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Diary of a Noogler (1)

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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Breasts, Tits, Boobies, whatever you call them they are undoubtedly one of the most necessary female features when it comes to dressing up. We have all filled a bra with socks, bags of rice, water balloons, forms or a breastplate depending on opportunity or budget but I recently decided that this was no longer enough for me & I wanted the real thing. I had a long discussion with Mrs B regarding whether to start HRT. For various reasons (which I won't go into here) I decided that this wasn't really going to work but Mrs B said she would get me a Noogleberry system for Christmas.

For those who don't know, this is a vacuum pumping system which is supposed to increase breast size. We have all heard claims made for this kind of thing in other areas over the years & they are usually overstated & or just plain false. This being the case I am not expecting much but I have read stories from users who claim to have had very good results using one. Also it is a lot cheaper & more accessible than any of the other options. HRT & surgeries are too expensive & involve too many dealings with the gatekeepers of the medical profession. Supplements & herbs are just snake oil so it's worth a punt I suppose.

The order went in for an "airlock contoured system " with large cups just before Christmas. The suggestion was to start small & increase the cup size as required but we decided that was a bit of a waste of money so we just went straight for the bigger size. I soon got an email saying they were out of stock due to high demand. Doing research I found that this is a not uncommon situation & is one of the main issues people have had. To be fair though, a package arrived early in the second week of January so not too bad overall.

We soon unpacked it & read through the instruction sheet. It took all of about 2 minutes before both of us were slipping a cup on & giving it a go with much chuckling in evidence. Once we had got past the novelty aspect I settled down to give it a proper go. 

In order to get a good seal the edges of the cups need some kind of cream or lotion applied otherwise the air can escape quite easily (with a very fruity parping noise, more chuckling ensued) I am just using a vitamin E body lotion which seems to work just fine & is good for massaging in afterwards. The big issue to begin with is how much to pump. As it happened I wanted to see how big I could go straight away. That proved to be an error as once I took them off I was covered in red dots where I had burst capillaries in the area. It's not a big problem but it is recommended to let things settle down before trying again. Getting the right level of pressure has proved to be the main problem so far, I want enough pull to ensure that things are going to be effective but not so much that it causes damage. As the month went on I got a better handle on how far to go but did overdo it one more time. I am timing the process with a pump & release schedule of 8 mins pumped then release the pressure for 2 minutes, repeat the process for one hour once a day.

As it happens, nature has seen fit to give me a nice A cup chest already & I would like to get to a C if possible. Whether this is realistic remains to be seen. I haven't taken any measurements as such & I am just using my existing "A" bra as a guide to how effective the system is. The underwiring digs into my chest between the cups so if this problem eases then we can safely assume that it is working. CDH policy & a healthy degree of modesty will prevent any photo's being posted so I will just have to paint a verbal picture & hope that will be sufficiently descriptive for you.

Having set the scene above, it is now the end of the first month & I have been hard at it for as long as I could. A slightly late start due to the stock issues & 2 episodes of overdoing it mean that I have only really got about 19 days of actual use so far. Finding an hour a day for this has been pretty easy, just get everything going while watching telly at night after tea so that's not going to be a problem. I was not expecting any quick results with this approach so I am surprised to be able to report that even at this early stage I feel like there are some signs of improvement! Certainly straight out of a session there is a very noticeable increase in size. This obviously recedes over the next few hours as things settle down but as it stands my hopes are higher than I had initially thought. 

That's it for now, I will be back at the end of Feb with an update on how next month goes & I hope that this information may prove useful if you have any interest in going down this route.



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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 484

@sashabennett I've looked at that and similar systems but they all appear to have temporary results at best and the time spent is a large investment. 

Anyway, one promise I made to my wife when she began accepting me was no HRT and no implants. Something like this would just be a backdoor to the same effect. 

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@cherylt That's what we are here to find out, is it temporary or not. It's way too early to tell right now so it will be an interesting year to come. I have no intent to lead anyone astray though so stay away from that back door.

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 484

@sashabennett Someone in a different forum said they used something similar and had good results. I would love, love, love to have breasts, but as I said I made a promise and this would just be another way to break that promise.

Good luck to you. It's wonderful your wife is on board.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@cherylt I agree entirely, a promise is just that & our significant others are worth that commitment. You have my full respect for honouring that promise.


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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
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Sasha, I applaud your effort. I have read the Noogleberry system can be effective. I have considered buying a system but have not yet. 

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@dee2 Will it be worth the cost & effort, only time will tell. I hope this helps you make an informed decision on whether to try it or not.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Having personal experience on that route I can offer you my thoughts. Just as an aside, after starting with them there was a documentary on telly that was on the topic of breast pumps which used the noogleberry system - more later.

On starting the regime I had the same issues as you, red rings, blotches and a bit sore which comes from overdoing it. Settling in and using plenty of cream over a period of a few months the amount of 'breast' in the pot. Eventually, perhaps a year on I all but filled the pot and no blotching but a ring mark left by the pot which went fairly quickly.

As you observed there was a swelling that reseeded quickly after use every time.

So where am I now? I am a small to medium frame and at the start I did have about an A cup and at the end probably an A+ but it definitely stretches things out and with what I have can be boosted to form a nice cleavage in a C cup. 

