. And from a lot of the photos I can see that many of us are unburdened by modesty.😊 There are some extremely good looking girls in some of the photos posted here.

So here’s a few questions that I, as a regular picture taking girl in love with herself, thinks about when it comes to taking photos. Pick one you like and post a reply.🥰

1. What are your favorite locations for them? Why? Is the lighting better, it’s your favorite room, it’s a generic background, etc.?

2. Where do you get your inspiration for poses? I try to mix things up -but find that I go back to the well a bit too often as far as the same looks and angles. I wouldn’t mind mixing things up a bit more.

3. What ARE the best angles? Many girls do a lot of “Top looking down” shots with their face the center of the pic. I’ve kinda tried this with no success. Maybe I just don’t do closeups, I dunno, but those pics I’ve never been able to pull off to my standards. Straight on shots seem to come out the best. Anyone have any tricks they can share to make us even more ravishing?

4. Do you mainly use your cell phone to take them? GoPro camera? I do have a tripod with a remote and that has made a big difference in my happiness with the outcome of them. My wife will sometimes help take them from time to time too.

5. Is that you in the photo or your alter ego? I look through mine when I’m done and think, “Who is that girl trying to act all sexy and seductive?” And why for crying out loud!? I’m a happily married guy who’s quiet and conservative. But change into Grace and I’m all leggy and pantyhosed up! Definitely a bit on the “tarty” side if I’m being honest. But many girls seem quiet, shy and demure in their photos and I wonder if they’re always that way in both modes.

6. Something that always makes me wonder is reading about outings or events that girls have attended, fully dressed up, yet they have no photos. None. If you’re “out and about” why not have some pics of you on your profile? I’m sure there are good reasons for it, if someone can enlighten me.

Anyway to wrap up, this is what I’m thinking about as the New Year begins. How to take a better variety of photos of my favorite subject: ME🥰



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Reputable Member     South Central, Indiana, United States of America
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@gracepal The most important thing when taking a photo is to smile.  On the topic of taking photos when out it is difficult to stage the camera when you are trying to blend in.  Putting a camera on a tripod attracts all kind of unwanted attention.  I struggle how to do it myself and only really get mirror pics while holding my phone.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@dianas1960 Smiling is one of my biggies as well, in fact I wouldn’t post a non-smiling photo of myself. If crossdressing doesn’t make you smile, why are you doing it?

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@gracepal My answers are as follows:

1. if at home, either my dressing room or the stairs as I have the best chance of getting decent lighting. Having a tall house, I have a lot of stairs. Also I love taking studio photos or photos in my friend's garden (my garden is too overlooked)

2. studio - we have a few ideas of chairs, stools etc but mostly improvised. Garden - avoiding direct sunlight. Home - trying to avoid light reflection on my glasses

4. Home or garden are cellphone. Studio - professional camera set-up

5. It's Anna. Middle-aged (and occasional) wanna-be model. Anything that's a bit more saucy will not be posted. The photographer I work with has in the past photographed me in male mode wearing very little and there is a photo in her studio reception like this so posing in front of her in a dress is easy in comparison.

6. If I do get out, which is fairly rare, then there are photos.


Anna xx


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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@annaredhead Well Anna, thx for ticking off all the boxes girl🥰

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
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@gracepal hi Grace, great topic.  Let me start by saying that your photos are beautiful.  I know I love taking photos, and I can say I’ve learned a lot from the beautiful girls here on CDH by sending them private messages to see how they do things in their pretty photos.  Everyone wants to share.

You mentioned that you use a tripod with a blue tooth wireless remote, everyone needs one of those.  Taking photos in the mirror distorts you, and seeing a phone in the photo detracts from your pretty face, so I recommend tripods for everyone.  They are inexpensive on Amazon, and the best thing to making better photos.

I take all my photos with my phone.  It is an I phone 12.  It has various settings in photos that you can play with to get the effect that you want in your photos.  One of my favorites for closeups is the portrait setting.  There are a few settings for lighting there.  I like to use theatre lighting.  It is great for closeups since it focuses on your face and blurs the background too.  But, make sure your makeup is as perfect as you can get, because this setting shows it all.

