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Have you ever had dreams about crossdressing? I don’t very often but last night I dreamed I was crossdressed. I looked into my dresser where I keep my femme things and discovered it was empty as if I had purged. I don’t know if this has any meaning. But I seldom purge any more unless it is something that doesn’t fit or doesn’t look good on me.
Hi Kerri,
I wish I could interpret your dream! I know dreams are related to what’s going on in your life and sometimes they reveal things to us that our subconscious holds. Maybe you’re telling yourself it’s time to go shopping! 🥰
For me, I frequently dream of myself dressed with my wife or someone I know. I’m usually ok with that, but if it’s someone I dont want to know about Lisa, I find myself running or hiding! Wierd stuff!
I still enjoy, however, any dream where I’m dressed. Hope you have more. Pleasant dreams!
I occasionally have dreams about being dressed. Here is the latest one that I had.
A few weeks ago I bought a Karl Lagerfeld dress. It is by far the nicest dress I have ever owned. The night after I received it I dreamt that I died and my wife had me buried in it. It was a closed casket funeral so no one knew what I was wearing.
I've had a few in the last year. None that I can remeber before that. My latest one just occured a few days ago. Like many of my dreams, I find myself in an unfamiliar and chaotic environment. One scene doesnt match the next. The people around me feel like family, but I dont recognize any of them. As the scene unfolds I find myself retuning to male mode. At this point I return to the place I left to get changed. This is when one of the people in my dream asks "didnt feel comfortable?" To which I replied a simple "nah, it just didnt feel right." I woke up shortly later.
There is alot of talk here about the decisions of who to come out to or not. Family, obviously, is a huge one. That being said. I interpreted this as a confirmation that, if I do tell family, it will not be a everyone needs to know type situation. I've already told my little brother. And when I really think about it, there are only one or two other people in my family that could even handle the knowledge of knowing this aspect of me.
My dreams are almost always totally f#@ked up like an acid trip or work related, which sucks. I had a period where I had lucid dreams, which was amazing, but for whatever reason I am not able to recognize a dream anymore. My wife and I always share dreams we can remember when we wake up, and every time she says she had a bad dream, I ask her if I was in drag LOL.
I did actually have a rare dream where I was en femme a few days ago. I wear female lingerie including pantyhose, open bottom girdle, bra and see through mini dresses as a nightie both to sleep and to wander the house until I get ready for work. When not in bed, I wear what I call casual heels around the house. Casual heels are defined as anything but 'stripper heels' LOL.
In the dream I was standing just inside my open garage in my usual morning wear. I am not sure why the garage was open, but I was watching the garbage truck empty garbage cans. One fell over and the driver got out to pick it up so he could empty it. I could see he was struggling to tip it up do to how heavy it was. I instinctively went to help him, and about halfway there, it donned on me that I was en femme. That is when I woke up!
Yes, I have dreamt that I dressed in ladies clothing, a bit weird as I am at work interacting with people, dreams are always strange anyway.
I definitely do! I wear romantic lingerie to bed almost every night and in my dreams I'm almost always wearing romantic lingerie, usually the scene is some sort of lingerie sleepover with other women or I'm wandering around a random house in lingerie lol.
I have had quite a few such dreams, but they are not frequent. They vary a lot, and I do not remember most, just a fleeting glimce. The ones I do vaguely remember are often about being discovered en femme.
It’s funny, I can recall having so many dreams where I was dressed. Some were where I was totally accepted dressed completely, and others ended abruptly when I would wake up when someone discovered that I was wearing women’s clothes. Most of the time though I’d try to go back to sleep and hope the dream would continue so that I could have that happy feeling of being dressed. After my wife passed away a few years ago, I often had more dreams where I was dressed, but the difference was that there was no shame in what I was doing and it all just seemed that everyone in the dream was happy for me.
I've had a few dreams not as a crossdresser, but as a young woman or a school girl. These usually occur when sleeping alone in panties on a warm evening. The best chances of this is being girlie in the evening before going to bed.
I have one probably once a month or so. The recurring theme is that I've gone to work or somewhere in public not realizing what I'm wearing (usually pantyhose with women's shoes under my regular clothes, but occasionally something more, like a skirt), and I'm trying to have a conversation or interaction without the person looking down and noticing. I'm usually trying to speed up whatever is happening so I can get out of there and change.
Just goes to show how awake-things can affect sleep-things. I had never dreamt about cross-dressing until the night before last--perhaps just a few hours after I read the OP. Then last night, I dreamt about cross-dressing again, although in neither case can I remember how the dream went.
I think I enjoyed the dream, certainly nothing bad happened in it.
Perhaps the auto-suggestion will have me dream again tonight, I'll do my best to remember it this time.
More I dream about a lovely shopping trip or dream (hope?) I can talk to a couple of close friends about Anna
The longer I go without dressing, the more I start to dream about it. In the past when would purge my clothes and deny my desires to dress. My brain would express it unconsciously. After a while of not dressing, Vivid dreams would come to me while I slept. I would try to push these thoughts away I knew it was only a matter of time before I was back in panties and a skirt. Nowadays as I accept myself more the dreams have gone away. Especially if I go to sleep en femme, then crossdressing dreams are the furthest thing from my mind.
I have dreams about being dressed.
Often as I go to sleep I imagine what my wife would say if she knew, and then as I drift off I dream about her finding me dressed.
In bad dreams she goes mad, but in good dreams she teases me about being dressed as a girl, and ‘makes’ me dress as a schoolgirl or as her maid.