So back to the documentary, trialed by genetic women with A cups to start found they had exactly the same results. You have to realise there has to be some mammary tissue to support the breast, which isn't there.

However we are all different and it will be interesting to see how you fare after a while.

If this method, like herbal creams worked then there would be little need for surgery but every little helps.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@ab123 I suspected that I wasn't going to be the first here to try this out, I just haven't seen anything over the last year so I thought it was time to set that right. It seems we have a similar frame & size so results would logically also be the same, it will be interesting to see. I've seen reports ranging from "nothing" to "OMG amazing" As you say we are all different & your closing comment also rings true. It'll be an interesting experiment.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Thanks for the feedback, Sasha. I look forward to reading your updates.

On Lucille Sorella's site, there are are number of people who give photographic evidence of growth. She offered a few ways of doing it, everything from massage, which I tried until I  didn't, and creams and herbs. If I recall correctly, the latter two are connected to hormones. Some results seemed impressive. 

As for massage, I got to the tingley stage and... forgot about it all. 🥳

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@harriette I have seen some photographic evidence (on reddit) which is truly spectacular. I have also seen posts from people who have been on HRT for years & had almost no results. It seems the only guaranteed way is surgery & that's a no from me. As for these non invasive methods, it seems they do take patience & perceverance which I like to think I have (until I get bored) 😀

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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 37

@sashabennett I think that it comes down to the fact that everyone's metabolism and genetics are different. The noogleberry site used to have a forum and people posted pictures of their success. There are other sites with pictures and info. I have no reason to think that all of them are lying. From what I have read, it is a long slow process. Like most things in life, sit back and enjoy the journey!

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@dee2 Agreed, one does have to accept that it won't be an overnight success story which could be why there are so many who say it doesn't work. Dedication to the process is key if there is to be any chance of results. That could be why surgical intervention is so popular these days, everyone wants instant gratification but I'm willing to try for natural results regardless of timescales.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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Hi Sasha!

You have peaked my curiosity and I will be looking forward to your update next month.

I hope your efforts are successful!



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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@augustvaliant Thank you, I hope I can keep everyone entertained & informed over the next year.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@sashabennett I'll certainly be following your progress with interest.  I'm not ruling out something towards having more of my own bust in the future.  I think you've got very sensible expectations, good luck with the process, and may you be happy if not pleasantly surprised by the outcome 🙂

Fiona xxx

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@finallyfiona Thank you. As you say, expectations are not high if I'm honest but one never knows unless you try & hopefully I can help others with an unbiased review, whether good or bad. Hopefully I will get some results though, however limited they may be.


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Famed Member     New York, United States of America
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@sashabennett I am very thin around the chest area and unfortunately have virtually nothing to enlarge or else I might try that. I've heard of it working fairly well in some cases so good luck!

So I'm stuck with my various breast forms which are both gel and solid silicone forms. But luckily they are all comfortable to wear and I enjoy wearing them so much that I do virtually 24/7. I sleep in them and they only come off when I wash up or take a shower.  I swim with them too!

I'm looking forward to tracking your progress.

Fiona ❤️ 

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@d44 Luckily for me I do have something to work with here so I'm hoping that my natural predisposition towards a fulsome chest is encouraged. I do still wear my forms on a daily basis although I don't go as far as sleeping in them. I have tried but I usually wake up with them both on the same side LOL. I hope you find the upcoming reports entertaining & informative.


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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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interesting to see how it pans out for ya myself never herd tell of such things have herd and seen pumps for BDSM but never to enlarge very interesting 🤔 thanks ladys for sharing 

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@erinb They are available in the CDH store section, although I got them direct from the makers. Just hope it works now.

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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Thanks for keeping us informed. I too look forward to your having a very positive experience with this.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@robertaf My pleasure, I hope it's worthwhile but it will be an experience either way.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Sorry to be negative but I can't see how this could possibly work. I can imagine that you could conceivably stretch the skin in the breast area, thus making room for breast tissue underneath, but where is this breast tissue going to come from? I would have though it similar to a new handbag: at the point of sale, they usually have a load of paper stuffed inside to give them their shape, which, when removed leaves one with a floppy mess that only regains its shape once one's accoutrements are ensconced therein. Any vacuum-enlarged chest area would surely more likely resemble the empty handbag than the artificially stuffed one.

Having said this, I will try to retain an open mind on the issue until more long-term results come in; I truly hope it works for you.


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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter I agree that it is quite likely going to be unproductive however that is why we try things. I have no medical background to base anything on just heresay & rumour although I have seen various posts on reddit which suggest that it is not a totally forlorn hope. I have always been of the opinion that things should be judged on personal experience. It is the only way to be sure.

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Eminent Member     Charleston, South Carolina, United States of America
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I have gynecomastia  and have been breast pumping for some time. For me it seems to have worked gone from an A to a good size B looking to go to a C. Beware the cups tend to crack so be careful and don't over pump causing water blisters. Good luck oh and use plenty of cream I use a coco butter 

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@kiaja That is encouraging, I'm kind of in the same boat & hoping for similar results. I have only ever heard of cups cracking when using the cheap Chinese knock offs which is why I went for the Noogleberry system. To get those to crack would involve serious pressure to the point of being quite painful. I agree about the cream though. I am glad you have got results & good luck with your goals.



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