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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Recently I have started to buy jewellery to wear en femme, bracelets, necklaces and earrings, and have found another treasure trove of feminine wonder. I really enjoy pairing it with my outfit.

I have also recently been considering ways to keep some of Allie out to play, clear nail varnish on my fingernails and nice bright gold on my toenails, for example. 

I already have a few "unisex" bracelets, gemstones or braided leather but I want something combining silver with gemstones. A search or two later and I've found a few so I've ordered one and see what it looks like on.

I wondered what other ways and to what degree (life situation allowing), others bring some of their femme selves into their drab presentations?


Oh, and happy St Patrick's Day 💚


Allie x

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(@Anonymous 94214)
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@alexina I remove the hair on my legs, arms and chest (face obvoius) 100% of the time.  I have painted my toe nails occasionally or left them painted after dressing.  I have worn a necklace that could be considered unisex in the past.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@elaines Hi, Elaine, thanks for your reply. I waxed my legs 6 weeks ago, first time since last purge years ago. I just did them again a couple of days ago, much much less hair. The feeling is amazing, I can only imagine what whole body hair removal feels like.

I will keep my legs hair free and consider the rest.

(@Anonymous 94214)
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@alexina Ohhh the purge, hateful thing we all suffer from.  I'm glad I seem to have got over them / accepted the reality that I cannot change.  Control it and enjoy it...

Hair removal, just go for it "pits and all".  Lots of benifits, clean non-pongy pits and you feel cooler in the summer, you feel younger (dare I say look it too).  Plus if your married... and she likes it; well that becomes another dimention...

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Honorable Member     Citrus hills, Florida, United States of America
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Ways to bring femme self into being, I had the first in my life, pedicure/manicure.

And I wore my prettiest Maxie to the shop, along with wig, ear rings, and bracelet. 

Just being out and about as the girl within in public in skirts is wonderful.

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Noble Member     GB
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@alexina Hi allie

I wear women’s jeans, tees, sneakers, sweaters, leggings (for running) as well as the underwear and jewellery. Sometimes the sizing is an issue but more women’s fashion outlets have tall and large sizes nowadays.

B x

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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@alexina Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It’s the anniversary of being a Leprechaun in a school play when I was 5 and was absolutely thrilled/terrified to wear dark green tights in public. 

As noted, wearing fem attire is a slippery slope. 😉 I present as fem/androgynous these days. I shave from stem to stern with some plucking and lasering. I exfoliate and moisturize all my skin regularly  

My daily wear is only women’s clothes: jeans, yoga pants, leggings, stockings underneath sometimes, and mostly women’s tops and blouses. I always wear jewelry, bracelets or a necklace, sometimes under my blouse. I got my ears pierced a few years ago and wear earrings in one or both ears.  I have women’s sweaters, jackets, shoes, and a winter coat.

At a recent retreat I lead that was primarily women, I wore more daring, obviously women’s clothes and received compliments.

When I have time I wear discrete makeup: clear foundation, subtle blush, lipstick, mascara, eyebrow pencil, clear nail polish and painted toes. 

A while ago I decided to grow out my hair. When it gets longer I will see a stylist to look into options that will give me a choice of not having to wear a wig. Of course I go the full 9 yards when I dress up to go out en fem. 

Whew! It’s a lot more work than going drab, but so much more fun. ❤️

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@alexina In terms of jewelry, I had my ears pierced about 15 months ago. Last year I bought some star-of-david earrings, and wore them even in male mode during Hannukah.

But my femme self is all over the place to those who look. I have been getting waxed for over 8 years except the armpits (which I shave) and under boxer briefs. I am often in androgynous (or close enough that it doesn't raise eyebrows) women's tee's, jeans, low rise socks, and shoes. I'm almost always wearing panties, even learning how to hide them when I change at the gym at work. Half the time my exercise shorts are women's shorts. I've even worn women's sweaters and jean jackets out as a guy.

A couple of times in the last few months I had to go for medical scans (CT and MRI). In order to save time having to change, I have worn women's leggings which don't have any zipper or other metal that would scatter the X-Rays from the CT scan or heat up from the MRI. I wore a fanny pack where I kept a minimum of stuff (license, medical ID, debit card, some cash, my phone and car keys) which could be removed quickly and replaced quickly around my waist. I didn't need to change into a hospital gown because of a zipper in a pair of jeans.

