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Crossdressing goals for the coming year

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Estimable Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
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Since I really want to take my crossdressing to the next level, now seems like a great time for setting some goals for the coming year.

One of my favorite things to do while crossdressing is trying on that new article of female clothing for the first time, and something I have always wanted to do, but have never had the courage, is to go out shopping en femme.  I am still very much in the closet with my crossdressing, but I did find a MTF makeover service in the area that offers guided outings.  I would like to try out this service, but between the makeover, shopping excursion and photo session, I am looking at over $1000, and since I would be going out shopping, I am don’t expect to come home empty handed, so I can plan on exceeding that by a pretty good margin. 

The other thing I have been telling myself for the last 30 years is, this year I am going to dress up for Halloween, and I am going to go outside and walk the neighborhood.  This seems like a great excuse to spend the evening en femme without coming out completely, and even though I have the wardrobe for it, it also seems like a great excuse to go out a buy another new outfit.

I have been telling myself I will be doing these things for a long time, but maybe if I make it a goal, I will actually bring myself to go out and do them. Smile Face  

Does anyone else have any exciting goals for the coming year?   

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@patricia1970 I want to meet as many CDH friends as I can next year in person.  I’ve met a few over the last 2 years and there is nothing better than sitting with a friend who you can tell anything to.

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A thousand dollars seems expensive, even allowing for exchange rates between US and UK currencies. However, what price lasting joy?

Every year I set myself the goal of stumbling upon an abandoned time travel device and hot-footing it to 1967 but, so far, no luck. I'll settle for maintaining a child-like wonder as I turn 70. Nobody can make you behave like an adult if you don't want to 😊.

Allie x

(@Anonymous 97944)
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I spend a little over $1000 USD each year going on 4 years now.  Wish I had never purged.  I've now concluded ok, I get that urge to purge, pack it in a vacuum storage bag and stow it somewhere, but no way is it going in the trash.


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@alexina didn't you just love those 1960s styles? Those Mod fashions were so cool!

And I had to wear a crew cut the whole time...

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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A crew cut, yeah we had them in the UK too 🙄. Fashion, music, optimism. Best decade of my life...until now!

Smile Heart  

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@alexina - I don't have to, I don't want to, you can't make me - I'm retired! 🤣

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That's the spirit 😊. Hmm, Spirit, now there's a brilliant band. RIP Randy California 🎸

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@alexina Not many will have heard of them but I was a fan back in the day xx.

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@chrisfp99 very good band


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I was introduced to them by a friend who had Future Games and Spirit of 76, some amazing tracks. In fact it's high time I looked out my own LP's and put them on my phonograph xx

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Reputable Member     Blearmill, Texas, United States of America
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@patricia1970 those are admirable goals for the coming year, but dang, $1000 for a makeover and some pictures?   Being of a more frugal nature, I would suggest doing as I did, which is learning all you can about makeup on line, choose your favorite blendy outfit, and go to the mall and take advantage of a free makeover at MAC, Ulta or Sephora (of course buy some product!)  It’s a chance to get out in public and make up artists/sales people at these outlets are sympathetic, supportive, talented and motivated to help.

As for me, well, I have been invited to a wedding and the bride ( a lovely young former colleague) has encouraged me to come presenting in any way I feel comfortable.  I have been out in public for 15 years now, but I’m still debating if I should take advantage of the invitation.  My only hesitation is that I don’t want to detract in any way from her big day.


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@kimdl94 I once turned out an invitation to a gathering celebrating the birth of a newborn baby because I didn't want to detract from the young parents big day. I felt it was the right thing to do.


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Reputable Member     Blearmill, Texas, United States of America
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@d44 Hi Fiona, I have a lot of time to make up my mind, but honestly, that is the direction I am leaning.

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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@kimdl94 - Grayson Perry's 'mother of the bride' look, invoked when he collected his knighthood, could be the perfect inspiration. 😊 

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Correction - whilst collecting his CBE. His knighthood collection ensemble was another outfit entirely.

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@kimdl94 - I'd like to spend more time socialising with other crossdressers. Venturing out dressed could be fun I guess, but I just think it is so much more fun to dress and spend time with others of the same pursuasion. What would be more fun, being a fish out of water? Or playing in a pond full of fish just like me? I'd go for the latter.

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Reputable Member     Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
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@patricia1970 no firm goals but probably more of a wish list because you never know what life is going to throw at you. My only wish list item would be to venture out in public preferably with my wife but alone would be good.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @patricia1970

Does anyone else have any exciting goals for the coming year?   

I just have concepts of a plan for next year. 🤣

I try to keep doing more as time goes on. Recently, I started wearing bold coloured nail polishes. Nobody seems to really care, but I  probably will stop when it warms up enough to not need gloves or coat pockets.

One step at a time.


