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I am working from home today, so I took the opportunity to dress. Fully made up, wig, a simple navy dress and stilettos.
I felt really good!
During my lunch break I decided to go for a run so I stripped off the wig, changed into a pair of black leggings and put on a light weight floral pull-over runners hoodie. I decided to keep the makeup on and put a headband around my hairline to keep the curls from my growing hair out of my face.
Head phones on, music turned up as a distraction and I was on my way!
About a 1/4 mile into my run there was a man (mid 60’s) stretching his calves on the road-side curb. Rather than cross the street I continued on my intended path in his general direction.
As I approached the gentleman took two steps back from the curb, an action I thought was a bit odd. While running past he spoke very loudly, so I could make out over my music, “You’re looking good!”
I turned in stride and mustered a soft “Thank You!” between strained breaths.
Immediately I thought he was complimenting me on how good my feminine presentation was. I first felt good about it, but quickly shook the thought out of my head. If that’s what he was thinking then I probably don’t look as good as I thought?
Then a second thought came to my mind he really did think I was a GG and I was being cat called…
This left me with an equally hollow feeling for being objectified.
I’m probably overthinking the situation, but I’m guessing my feelings may mirror the feelings and frustration women are experiencing on a daily basis.
Have any of you experienced a similar situation? How did you feel in the wake of a passing interaction with a random stranger?
Hugs and Love to you all!
Thanks for the story Natalie.
Not wanting to be big headed but I have occasionally been complimented (usually in a night club😂)
I just take them at face value, and thank them as you did. I know what you mean about the objectification issue, but compliments I have received (and your one sounded innocent enough) have never had a sleezy tone I would associate with objectification. If they did I would walk away.
B x
P.S. How did your make up look after your run. I love getting back into my sports leggings now it’s getting colder out.
P.P.S. I sometimes wonder if I am perceived as a GG (I would sometimes think I was doing a good job if I was) but after all this time don’t really care anymore.
Hi Natalie, Probably. It does happen and it's a type of hit-on that comes with the turf but I would say that you were perhaps being complemented on your feminine presentation. It happens to me occasionally and at first I wasn't sure but in time I began to recognize it as a drive-by ham fisted comment. For me sometimes it was a whistle in a construction area but mostly it's just some guy in a passing crowd shouting out something like "I love your jacket" (when I'm wearing my leather cycle jacket with tight jeans and a bodysuit) to which I just smile and shout back "thanks, it's probably older than you are" and keep walking. Anyway, try to understand it, tolerate it to your limits and maybe have fun but do watch out for crazies. Welcome to the club. Hugs, Marg
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Bianca! I will chalk it up as a compliment.
In retrospect I did not pick up a sleazy tone through my headphones. It was the couple steps back that took me by surprise. Doing so either allowed him to get a better look at me, or he was creating greater distance to seem less threatening with his comment.
It was just a quick run 1.75 miles, but a quicker than usual pace for me. A slight autumn breeze dried up the perspiration. So my makeup was still looking damn good after the run.
It really did seem like an innocent comment. Though calling it a “Hand fisted” really sums it up.
When I was in a club in Palm Springs last weekend I got several compliments. Most came from gg’s, but also from a few men. They were all very nice and non-threatening. That left me with a great feeling!
I have complimented women on their choice of clothing, but tend to keep the comments to myself for fear of being interpreted as a predator. For someone who has never cat called a strange woman (I’ve done it to my wife or friends, but never a stranger) it just took me aback once I had time to process.
Hi ladies,
I haven't been what I would think was "cat called", but I have received many compliments from both men and women. I'm a full time girl so my makeup is always complete, my brows and nails are done, and I always wear earrings and other jewelry. I've been told that I'm a "classy lady" by many women, including one who, when seeing me said, "You're hot!!" Women often compliment me on my outfits and men have simply said, "you're looking nice today."
I absolutely love complementing the ladies where I work! Saying how much I like the colors, styles, hairdo, shoes, their nails, scarves, whatever catches my eyes.