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Reputable Member     Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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I underdress daily, wear lipstick and often paint my toe nails. I have a nice selection of ear rings, necklaces and anklets.

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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Allie, Hello. I bring to daily drab, a nude lipstick, neutral eye shadow, neutral arched eyebrows, panties and a sports bra. It gives me an uplifting start to the day. I also wear a sterling silver tooled bracelet daily.



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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@lillie Hmmm, neutral eye shadow and nude lipstick, thanks for the idea, Lynne 😊


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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@alexina welcome

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On a daily basis my arms and legs are smooth, and my toenails are glittery red. The former not necessarily being feminine, but kinda I guess.

As to jewelry, I love how it accentuates how I feel - bangly bracelets especially! I'm not much at matching though. Basically I have silver things I wear with a silvery outfit, and gold things I wear with a goldy outfit. lol

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2210

@melodeescarlet Thanks, Melodee, with me it's the dangly earrings, I love how🙄.

Yeah, black, silver and gold so far but I'm an Aries so I'll be needing some bright red!


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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@alexina oh yes!  Greatest jewelry accessory ever invented  I walk around moving my head left and right to catch the feel. SO FEMIINE, SO ME 🥰

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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At the moment I'm completely drab when with the OH.  Strangely enough she's always known about and given me her blessing to wax my legs & chest, but drawn the line at my arms.  About all I feel I can do over and above this is a little skincare.  I've always openly used lipsalve sticks during the winter because my lips get genuinely dry and cracked, but just recently she's also seen me use moisturiser on my legs and now my face.  These things have been commented on, 'I must be beautifying myself for my boyfriend' (as she jokingly calls my best friend, who's the only person in my life to have met Fiona) but I'm not entirely sure it's all in benign humour.  Due to a genuine problem of brittle nails with vertical splits, I've mentioned a couple of times that I ought to start using nail hardener i.e. clear nail polish.  What's stopping me so far is, I'd find it hard to resist bringing in more and more little things and I know that wouldn't end well, since none of them would be un-noticeable.  

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@finallyfiona You'll find your way, Fiona. Sometimes it's not easy to even see where the destination is right up until you get there, but you'll know it when you arrive. [hug]

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@melodeescarlet I'll drink to that hon 🙂  I know where I'm looking to get to on this journey but I'm also aware that I may quite easily end up at a different destination, in all sorts of ways. Thank you for your reassurance *hugs right back*

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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hard to resist bringing in more and more little things

I know! I've seen a definite increase in boldness since joining here, ha ha.


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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1461

@alexina Go for it girl! 🙂  Reading some of the other replies, I've not even started on eyeshadow as yet, but the mention of nude lipstick is already resonating with me ... I know I've got one that's very similar indeed to my natural shade.  Get thee behind me temptation!

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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You sound like someone that’s just realised the slope she’s on is  quite slippery 🙂

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@lucyb112  Something like 🙂  I'm definitely on this train, but while I'm having a good time I still have to keep an eye out to make sure I don't miss the right stop.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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@lucyb112 Slippery as hell! My experience precisely! 😉

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Prominent Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
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@finallyfiona I share your nail problem, it's exasperating! Haven't found a solution really, but they hold together better with polish but I can't wear it all the time obviously. Let me know if you find a solution!

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I assume that  looking at your profile you are retired and also have an accepting partner. So at your age I would say you do what makes you feel good and to heck with what others think. After years of repression let yourself go.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@ab123 Thanks, Angela, and it is, indeed, thanks to you and the girls here that I feel free to do exactly that. 


I know! I've seen a definite increase in boldness since joining here, ha ha.

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Reputable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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Jewelry - Ahhhh. I have started collecting some thrifted items - necklaces mostly. Nothing like putting on some pearls, right ladies? I love bracelets but unless you want to make a femme statement, there is not much that falls in-between. I have also been making my own wrist cuffs and chokers out of upcycled denim embellished with, what else, pearls and lace. Definitely femme, but have worn them with some borderline drab outfits and gotten some very positive comments.  The other thing I have found and repurposed are super skinny leather belts and just use them as wrist cuffs which are more androgynous. So many possibilities......

