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Damsel in distress, but would you help!!

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Estimable Member     Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Yes I would! Without a doubt or hesitation I hate confrontations but I always help anyone being abused! Or assaulted I helped my first person in need when I was six or seven A little girl who lived a few houses down the street from my family's home She was struggling to get her tricycle up a few steps to her porch I carried it up there for her and sustained a deep two inch long laceration on the back of my hand I have had a prominent scar there all of my life I went to her aid firstly because she needed help and greatly because she was wearing some beautiful clear lucite high heel 👠 mules! Lol Peace and love 😘 to you all, Lucia

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Estimable Member     Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
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Thank you for sharing Prudence And thanks for all of your volunteer work as an Ambassador Obviously I am new here I have never been involved with anything like this wonderful group that Vanessa founded and grew it to be such a great and comprehensive place for people like me! I hope to get to know you! Peace and love 😘, Lucia

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Honorable Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
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Karley is short and not super muscular.............I would at least yell at the person.............or if say in a store.........throw something like a can of beans at them to at least distract them from the victim. I like to keep my phone ready to take pictures so recording them might get them to stop.................I like to keep small weapons like a "monkey fist"......a flashlight to momentarily blind and disorient them........a "Kubaton" attached to my keys to punch their body and scratch their face......................also be resourceful and use stuff around me as weapons....................k

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Karley darling..........

I'm just loving......." Can of Beans".


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Donna....Catwoman to the rescue!!! you have THAT outfit???? 🐱

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Reputable Member     Missouri, United States of America
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I would look forward to it. Peace and Love Lucia!

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Noble Member     Pampa, Tx, Texas, United States of America
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In a heartbeat, I would and have gone to the aid of someone being victimized, TG, Gay, Str8, whatever.  Without hesitation.

Having been bullied in school, then been on the receiving end of 'bashing', it both saddens and infuriates me to see it happening, because I know what the aftermath can and will do to a person, physically and emotionally.

I feel that it is our civic duty to aid these people when the time happens, unlike so many others now who feel it is more important to get the video so they can be the first to post it online.

The can of beans would not be very effective from me since I've been told that I throw like a girl anyway.



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Probably in multiple colours too. 😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸 no messing with the pussies.

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Hi Grace sweetie of course I would, without even thinking about it. Done it before I just react. No matter who. 💋💕 Katie

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Noble Member     Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
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Steph....if ever I am attacked by bigot squirrels..... i'll know exactly where to come!!!!

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Reputable Member     Arizona, United States of America
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Of course! Nobody should face abuse and if it was in my power I would do something about it I would. On the other hand, if it was more of a case of a Diva catching karma I would be less inclined. Some of us, in any wardrobe, tend to forget that polite society may not tolerate  our brand of BS and let our mouth to brain filter disengage.

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" throw like a girl".....😂😂😂😂xx

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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I haven’t read any of the responses above, but I would like to share a little incident that happened as someone  who can’t even spell darb...I was waiting for the bus, headphones in dancing to my music when some guy walks up and tells me I am drawing attention and the police were  gonna start harassing me, I mentioned I am not worried about to police at which point he escalated into shouting and threatening,  while this was going on I reached my hand into my purse for any form of weapon (I don’t carry or use standard defense weapons), and found none, this is when he pulled a knife, so I backed away from this person and called the police...I stayed out of this guys line of sight and he got on the bus before the police showed...did my citizens duty then I got on the next but to finish my shopping...upon my return this same individual boarded the same bus as I did sat behind me and started his crap, but this time no knife,,,about a minute into his attempt to intimidate me, I realize the cops had caught, cited and released him, and he was not suppose to be within 100 ft of me, so I turned around and looked him dead in the eyes, smiled and gently told hem, “you get this one but if you ever threaten me again I will be your last, winked and moved to where I could watch him,
Now I have this policy I have adhered to through out my lifetime, a guy is to never hit a woman (unless she hits first), because I do get involved...

since this incident I have armed myself (not with standard weapons) but everyday things a woman should always carry in her purse...roll of quarters in a sock (not pantyhose), a roll of dimes (they fit in the fist very nicely)...and finally one knee high pink sock with a pint of cheap whiskey ...people tend to forget, just because we dress femme doesn’t me we can’t use our male skills to defend ourselves, remember as a woman, you can hide lots of defense weapons in your purse, bra, stockings, even taped under your skirt or really have the advantage over your opponent in jungle warfare, so yes I am there for you or the underdogs out here

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Noble Member     Pampa, Tx, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

What can I say Grace?  My sister was my throwing instructor when I was little.  Never got the hang of it.


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