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Did you serve in the military?

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Trusted Member     Colorado, United States of America
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Happy Independence Day! I thought it would be a good day to start this thread seeing the importance and sacrifice the military has in defending our freedoms. So, the question is:

Did you serve in the military?

I'll get the ball rolling. I served in the USAF starting at the end of the Vietnam War, but I didn't go there, nobody was by the time I enlisted, so I'm more of a Cold War veteran and did serve the bulk of my enlistment in Germany. I did crossdress when I in but I had an apartment off base so it was easier and not as risky as living in the barracks. I had a friend whose girlfriend was a stewardess for Lufthansa. He lived in the barracks, so she would stay at my place when coming to visit. She left a silky nightgown behind and I would wear it sometimes when I slept. I almost got caught wearing it once by a guy from my unit who dropped in unexpectedly (I was careless and left the door unlocked) but I got it off and hidden before he saw me in it. That could have been disastrous!

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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
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I was a mechanic in the Marine Corps from April 1998-July 27th 2001.

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I did not. I came to the US on a work related visa (IT related). We became permanent residents and got our citizenship a few years ago.

But I thank you all for your service!!

Gaby 💜

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U.S. Navy, 22 years active duty, Chief Petty Officer, Viet Nam veteran.

I routinely attend veterans' ceremonies and functions as Peggy Sue.  The majority of people are accepting, a very few are not.  In fact, today I attended a 4th of July event for veterans, as Peggy Sue.  Everyone was cordial and polite to me and treated me as a lady in every way.

Often experienced long periods of not being able to cross dress, TAD, deployments, cruises, etc. but would make up for it upon returning.  Had to be careful back then but taking leave and going out of town would afford me opportunities to cross dress for long periods where no one knew me.  Would often buy items in the Navy exchange/BX/PX and say they were for my girlfriend.

Cross dressing was workable in the military, but I was always very cautious and kept alert. My understanding now is things are much more in the open and accepted, but I don't know any details of new policies.







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British Army for 5 years.  Used to fantasise about being able to wear the female officer's uniforms, but never acted on it.  One of my heroines now is the very beautiful Hannah Winterbourne - the Army's first transgender officer - courageous (in every way) and beautiful too!

I know being British I shouldn't be joining your 4th July celebrations, but we're all friends now! 😉

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
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Hi Ladies. My military service consisted of 5 years with US 1st Cavalry Fort Hood, as Canadian Volunteer Medic. Joined the Airmobile Program at Tan Son Hnut and off to Pleiku. After a few assignments....went with MACV - SOG, The Company and Air America. Arrived couple days after Tet and went out in 71 with rest of Cavalry. In Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Hoorah!

Dame Veronica

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Being from Sweden and old enough military service was compulsory so yes I been in the military. Did serve 15 months in the navy but it was all done close to home, close enough that I went home to my own private apartment most nights. There I had a stash that I could use around home and then go full drab mode when on duty.

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Noble Member     Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States of America
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Yes, 12 years Royal Navy.

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Trusted Member     Colorado, United States of America
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Thanks to all who've contributed to this thread! It's interesting hearing about your service experiences and branch of service, Navy, Marine Corps, Army and USAF, and also those of you who served in other countries, Great Britain, Sweden and Canada attached to the US Army! It sounds like all of us found a way to crossdress while we served, many of us during a time that was not tolerant of transfolks. I salute you all! Thanks for your thanks, Gaby!

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I was an armored crueman M1A1 Abrams US Army. In the 1990's.

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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10 years USAF and time served in Afghanistan. And before anyone asks, no, I did not stay in a luxury hotel room while I was there. I spent those months in a tent.

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Estimable Member     Chico area, California, United States of America
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Thank you all, I also served and proud of it, like Peggy Sue 6 yrs. U.S. Navy mostly on Aircraft Carrier's. Never had the chance to dress until I went on leave But I am glad I served, as we all did in those days. I new a few Marines that dressed but they were stationed on bases lucky guys. Thank you Peggy or should I say thank you Sir . you wouldn't like that

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Noble Member     Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States of America
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Emily, I'm British too, expat living in the US. I celebrate their "Independence" day by wearing my Happy Treason Day teeshirt. The family get a big kick out of it. LOL

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US Army at the end of the Cold War era; then 30 years of USAF/AFRES as a Flight Medic.  Most of my time can best be described as "They also serve who stand around and wait".  In retrospect, I wish I could have done more, but it just didn't work out that way.

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34 years USN

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