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hi girls! ok. today I am going to try and start a rather thought provoking thread.
there are two parts to this question, in the sense that does crossdressing affect your mood? or does mood affect your crossdressing? bear with me here...
if mood affects your crossdressing, then like me after a hard day at work, crossdressing becomes a kind of self reward.
if crossdressing affects your mood, then this would imply that if you felt a little down in the dumps, then wearing your favorite dress or clothing could lift your mood. so in effect you would be sad dressed in 'male' clothes but receive a lift in your mood when you dressed femme.
it was just a thought and maybe the two, really mean the same thing in context. what do you think and maybe you could put me straight on this one!
fiona xx
girl my sentiments exactly well said . dressing certainly puts me in a very calming mood , one of peace when life just doesn't play fair. a reward yes but good things are far a few and any way one can reduce the pressures is priceless. Stephanie...
Tho these days its more because Caty is an integral part of my being, in earlier times with a very busy career and a loveless, broken marriage Caty was my "escape from it all".
The career took be away from home for weeks at a time, so the good news there was I could be Caty in my hotel room. But I still felt bad about being away from my kids. As for my ex who hated the Caty side of me with a passion, as discreetly as I can put it, "Caty and I were very much in love".
Not that I lacked self esteem in male mode, but a properly made up and dressed Caty made me feel "complete".
Still does and "old age" has helped to the extent that with help from some great make up artists, tho its not often enough, I now go out in public without a care.
Hope this helps
Happy dressing
Thank you for asking this, Fiona. I often wonder which it is for myself as well. I know that coming home and putting a a dress, skirt or any of my Michelle clothes brings a sense of calm, happiness and my mood lightens which has not lessened but increased. My mood in my "other" clothes depends sometimes on what I wear. I just recently got a new winter dress jacket and I like the way it looks on me when I am in male mode. But when, I need to put the Michelle clothes away I do feel a bit let down, especially if I need to change into my "other" wear. - hugs, Michelle
Excellent question Fiona. For me, ditching male clothes and being myself, is just that. I feel myself, who I am meant to be and I feel less like I’m putting on a show. I’ve related dressing in male clothes to being a girl in male drag. I don’t necessarily feel comfortable as a male most of the time and feel like I over exaggerate typical male behavior and looks. Honestly I feel like male clothes change my mood more. I feel more depressed typically. I have dealt with anxiety and depression my whole life. In male clothes, it feels like someone rolls out a red carpet and says “Unhappiness? Right this way!” As Skyler, I’m more confident, happier, and feel just more natural as a whole.
I agree with the other girls. If I have a stressful day and coming home and putting on a pair of cute panties, (even to just wear after work and sleep in) it makes me feel sooooo much better.
What I choose to wear is dictated by my mood and the circumstances. When my mood is the dominate force of the two, I am generally in better spirits. Though even when the circumstances are more in control, I still look to wear something that fits my mood. I do, though, dream of the day when my mood can be in full control, and the circumstances dictate only style, casual or formal.
MacKenzie Alexandra
For me it's more like a mood ring.
Mini skirts = excited 🤩
Long dress = feeling bold 😎💃
Jeans = *dont have any yet* 🤗
Lol dont have many outfits yet.
I too do so love dressing up. Just thinking about what I will be wearing later excites and makes me happy. A nice feeling. A lot of times I will do it slowly in increments, panties and a bra with a pretty negligee, then a little later add some stockings, perfume and lipstick. Each time I get a little bit of a happy rush. This all leads to my desire to go out, then it is just as much fun getting dressed and putting my makeup, etc. on and then the thrill of going out without a care and having fun. I do love it.
Hi Fiona, that's an interesting question. I look forward to getting dressed, thinking about what I'm going to wear, which makes me happy and lightens my mood. But when I I have to get changed my mood doesn't go down because I know that at some time later I'll get dressed again. I know I'm happy when I'm dressed but I'm not unhappy when I'm not. I've never thought about this before, maybe I'm a live for the moment sort of girl! Helen.