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Reputable Member     Denver, Colorado, United States of America
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I have a couple bracelets from the last cruise I was on that have a unisex appeal, haven't taken them off since the cruise. My fingernails are almost always painted.. right now it's just a base coat because I was preparing for some green polish for today but the recent weather we had in Colorado delayed shipping lol. My toenails are always painted but I only ever wear open toed shoes en femme so unless I'm at the hot tub/pool/beach nobody would ever know. I epilate/wax from the neck down too but I've always hated my body hair lol even before I discovered crossdressing. And if I hit my weight loss goal I'll have my navel pierced soon! 😁

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@cdkaylasnow Thanks for your reply, Rilee, I am about 10lbs from my target weight, lost 16 so far. I'm doing it to get into a bodycon dress that I can get into but I can only hold my breath so long...

Allie x

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I have red nail polish on, I have red painted toe nails, I have earrings in pierced ears, I wear girly silver rings and the occasional shiny bracelet, I also have a necklace which is probably a bit unisex. I do all this all the time and after a few comments from people I know, which I just glossed over, I've not bothered about it since. If people think it is effeminate, they only have to look at my face and my general build to realise that despite all the jewellery I am definitely a man when in drab. It is that face and build that I have the greatest difficulty covering up but I have my ways and means, at least enough to be able to cast doubt in people's minds from a distance.


Additional edit: I might also add that on most days I wear a splash of women's perfume too, hey, why not.

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Noble Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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I find it hard finding bracelets that fit my wrists.i have larger hands.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@mary Same here.  Elastic costume ones are about all I've found so far, and even then the one I bought shows the cords because it's not really large enough for my wrist.  I do have another one with a lobster clasp that I can just about do up one-handed, but it's annoyingly too large and has to be pushed up my arm.  I'm going to have to look for ones that I can bend open to get into and back tighter to fit.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@mary I use wraparound ones with a magnetic clasp. It is possible that they are designed for use by women as a necklace but they work fine when wrapped around my wrist twice. Go to Amazon or Temu or anyone really and search for 'wrap bracelet'; might help you.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@mary Hi, Peta, I know what you mean,  I have a couple of stretchy and an open back that's quite springy so doesn't need to be bent back.

A lot of online sellers tell you the size so you can measure your wrist (and hand).

Allie x

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I enjoy shaving nose to toes, and all points between daily. Of course you have to moisturize afterwards, and I paint my toenails as often as I can without damaging them. 
After reading some of the other posts, I think I can do quite a bit better during my drab days! Thanks girls!!

Lara xo

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(@Anonymous 94214)
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Depending on what items I have to carry with me on a particular day, I will often use a female purse, over-the-shoulder style, when I am in male mode.  Moreover, I often use one of my very effeminate-looking purses too. 

Do I get looks, comments, etc.?   Yes, and most are curious and friendly.  In fact, I often start the conversation with a funny remark about why I carry the purse.  For the most part, the majority of people are too busy to even notice and could care less. 

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Like so many of you, I am always hair-free, and I always wear female clothes unless I have absolutely no option.

So when I go out I am in girl's skinny jeans (or even leather jeggings if I'm feeling brave!), the underwear naturally, tights and girly blouses and jumpers, sometimes even with a little makeup. I don't think I look overtly TV, but on inspection my clothing choices might raise question 🙂

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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I had my ears pierced for my birthday last year so wear earrings all the time. I have color on my toes, except during sandal season (I know that's the time to have them colored but have to keep the peace), my fingers are normally in clear. My wife and I go for mani-pedi's every couple months. I wear bracelets daily, 2 of them are leather (one femme, the other more male) and another bead bracelet that I made. I shave from the neck down with the exception of my arms. The last couple years I've allowed the hair on my legs to grow back from mid thigh down, again to keep peace. 

As a suggestion for those looking for jewelry, I make my own or go to craft shows. I've made bracelets, necklaces and earrings. I get my supplies from either Michael's or JoAnn Fabrics. It is fun designing, making and wearing your own. I think it also helps me relate to my femininity. Another great place to get jewelry is craft fairs or street fairs. The items are usually pretty affordable and you're supporting local artisans. As someone else said Thrift stores are another place to find jewelry items.

I find wearing jewelry to be fun, whether in male or femme mode. It completes an outfit and helps to identify who you are. The important thing is to have fun with it.


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Eminent Member     Southern California IE, California, United States of America
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I like the idea of just getting into a daily skincare regime if nothing else. It can go a long ways to overall benefit yourself and help maintain a healthy glow no matter what mode you present any given day. 

It's a morning ritual that reminds you of who you see and feel like when pampering your skin and taking care of yourself.

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