One more thing is to make sure that your light source is coming from in front of you.  I don’t get out too much but I’ve found that light is best in the early morning in my condo since it faces East where the sun rises and lets the light be in front of me.  

Try to find a place in your house without a lot of things in the background to make you the focus of the photo.  I’ve seen lots of photos where I’ve been way too interested in seeing what’s in the background.  You are the only one important in your photos.

Lastly, make sure you get all of you in the photo.  Try not to cut off feet, arms or even heads.  If you need to move the tripod back, then you will have a lot of peripheral things in the photo, but you can crop them out and make your pretty self the biggest part of the photo.  I see so many pretty photos where the pretty girl is in the background.  

I hope this helps, thanks for bringing it up Grace.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@jennconn Those are all good tips JC. Like you, I’m always checking out backgrounds for interesting things.

Perfect makeup is something, well, I’m still trying to perfect😊. I’ll get it one of these days but I still don’t want too close up of a closeup of myself. Yikes!🤣

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Estimable Member     Manchester, GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
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@gracepal - 1...My favourite and so far only location, is a spare bedroom that I've converted into a small studio, complete with main and fill in studio lights, and a black backdrop all bought from Amazon. Of course it helps that I live solo, and don't have any SO to protest that they want the room for something else.

2...I get inspiration from photography books and the internet, there are a number of easy to find photography sites that have helpfull ideas, and in some cases the right and wrong way to pose.

3.. All my pictures are taken straight on because...

4...I use a digital camera with a cable remote mounted on a tripod, you can see the cable, but it doesn't bother me that much.

5... When I look at my photo's I just see me wearing a dress, I'd love to see myself as sexy, but apart from my legs, I feel about as seductive as a derelect shed. 🙂  🙂

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Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
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@sienna106 I like that idea I just finished my "room" and would be easy to add some lighting to make photos better, I use a mirror also and I don't like the way it comes out either, if I keep it up its going to look like a porn studio lol...

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@sienna106 Thx for the reply SS😊

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I have taken many photos over the years and my main ones are either on the cell phone and still have a digital camera too. One tip is to take as many images as you can as you can always delete the ones you do not like. Try to record the lighting, shade and  so on then when you see a good one you can remember how it was taken. This is how I did it by experimentation so a shot can be taken in one click as knowing the parameters to work in.

Use of the flash can enhance features and the overall image. Even in bright sun it can help and also in shade by highlighting your image. Flash can also take out age lines!

Nowadays there is enhancing technology which I do not use and cannot comment on. I would rather see the real image than enhanced.


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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@ab123 Agreed Angela, this girl would never use any photographic enhancers. What you see is what you get. My wife plays around with those on pictures of herself and they all come out looking weird to me. Some of them kind of look scary even. Hate’em🥰

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#5 - Yes, that's me in all my photos.

#6 - Some CD's do go out but primarily to events with other CD's and in "safe" locations where they are not liable to be seen by much of the general public. This lowers the risk of being outed, posting photos online raises that risk.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@d44 I do understand that situation - but I’ve read many tales here of girls going out to shop, eat, parties, etc. And yet no pics of them. Not even a disguised profile shot. I don’t get it. So I was just curious which was why I added #6.

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Estimable Member     St Louis area, Missouri, United States of America
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Great topic Grace

If I spend the time to do my makeup, I am going to take pictures. I always use my cell phone which is a bit older and doesn't have the best camera. Any pictures not a close up always comes out blurry that's why I usually take the looking up pic. The lighting is best in my bathroom but I usually take my pics from my couch. When I take a pic I like, I definitely feel it represents the real me. 

I hope to be able to take more poses when I get a better phone.



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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@jjennalove2000 I did recently upgrade my phone and its way better for pictures 🥰.

When I look at my pics I definitely don’t see the real me. It’s me - but in disguise, dressed as a girl. I don’t act any different when I’m dressed. I suppose it’s a good thing for me that femininity seems to be a dying art nowadays. I don’t feel motivated to add all the nuances of it to my presentation. I want to look girly - but not be girly if that makes any sense.

