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What are demons we ask are demons the ones that live inside of use or demons the ones that control use possibly a demon of who we are as a CD I have many demons the one inside that’s want let out demons of this world and how they will react demons of who am I everyday I see a demon looking back at me in the mirror asking why and who even what always seems this life is hard in the real world few fare has support from others but most struggles with this demon inside cause we have no one that supports use are demons bad or good only the one can tell for me most my demons are bad and who I want to be but can’t but that’s life so be it as one says life will go on as I struggle with me own demons and who I could be I must also think about how they can effect others and what other demons will rise is this all worth it one should say I say no unfortunately I feel it’s best to keep these hiding demons inside for one to never see to have no effect on one’s life cause demons always comes with consequences loss and left with nothing so as a CD is this demon worth being to the world of best keep hiding I’m sure some how we all feel this way maybe just maybe one day my demon will rise to this world till then I keep it burning in the closet maybe one will understand my thoughts or possibly most will think I’m crazy regardless I feel we all carry these demons and I fear that the most
I sure don’t want you to have Demons, Erin. I just want you to concentrate on the pure bliss that comes from crossdressing. If you let those demons take over, it will make you think that you are doing something wrong. You aren’t, just keep doing what you are doing.
My one demon is my bad temper. It has caused my daughter to disown me an my wife to abandon me. Now I am alone except for my girlfriends her at CDH. Thanks for reading and maybe caring.
My one demon is my bad temper. It has caused my daughter to disown me an my wife to abandon me. Now I am alone except for my girlfriends her at CDH. Thanks for reading and maybe caring.
To me demons are like pressure. They are self-inflicted.
No one can put pressure on you. You do it to yourself and only if you let it infect your life.
It would be rare not to have demons within us, I am no different. The key is to manage those demons, gain control over them to stop them ruling a life and affect others.
Sometimes help is required and no one should be ashamed of reaching out as that is a strength to show you want to take control.