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On Monday I start a new temp job at a big box store. I interviewed as Cassie and was offered the job the same day. It happens to be the same store where my Ex and son work. A couple days ago my Ex spouted out that because I am trans that I am a DEI hire. I think she is is partly looking to start an argument, but she may be partly right also.
Myself, I don't care what she thinks. I need a part time job and if I did get it as part of a DEI program I'll take it, otherwise I think I might get a little job discrimination because of my age (70).
Anyone else had anything that looks like it might be DEI???
Nothing personal, but all you need is a pulse to get a job at a big box store, so if you are smart and competent, which I ha e no doubt you are you got hired for that reason.
In my nearly forty years of practice, I have hired at least 50, but probably more, people. Looking back, I hired just about every type of person imaginable, including old, white males. If anything, they were the DEI hires, but this was long before DEI was a concept. I hired people to do a job, and beyond that qualification nothing else mattered.
I never intentionally hired anybody because of some DEI trait, in fact most of the time I did not know they were anything other than human until long after they were hired and volunteered such information on their own. I never once ask a question about such traits. Looking back over the years, I am rather proud of my track record. Which, is a reason I find the whole current anti-DEI so abhorent. I would never hikre somebody because they fitt some DEI category, anymore then I would not hire them because they fit some category. All DEI does, or at least should do is encourage such people to apply and then be treated fairly.
For the 30 years we have lived at my current address, excpet when rebuilding after the fire, we have had neighbors of many races, religions, genders and sexual oriention, including mixd marriages, and I neighborhood has been better for it. I certainly am better off knowing such a diverse group of people. I can't imagine living any other way. When I visit my friends in The Netrherlands or Austria, I am always happy to get home to my mixed population state. Being around that many white people just gets weird
If you feel you can do the job then I would just ignore any sentiment otherwise.💕
for myself - anyone brave enough to do what you are doing (especially in this enhanced anti-trans / misogynistic bro culture ) shows resolve and courage. I’ll take that kind of employee any day.
go show them what you are made of!💕
Sadly. One of the side effects of D.E.I is it can detract from competency.
I can see why you would want be hired on skills and ability. My advice is, if it is a D.E.I hire, prove your ability and skill set is far and above what is expected for the job..
As you said. You need this job. Take it.. and run with it.
In my sheltered UK life, I admit I had to look up DEI. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. As much as I think this is deserving of having its own Amendment, I somehow doubt it would make it to first base. Say no more. 😔
Cassie -
Congrats on getting the job. What I have seen is that those who complain the most about DEI and other issues are worried about their own inability being brought to light. As was pointed out you're getting more hours than her and that in and of itself speaks volumes regarding ability to get the job done. Don't worry about what others think or do, your employer sees your worth and that is all that counts.
As a manager by day, I have had a lot of people that have worked with me. Giving equal experience and qualifications I would hands down hire any one of you ladies for one reason. Ya’ll have empathy for others!
ya’ll have empathy for others!