On a related note, the other day I was out with a group at our weekly lunch. A couple of hotties came in and got seated nearby. I guessed they were realtors or maybe bank workers. Both girls had black slacks on, a pastel blouse and a black blazer. Both had 5” at least pumps on. Bare feet of course. I thought to myself - That’s almost the exact same getup I wore to work for 40 plus years until I retired 5 years ago. Of course I had a collared shirt in lieu of the blouse and dress shoes.  I couldn’t help but be struck by the fact that here’s two cuties who really stick out as attractive, modern examples of femininity and yet they’re about as dressed down as women can get. But for today’s standards of professional female presentation, they were A-listers.

The times they sure have changed. I’m happy to be part of a group of dedicated guys trying to keep femininity and fashions alive🥰🤣


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Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
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@gracepal I know what you mean, I don't have the energy to do it every day and I really don't want to but when I do I want to shower, shave myself, some moisturizer and then some nice powder when i dry off, then its off to the makeup table, Now I don't know about anyone else or even why I do it but I always put 1 outfit to do my makeup in and then I change to a new outfit. I cant seem to do my makeup in just a robe or something but then when I am done I always seem to want to put something else on. Is that weird? Girls today my wife for example (or X-wife not sure which currently ) don't like makeup, corsets, heels, they don't know how lucky they are. Don't know what she is going to do and really dont care.

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I almost always use a camera rather than a cell phone. I used to use a gopro, which I could put on the top step by my driveway and take a photo at a good angle. It was voice activated so I could set myself and then shoot. But because of the limited locations, it was difficult to change the background.

I now use a nice digital camera and tripod for most of my photos. I can set it up where needed, make sure I'm not in shadow, and play with the angle and zoom to get distrating things out of the background. I have a remote app which also has a timer feature so I can determine my pose, find a position where my full body is in view, find the position on the ground where my phone is out of sight, then push the shutter, place the phone down and move back a step or two to get my photo. One reason I don't use the phone is because I can't get full body shots.

As to poses, there's a lot I can say I learned from Diane Crowe's sessions at Keystone. A couple of points here. Don't take full-on photos, angle yourself. It makes you look smaller and less broad. Do something interesting with your feet. Point one foot to the camera, or cross your feet, or even stand on one leg with the other knee bent up at a right angle. Break the angle between your hand and arm, or curl your fingers, to make your hands look smaller. Posture, posture, posture. Stomach in, chest proud, elongate the spine. Thrust a hip out or shift your weight (perhaps bend the front knee slightly) to compensate for your lack of curves. (For an example, check out the beginning of Heidi Phox's videos to see how she shifts her body after walking on camera.) Smile with your eyes to give you a bright look. Even if you're wearing sunglasses it will brighten up the whole face. Yes, it's a lot to remember but it will improve your photos.

Is that me in the photos? Yes, it's me having fun.

As to why someone would go out in public but not even have a profile picture here, remember that these pictures are visible to the internet, even without an account here. They are highlighting you. Going out in public you're going to be seen by security camera, but these will probably not be looked at unless there is something they need to check out. And you're not going to be photographed and put on the internet as the main subject by everyone you see. So I can see why people could still not want to put their photo here publicly even if they go out in public becaue of the longevity of their CDH photo.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@alison-anderson Thx Alison, good points all. True about the longevity of CDH photos that I never thought of. If you Google Crossdressers with style, or Mature Crossdressers, you get a flood of girls from this site. (I think that’s how I originally found it if I remember right.)

Great photo tips as well, and I will try some next time 🥰

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I'm hoping to make time for photos in daytime. Most of my pics I make are at night with ring light and overhead lighting, fighting with shadows and reflections. The other I haven't tried is to actually do photos outside 😐.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@rickialan Yes, I want some outdoor shots as well…but it’s risky around these parts. It’s the great wide open in my hood with no fences between the homes. And a lot of nosy-Nates to go along with them😊

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I will admit I'm almost 70 worked a professional job mostly outside. So for me I could never be elegant or pretty I have more off a bulldog sucking a wasp kind of face ha ha. I am so happy that there are apps out there for phones (face app and youcam makeup) it makes such a difference to my photographs it is like a different me even I enjoy looking at me.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@coleencd You Brit gals sure can turn a phrase.

