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How does the closet CDer address the essential chore of washing all manner of secret pink and lacey attire and, after washing it, how the feck is he going to get it dry?! I’m guessing hanging it out on a clothes line is prolly not the greatest idea given the very nosey neighbours.
My femme things go in the wash with e erything else. My wife knows, so it is not an issue. If I am traveling with other people beside my wife then I am a bit more discrete. I have many black panties that a pretty generic, so those have been seen by others. To my knowledge nobody has realized they are panries, not mens' briefs. If they did figure it out, so what?
That used to be an issue and it was very hard to keep certain things clean.
Luckily that's no longer an issue and just toss the soiled in the hamper and do the laundry when it's full. All the panties are mixed then sorted after drying. Our bras hang together to dry. My stockings get washed and hung in the shower. If you came to our house you'd think two women lived here.
I used to have to wash my things when my wife was asleep mor out of the house. Last year we took a trip and she had me bring something for Suzanne to wear while in our room. I took some panties and pajamas. When we got home I went to do laundry and was going to take Suzanne's things out and wash them separately. My wife said to do them all together. Since then everything gets washed together, bras get hung up to dry everything else goes in the dryer. It's nice not having to worry about doing separate loads.
I'm in a DADT household. So to "keep the peace" I do Caty's "smalls" laundry when my beloved is not home. I then hang most of it ina couple of wardrobes with towels etc to catch the drips.
Other items eg, long nighties in the summer, fleecy PJ's in the winter usually end up on a drying rack in my storage unit about 30mins from home.
I also iron anything that requires same in the unit. I got lucky its not the usual "black hole", has power and a window and I've set it up like a mini "Man Cave/She Shed"
My mom knows I crossdess because I voluntarily told her so I just do my own laundry which includes washing my panties 🙂!
❤️ Ashlyn
Being able to do my laundry was such a liberating thing when I came out to my partner. Being able to just wash all of my clothes and hang them out to dry in full view is just so much better!
Fortunately, I have a 'music room' which is on the top floor of our house and she (even now) seldom, if ever, ventures into, so I would wash things every now and again and then have them hanging in there. Not ideal and things only rarely got washed. Eugh!
Upon return from an outing. I sort out the what goes to the cleaners and save the rest for morning laundry. I have a DADT understanding here so i try to keep it discreet and finished before she is up. I'm always up several hours before she is so i've usually ample time for the delicate items that need to hang dry. I built a rather large pool room in my house with two cieling fans. The fans greatly accelerate the drying process for me.
Discreetly. I follow a protocol. Some clothes at home and the best dresses in the laundry.
I am in a DADT relationship and every Wednesday afternoon I am home alone. Everything gets washed, some goes in the dryer and some things hang in the laundry room where I use a Fan to dry them.