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Hi... Girls,
It's little funny topic but it's in my mind from very long time. I just wanna ask you have you ever got a punishment in which you've to crossdress as a girl might be in your childhood, your sister would have punished you or your parents or your wife ? I always have a thought in my mind that I'm getting punished to crossdress, like force feminisation and I'm enjoying it. Have you ever experince anything such?
lol - agree, could be a fun fantasy 🙂
i have a had a boyfriend or two who did NOT support my dressing up. but never got punished for it...but now that i think of it, yah that could have been fun 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I wouldn't even call it punishment. If someone told me I'd be forced to dress feminine, I'd say "Yes please".
Kinda like being threatened with getting a spanking? Oh darn lol
Please let me know what the rules are, so I can break them.
Yes ofcourse, Rachel it wouldn't be punishment for us but it will be fun but the one who punishes you doesn't knows that.
I was once "threatened" by a games master that he would make me wear a short skirt and frilly knickers and go play hockey with the girls, but he didn't follow through, to my massive (and it really was a massive) disappointment.
It's long been one of my favourite fantasies, that I'm "forced" to dress the way I really want to - much easier than confessing to it!
The closest I got was my first time out in public - I was dressed up for Halloween, for the first time fully femme, but witchy, so I could get away with the heels and cobwebs tights, the sparkly black dress, wig, make-up - the lot.
We had a hotel next to a tube station, so the exposure was only supposed to be a few stops, which was exciting enough.
But the station was closed that night, so I was forced to walk with my wife a half mile across central London!
It was exquisite!
Loved every second, but still have the fantasies.
Love Laura
When I was a kid - actually right around the time I was realising my interest in crossdressing we would watch the movie 'Major Payne' a lot and that happened a lot in that movie. Definitely made me hope I would be punished that way some time. I felt a lot of envy for the boys who ended up in the prettiest dresses.
Hi Girls! All of each done has the "means" in a "Submissive to another a Dominator to you" It happens all the time. Boss/Secretary, Doctor or Nurse, Student/teacher....and it goes. Best for most.....Child the submissive at after parents....they have the control of you!
It is a very interest study as part as playing.....Psychologist. What to teach or what ticks to other people. BDSM in the higher plains of the mind, as you might. Never look down others.........before you lookup there, what lurks in your mind. A very fascinating study.........too much information what lurks on the internet: idle hands and mind in monkey business. I surfing well find out many of things that I feel did not feel I didn't needed. Other travels around the world was showed me that peoples minds, to any they can do envil. Be out around, be you beware of some doors and secrets may luk there.
If you wish......I can private on Chat......questions of my knowledge.
Dame Veronica Graunwolf
In the US Navy, long before political correctness took control of everything. When a man was promoted to Chief Petty Officer (CPO), he was required to go through weeks of hazing, which culminated in an initiation weekend. The CPO selectee was assigned a sponsor, who guided him through the entire process. Part of the the sponsor's duties included assigning a costume for the new CPO, which would be worn all through the initiation weekend. Most of the time, but not always, the new CPO had to wear female clothing. I worried that my sponsor would not select a female costume for me to wear, so I ensured that would happen by pretending to be worried that he would make me wear female clothing. Of course, they opposite was true. I did want to cross dress for the initiation. Much to my pleasant surprise, my sponsor assigned a female costume for me. I was to assemble a costume that would portray me as a prostitute! Punishment? No way, I loved every second of that initiation weekend, as I paraded around in heavy make up, micro mini-skirt, fish net hose, and four inch stilettos. At that point in my life, I had been cross dressing for years, so I knew how to make a very convincing looking female. So much so, that questions were being asked as to who helped me with the costume. I was even asked if I cross dress, when not on duty working. That made me nervous, because I could have lost my security clearance, back in those days. For a long time afterward, people talked about what a great looking female impression I did. Little did they know the truth, that I was and am a lifelong cross dresser.
Hi Peggy Sue and the girls.....in the Army.....Section 8, you were Court Martial out.
Dame Veronica
Hi Peggy Sue,
Thats too funny,
You are sly,way to manipulate a situation.
I bet that was fun.
Thanks for sharing that.
Thank you, and yes, it was a fun weeks-long process, as well as having many serious parts to the hazing and initiation. Sadly, in the early 90s, the US Navy did away with the traditional process of making a new Chief Petty Officer (CPO). The pentagon bureaucrats not only did away with longstanding tradition but also eliminated the special status of of CPOs in the Navy. They moved the CPO rank into the enlisted pay grade structure, thereby eliminating what had been the most unique rank of all the U.S. military services. 100 years of tradition were wiped out with the single stroke of some bureaucrat's pen.
On a funny note, during the initiation, when I paraded out in front of all the chiefs, in my prostitute costume, my sponsor instructed me to shout out, "I love sailors, especially chiefs." Wow! All those drunk chiefs loved it and shouted for me to say it again.
Never experienced it but often thought about it? Not so much as a punishment but more of a necessity while escaping the clutches of all sorts of baddies out to get me. It must have worked as I never got caught. 🙂
Ha! Well you know what they say? You can't rape the willing!
Yes I wished for a long time to have someone force me dress as a woman. I even have sexual fantasies. I am really not attracted to men but wish I was forced to be a woman and perform my wifely duties I'd you know what I mean. Our couples therapist says that is what BDSM is about. Being in a bound and forced situation but still having the control to stop it.
Anyway, my wife knows and embraces (as much as she can) me as Pam and this year let me go out shopping as Pam. We have a trip to Vegas coming up and I will get to be en femme the entire day on Halloween. I can't wait!!
So I am so relieved to now being at least partially free. None of our friends or family knows except for my step daughter who is totally cool with it.