Before I transitioned I was never able to do this, and being able to now and having it appreciated coming from me, now another woman, is so enjoyable and fun!
Ms. Lauren M
Count your blessings, Natalie....I think it is GREAT to receive an unsolicited "compliment", and that you should not even try to second guess the motives...just ENJOY, and hope there will be many, many more to come...!!!
It's true what they say..."everyone remembers their 1st time"...I've repeated this tale here in similar discussions, but one Holiday season, while all dress up and feeling very "Fem", I was out at our local mall, walking thru the parking lot on my way to do some window shopping...thinking I was successfully "blending in with the other happy shoppers", when suddenly, behind me, I hear a young male voice asking..."Miss, would you like a ride to Nordstroms"....??? Who's he calling MISS....???....I looked over my shoulder and it was a young male driving a complementary golf cart shuttle to the entrance of the store and slowing down for me to "climb aboard"....OMG...the flush that runs all over your body in that instance...if I could, I would have wet my panties...thank goodness I did NOT....but all I remember doing was to offer back, a sweet smile of appreciation to him and silently mouthing back a "No, thank you" accompanied with my most "feminine head shake/hair tossing"...and he continued on his way...!!! One of my fondest memories of being out, and about, as Tiny....days long past, that I can't resist living over and over again, here...!!!
Hi Natalie,
"You're looking good!" sounds like a compliment to me.
For myself, I would not take it as being objectified.
Aurora Lynnette
Hi Natalie,
A gentleman of his age would be going by old-fashioned good manners and just giving you room to pass. I don't know if younger people would just stand in the way and make you go round them.
Aurora Lynnette
This is always an interesting situation. I don't pass well, so I always just assume the compliment is an effort to be kind. I always take any compliment to really mean "good for you for trying!"
I had an experience walking from my office. There's a long sidewalk that goes across a lawn to where I was parked on the street. As I was about 100 feet or so from the road a big truck drove by with construction workers in it. One yells out the window, "nice legs dude!" I was pretty disappointed. I mean I know I don't pass when you look close but I thought in that outfit I had a pretty good silhouette from far away. I was pretty crushed for awhile but a friend said she gets called a dude by catcallers too, so who knows?
Anyway, to me, catcalling implies someone trying to be rude, aggressive, or intimidating. What you described seems like a guy trying to be nice, whatever he thought your gender was.
I've thought before when dressed up that people just say something to me because they wanted to hear my voice to see if they could figure out my gender.
I agree with everyone here. Whatever the other person's motive, it's best to just say a polite thank you, or walk away if the person seems creepy. You can always be classy, even if they're not. Best not to worry about motive or over analyze it.
Wasn't it Oscar wilde who famously said, "The only thing worse than being whistled at, is not being whistled at."?
I only compliment other women if I know them, or maybe sometimes if they compliment me first.
Try to enjoy the experience as a compliment. Without talking to that person and learning why they said it, there's just no way to know. So, err on the side of something nice 🙂
Yes I had a similar experience over the summer. I was on a walking path near a street in a park. A car pulls up from behind and the driver (man) asked for directions. In this day and age who asks for directions. Of course I froze and just pointed and off he drove. Then I had the mixed feelings of what all happened. Is this what GGs experience their whole lives? Should I take this as a compliment? Was I really passable from behind (leggings and a tshirt)? Was it a kinda shy guy stopping me who didn’t know how to break the ice so to speak or was it a creepy dude? As I kept walking and processing it all I found a grin on my face as I realized how big of a milestone in my journey this instance was.
Thanks, Tiny!
I’ve decided I will take the call at face value, and take it as a compliment.
Without question most everyone likes to be complimented, but being called “Hot!” is next level. You must have really enjoyed that!!
Being able to share in complimenting women is something most of us probably reserve for friends, family, acquaintances and co-workers due to the level of familiarity. At least that’s the case for me.