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i had set up a schedule for the remainder of 2019 resulting in Bobbie’s first public appearance. Unfortunately, as my mom used to say, “Life is what happens when you are making their plans”. i just got out of a week in the hospital with an infection in the bones of my left (and remaining) foot. A similar infection 15 years ago claimed my right leg below the knee. Now i am on IV antibiotics three times a day for six weeks even at home and cannot get around much. i get a visiting nurse twice a week. The best i can manage is lounging around in a chemise, at least until the drainage from my foot stops. i have tried to keep up with everyone via my phone but some days I just can’t get it together. So no ears pierced and no bra fitting and no makeup for a while.😪
Bobbi, I sure hope you fell better soon and prayers for a speedy and full recovery.
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Such a shame your plans have been postponed. Hoping you can still accomplish your goals later,
Nikki x
Get well soon and wishing you a quick recovery.
Oh Bobbie!!!
I'm so sorry. I hope that your leg gets better soon. Wishing you the best.
hope you heal up soon x
Bobbi, sorry to hear, I hope things get better and you will be able to enjoy those wishfull experience's. Best to a speedy recovery.
Stephanie 💗
Hugs, Bobbie! I hope you feel better soon!
Look after yourself first Bobbie.
We, the bras, pierced ears and anything else will still be here when you heal.
Well, I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery!
Thank Huallaga!💋 i was just feeling down because I was finally coming out now all has to wait. You are right though this to shall pass and the world will see Bobbie. she will feel the sun on her face!🌹
Feel better soon Bobbi! Hugs!
Hi Bobbi,
I am so sorry to here about your infection.
You hang in there as was said we are thinking and praying for you and us and all the cloths will be there when you get better.
You take care of your self.
Sorry to hear about your illness. Get well.