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Im just wondering if anyone else besides me found that they also questioned their sexuality before their gender or certainly their feminine side before reaching the place they have now in their journey?
Thanks girls
That is a deep question to ponder / contemplate. Does the fact that I wanted to be a girl in childhood and have always felt more comfortable around them and that many of my best friends have been girls count? Good question, I'd peg Gender Identity before sexuality since I felt this way before sexuality ever entered the equation.
An interesting question, because not only did I always wanted to be a girl, but I also came out as gay. But what came first? As long as I can remember, I wanted to wear my sister's dresses and bra's, but it took me till age 11 to realize that I was 'sexually attracted to the gender role' that came with (wanting to be) a girl. I intentionally phrase this a bit different: I was first attracted to the idea of being 'submissive to men' before I actually started looking at men as objects of attraction. That actually took about ten years longer before I really started to look at George Clooney (and many more) as a beautiful man.
I have no idea whether this is common among young gay men, to find the idea of being intimate with men more interesting that the men themselves.
But looking back, and remembering how I used to talk about it with my sister (who knew first about my sexual orientation) I must conclude, that wanting to be a girl led to wanting to with men as a girl, led to bring attracted to men.
Funny enough I now realise that I did come out to my sister about being gay, but never told her then, that I wanted to be a girl. May have something to do with the fact that I sometimes 'borrowed' some of her clothes without her knowing 😉
I did tell her last year that I crossdress 🙂
Hugs, Frédérique
Alexis -
That could be a chicken or the egg type question.
I grew up spending a lot of time at home playing with my 3 sisters doing girly things (dolls, Barbies, playing house) and was drawn more to the girls in school then boys. I played baseball and did other boy things but wasn't very good at them - getting picked last and such. My first sexual experience was with a male, don't know how much of an influence that was for the future. I started dressing in my mothers things out of curiosity, it felt good and I imagined being a pretty girl at the time. All of that laid dormant for a long time until I started thinking about it. When that happened I started with exploring my sexuality and then my dressing. That brings us to today - I am a bisexual crossdresser still closeted for the most part. I haven't acted on my sexuality feelings, however I do dress on an almost daily basis in some fashion. I am very comfortable with how I feel about myself and continue to work on those feelings with my therapist.
The important thing for me, as it should be for everyone, is to be the person I was meant to be.
No, from puberty I was more interested in chasing girls than imagining I was attracted to males. Like so many of us I started out wearing my mothers clothes and that was the "genesis" of a very... long "CD career"
It's only in latter years and via a "very interesting experience" with another CD, that I began to wonder "what it would be like". Lots of fantasying, but no "action". The "VIE" was enough to make me pull back to the "straight and narrow"
I have questioned both my gender and sexuality since the onset of puberty
I knew I was supposed to be a girl when I was only three, and was always attracted to girls throughout my life. Almost all my friends were, and still are, girls, and I have never been interested in males, I actually feel rather repulsed at the thought. I am actually married, and found out last year that I am intersex, actually a female! My spouse is okay with it so it turns out that I'm actually a lesbian.
Ms. Lauren M
Hi Alexis!
Growing up in my childhood neighborhood during the 1970's, if a boy participated in anything that was deemed as belonging to the world of girls, he was labeled gay.
I liked many things from the world of girls, but kept it to myself. Mostly I denied myself from enjoying those things for fear of the label and the consequences of not being what family and the neighborhood expected of a boy.
I never thought of myself as gay but abhorred the label. I was not, and still am not attracted to men. No matter how much I admire so many pretty ladies here, it isn't "sexual" or "erotic" for me.
As a child I didn't understand gender or sexuality the way I do now. I always liked girls. I like what the girls had. I also like the sports and adventures that I had with the boys (when they weren't acting too much like jerks).
All in all I would say my sexuality has always been a rock. There certainly were times in my life where I behaved in the expected stereotypical male role when I might have wished desperately that I could just not freaking do that.... My male indoctrination was strong and effective.
Have to say I never questioned my sexuality strated dressing at a very young age but never questioned why or what I just enjoy the passion and escaping the world into a female transformation
I've been attracted to women all my life. I am attracted to the female form, no matter who presents it.
Yesterday while in Madison partially en femme, I realized, I don't have to make an effort to push my self to feel or act feminine. Everyone can see how I'm made up & dressed, and I feel just as normal as can be!
But! I also thought about it the other way. Yes indeed, Dani. When around men, it was a self-conscious effort every single time to present a masculine front. I mean, every darned time, "am I acting many enough?" Dani honey, you worked your butt off trying to look masculine. A person can't exude masculinity when they're exuding femininity.