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Did my own makeup today and stepping out comes closer

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Following our exercise the other day where my wife did my makeup for me, I did it myself today and it looked pretty good. I have a photo on my profile of today's look although it's not close enough to see my eyes properly, plus I have glasses on in this photo. Again, although it's not obvious, I have proper breast forms in now (not condoms with water in anymore, yay) and also my silicon hips. Seen at different angles, the hip pads make a BIG difference to the way my dress hangs, no more male straight sides, I have shape. Can't get over how unflattering the turkey-neck is though, but that's just the camera angle and with my hair the way it is, it isn't always that obvious.


We'd finished and I'd taken everything off and taken the dogs for a walk (not dressing in the village, no way). On my return my wife suggested that on our anniversary, at the end of February, we should go out and have lunch in the city, completely en femme; hopefully, by then, my pierced ears will be able to accept some drop earrings. She was worried she might be pushing me but the fact that she wants to do it also gives me confidence. I said I'd love to but before then I wanted to go out somewhere less busy and practice walking, with her videoing so I can get my walk right. The more I do it, the less I'll have to think about it.


The only thing my wife is worried about is that in heels, I am almost six feet tall and in heels, she is 5' 4", still, at least it's not the other way round! 🙂


I'm excited about going out, but I can be sure I will be very nervous.





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(@Anonymous 94505)
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Estimable Member
Posts: 225

@rebeccabaxter sounds like you are soon to have wonderful time. Enjoy.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Your wife is an absolute treasure. What a wonderful gesture of love to suggest you spend your anniversary completely en femme. Your heart must have leapt, and I can imagine you reassuring her that she wasn't pushing you one little bit!

Rebecca, I am so thrilled for you, and I can't wait to hear all about your very special celebration. Yes, you'll be nervous, but only for the first 10 minutes!


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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
Posts: 827

@rebeccabaxter That's fantastic.  your wife sounds like an amazing person . Im working hard on my makeup skills.  I think at this time  im better than my wife in that regard as I had to do her makeup recently . and she got alot of compliments which worked well for my ego but felt odd hearing her get them . glad no one said who did your makeup 🙂 .. but working with an already pretty canvas is a big difference as for me personally I'm Old rough construction paper.  Im on a tear to hide my double chin and  jimmy Durante  nose. But doing it so I dont look like im hiding anything , that is a real skill that I just cant master. I hope someday to be able to post a picture im happy with without needing to use a makeup App to fix my mistakes until then its more youtube classes for me. Have a great day and happy Anniversary.. Cheers RC


Posts: 232
Baroness Annual
Reputable Member     Fairfax , Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

A dreamy post , yours certainly is!!!I 💐never get over the special surprises of a such supportive wife or girlfriend, partner,etc. Really happy for you! 


Posts: 3437
Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

It's wonderful you have such a supportive partner in life. You have more nerves than she does. Perhaps thinks of slightly lower shoes but hope it all goes well for you.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Becca -

How wonderful for you, it is so nice to hear. It is nice when your SO supports you. Enjoy your time.


Posts: 2172
 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Great, keep on practicing, but don't obsess about perfection. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. 


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