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I'm very much in JJ's camp. I'll take it as it comes. 

I'm still quite private. I live in a friendly  but traditional village. Today, I forgot to take my lipstick off and went shopping and then dropped in on some people. Well, I could have argued, if asked, that I'd been drinking wine the night before ...

No, I just forgot, and I'm not too bothered about it.

It's an achievement I guess, but not one I planned  LOL



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@patricia1970 Patricia, all admirable goals, and I wish you well in your pursuit of them. Personally my goal next year would be to have one opportunity to dress pretty. It's not easy being me 😂. As far as makeovers go I've had a couple recently. Although they're not cheap I didn't pay anything like the numbers you're quoting. And hopefully my pics suggest I got good value for money. Oh, there's another goal. I'm definitely going to have another makeover next year.

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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Estimable Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
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@chrisfp99 Your picture looks great!  I would say you got your money's worth. Smile Face

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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@patricia1970 Thank you Patricia xx.

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@patricia1970 Thank you Patricia, you're very sweet xx.

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@chrisfp99 Your makeover photos are lovely. 


Anna xx

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@annaredhead Thank you so much Anna. That means a lot to me xx.

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@patricia1970; Over the past three years, whenever I've made any CDing goals; my "male fates" (domestic life, work schedule, finances, vehicle repairs) or the weather usually interferes and derails everything. It's as if my femme side is hexed, jinxed, cursed; my "Cinderella wish" has struck the last chime of midnight.

My ultimate goal is to attend The Keystone Transgender Conference; but 2025 will be the third year in a row that won't happen.

For next year, 2025; I just want to get back into my routine of going out full en femme once very two or three weeks. Also to indulge in my first mani/pedi, facial, and maybe waxing; strongly considering make-up lessons.

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Posted by: @patricia1970

Does anyone else have any exciting goals for the coming year?   

Not necessarily an exciting goal, but by the end of next year I hope to be done with getting rid of all of this ingrown hair on my legs. Both knees are still covered in small scabs where I have scraped the skin off of them, to let them rise up like a flock of Phoenixes.

Both legs are definitely getting better, true, but then I can't see what is going on on my bumpy buttocks, either. My legs look wonderful, though, now that most of the fur is gone.

Shaving with a blade sucks (for me). IPL for the win!


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Posted by: @patricia1970

Trans crossdressing goals for the coming year

Oh, I'll do the usual stuff.  Get a makeover....or several.  Keep meeting new girls.  Spend quality time with my besties.  Expand my wardrobe.  Get better at makeup.  Attend a few trans/LGBTQ events.  Do some traveling.  Just live my life.

Then there's the usual trans stuff.  Voice lessons.  WPATH letters.  Scheduling FFS & GCS.  Finding a new PCP & endo.  Having a good supply of meds.  Owning who I am.  Being visible.  Staying sane.  

Happy New Year!


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For me, it is definitely a makeover.  I've done the best I can on my own with my makeup and now I need some professional help!  Other than that, I want to continue integrating Lauren into my everyday life and let her out into the world more and more.

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More photoshoots - I've got several ideas, one of which is a photographer I know has discussed an outdoor shoot.

I am sorely tempted next time I visit Brighton to go round the Lanes in Anna mode.

Plus the occasional afternoon out in the car. 


Anna xx

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I do not set goals, I just let life happen and accept it as it comes. I never made a choice to dress, it just sort of happened slow over the years. I never set a goal to shop, but found buying my lingerie in person was better then online...same for dresses. I never set a goal to go public, but just decided why not and did. While it is not really a goal, but I would like to do a prefessional photo shoot.

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I had aspirations, goals are to be scored and if you miss there is disappointment maybe?

Whatever you call them having something to look forward to gets set in the mind and increases the chances of it happening as you will mull it over in the mind and work out how to achieve the aim. And sometimes the opportunity arises there and then so the 'Hang it all' attitude comes out and you just do it.

As they say,'You only have one life and maybe one chance'....

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(@Anonymous 97944)
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For 2025, my goal is upgrading of the panty & bra collection with only very high-end items and pack away the boring Vanity Fair for when I must travel to visit family.  Add a few dresses or skirts, heels, possibly bigger forms & bras.  Maybe can keep it under $1000 USD this year.  AND want to find more opportunities to meet & spend time my sisters.


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CD New Years resolutions for Lizzy:

1. Finally get around to booking a make-over/photo shoot

2. Build up the confidence to go out in public as Lizzy


Hopefully like most new years resolutions I won't forget about them by the end of January!

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@lizzy89 Pretty much right in line with my goals. Smile

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Well, 2024 is the one year that I can remember managing to keep to my New Year's resolution, which was that it was going to be Fiona's year.  It certainly has been!  As will all years be from now on 🙂

If that's the only time I achieve my aims for New Year then I'll take it.  But if I could try something new as Fiona in 2025, it would be to travel by plane and have a holiday in another country. 

