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Danielle Rose Fox crash pic

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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

First I want everyone to know that if you can see this picture know that I do not link this pic to garner pity. I link this picture to show that I had an Angel or God watching out for me. I was so very lucky to walk away from this crash. I survived by the grace of God and wearing a seat belt. So please if nothing else when you get into a vehicle buckle up! I cannot express this strong enough. I have seen auto collisions that occurred while both vehicles were traveling at over 200kph and hit head on. Both drivers survived the crash because they wore seatbelts. It didn't hurt that German engineered vehicles were driven by the survivors. If you don’t care just close your eyes and think about what is left of your body smeared on the road and someone using a coal shovel to scoop you up. Yep I have seen that too when I was in Germany. Here is the link

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Hi Danielle.

I wasn’t able to see the picture. Link only took me to the main tgh page. (Seems to be in your private pic and you have to be a tgh to be able to access those)

I’m glad that you were able to get out of that crash alive. And I can tell you that years ago I wrote a similar letter to my friends and family after my wife and kids were in a crash.

They too, while with cuts and bruises, surviver in great part to the fact that they all were wearing their seatbelts and the kids were in their booster seats both on the backseat.

Thank you for the reminder. Takes 3 seconds to latch it into place, 3 more to take it off. May take 30 minutes for paramedics to arrive and find your body after it was ejected from the car during a crash.



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