Posted by: @coleencd

I have more off a bulldog sucking a wasp kind of face

That one made me lose a mouthful of coffee right there.😆

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Estimable Member     Edinburgh, East Lothian, United Kingdom
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@gracepal sorry about your coffee

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I really don’t know what makes a good photo of me but when it is I save it! And delete 50 other photos lol

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@coloradog1 Only 50? It’s usually around 250 over here🤣

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Picking one definitely number 5 I have an unusual alter ego lol definitely into some wild items lol other then that all my pics are done by my cell phone my poses usually due to the tightness of the outfits I choose I have to watch for other things that may be much noticeable down yonder lol 

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@erinb You talking about your twig and berries there Erin?🤣

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1. Locations: I take most of my photos in my office - the closet of which houses my clothes and heels. It's mostly just because that's where I am when I'm done dressing. Occasionally the window gives some nice sunlight, but that's more happenstance.

2. Poses: From other girls, real or virtual. Occasionally I'll stumble upon something I think looks good on my own, or just try a few things out. It's a mixed bag. You'll see me in pretty much the same 3 or 4 as I think they suit me best.

3. Angles: Straight on is usually best, with the camera at about chest height. I've taken some more 'boudoiry' types by putting the camera on the floor...and really those turned out amazingly well, but are not for standard photo taking. For selfies I will put the camera up slightly, but not raising it above my head as is commonly seen.

4. Camera: My cell phone with a tripod and BT remote. I don't have a 'real' camera and I've no desire to have one.

5. Model: I think it's me. It's a feminine presentation of me, which comes with a saucier side, but definitely me.

6. Location ii: Taking photos of myself/my outfit usually occurs to me only when I get back from being out. I tend not to take them beforehand because I'm usually scooting to get out the door, and I'm usually too caught up in socializing while I'm out. If I am in photos while out it's usually in a photo with others.


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@melodeescarlet Seems whenever I try an unusual pose (for me anyway) - I never like them. My heads too big, my legs are too big…that camera position is everything. So when all the dust settles I usually prefer the straight on views.

YOU get caught up in socializing Melodee?…I can’t imagine that….a shy, retiring girl such as yourself🤪


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@gracepal Alas, it's true, I'm a bit of a chatterbox. 😉

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@melodeescarlet I prefer the term “conversationalist”. 🥰

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1) Mine are either at home before I go out or my partner will take a picture of me while out. If I dress up to stay in (which is rare) I won't really do a photo.

2) I am trying to do more with poses so any photos I have now just don't really do well in that regard. They are all the same pose since I don't know how to let my hair down, so to speak.

3) Again, still experimenting but right now, everything is mostly straight on

4) Either mine or my partner's phone camera. They are pretty sophisticated nowadays and I don't feel the need to get anything "better"

5) Oh, yeah, it is definitely me. And when I can see traces of my sister or mom in the photo, it is even more affirming that I am maybe able to pass

6) I love getting my photo taken as Natalie (which is the exact opposite of boy me) and I love sharing photos. My issue is that this site doesn't really allow me to share those photos all that well. If I understand things so far, I need to upgrade to put photos into messages and to have more than 5 photos in my public gallery. I am not sure I am ready to pay $25 a month to be able to share in messages and forum replies. Not sure if external links (like imgur or flickr) are acceptable in messages, but if they are, you can bet I will share photos 🙂

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@nataliecd Well, obviously you can pass with ease Natalie. Yes, I do believe as “Lady” status you only get 5 public photos. You can also post private photos too though. There are a few forums you can post pics in -but not all of them by any means. This site is pretty buttoned down for the most part. It’s how they keep out the riff-raff🤣 Of all the CD sites I’ve ever seen, this is pretty much the only “G” rated one. And for my tastes, G is for “Good!”🥰



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