Of course, I already did that in my male life.  If I could try something completely new as Fiona, it would be to travel by plane and jump out of it 😱 

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Posted by: @finallyfiona

If I could try something completely new as Fiona, it would be to travel by plane and jump out of it 😱 

sounds like fun, I have done that many times in male mode myself.  Doing it en femme... A lingerie jump would be a really exciting experience.  Unfortunately, I don't think I would ever have the courage for that though. Smile Face  


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Well.  Like many I feel guilty and purge all my clothes.  So this year I will NOT purge.   I’ve had so much fun shopping these past few months.  I’ve bought it all.  4 dresses, bras, panties , PJs, satin nighties, shoes , make up, breast forms and more.  I’ve had that urge to purge but I firmly said NO.  I said I bought and paid for them and they are mine. I love it all and it’s me.  So my goal is to never purge my wardrobe and just add to it.   ❤️ 

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@rosiebeth I've been there, then I read somewhere that instead of purging, you should hide it away in some deep dark secret place, which is what I did.  Then when the urge returned I would pull it out and get dolled up.  Eventually the urge got the best of me and I began to keep a stash more close at hand.  Now I have my femme wardrobe that I use often, and my duffle bag of the clothing that doesn't fit, is old or of lesser quality stashed elsewhere.  Before that... I hear you, I have thrown a lot of money in the toilet through purging.  Never felt guilty though, and there shouldn't be any reason to feel guilty .  I always purged out of the fear of getting caught. Smile Face

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I have hopes rather than goals. I would like to return to Keystone and Esprit, where I had wonderful times.

My only plan for 2025 is to live each day intensely.


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Duchess Annual
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 I'm going to keep on going with what I started earlier this year, dressing up more, taking lots of pictures of myself, going out for more drives, etc

I want to find more places and events I can go to while dressed. Basically, I want to get out and about more as Rayna. 

My weight is down significantly since a few years ago but my "figure" still needs work. I could drop another twenty pounds or more. I need to do a lot more hiking. 

I'm putting more work into my beauty routine. I want to up my game there and see if I can turn the clock back a little so I look a little less like a grumpy old man in a dress. 

I've been watching some videos posted by a gender specialist, and am considering seeking one out. Something changed for me this year. Crossdressing has become a major component of my life. I've been dressing more and more thoroughly. I've been taking more risks. I joined this website. I've been buying more clothes, shoes, makeup, etc. It's more than an occasional thing now, I'm almost constantly thinking about dressing up. So I want to try to find out where I am on this spectrum and what, if anything, to do about it. 

 Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a beautiful new year to all.


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@rayna I should add that to my list of goals too.  Loose a few pounds, dress up more often and find an event to go to fully dressed.  Sounds like something like that would be fun. Smile Face

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@patricia1970 those seem like realistic goals. Getting more exercise and watching my diet worked wonders for me. Simply trying to get a half hour walk in every day can get you some real results. Of course, I do that as Brother. Heels suck for hiking. 

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Posted by: @rayna

Of course, I do that as Brother. Heels suck for hiking.

Laugh Cry I love it

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Duchess Annual
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For me it is to aim at going out fully dress at least once a month and meet in person other  CD’s. Another point is to find excuses to dress instead of excuse to not too.

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Estimable Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
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@isabella22 I can relate to that, except I would like to just go out fully dressed. Smile Face

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Shoes.  Finding heels that fit was last years' goal, still looking.  Dreamy  

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My creaky old back anda another 1 or 2 other minor health problems have meant I have not been able to get my "full Caty on" more than once or twice all year. By that I mean at least 18 hrs fully femme with make up etc

Yes I sleep fullly femme every night , with the warmer months my favorite cos I wear my lovely "slikies". French knickers, cami and full length nightie. Bra and forms are a given. I also underdress during the day. Panties, cami and stockings/tights in the winter. But its not the same as being "full on Caty".

So I want to go back to my regular monthly charity volunteer overnight trips to again do the above.

My back has improved but I'm still not "there" yet. Plus I have to get better at make up removal, especially the eyes, cos my hawkeye SO, picked that up so easily in the past....

An en femme shopping trip would be fun again. But I have more than enough "femme' gear already....

I guess the above happens to a lot of us "mature" CD's and at least for me, I am happy and content that I've come as far as I have over the last 40 years

Happy dressing(and Christmas)



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My only goals for 2025 are to make some more lingerie purchases (my favorite!). Otherwise same thing as always, wear lingerie to bed every night! 🙂

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Estimable Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
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@jess92 Sounds like a great goal. A girl can never have too much lingerie Smile Face

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@patricia1970 Definitely can't Patricia!! I love lingerie and to me it's not women's lingerie, it's *my* lingerie.

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