Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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I think that's pretty cool. So many people come here for so many reasons, and that diversity is part of why this place rocks. I'm glad you've found what you came here to find.
I also very much love the way you say things. You're not afraid to define yourself, and you seem to not care much how others do the same. I truly dig that.
I hope anyone coming here trying to figure out how they'd like to express themselves gets to meet and talk with people like you. I'm glad I got a glimpse.
Thank you for sharing.
I have nothing but the greatest respect for the staff, the site, the members, the love, the understanding and the rules that make it all work.
Thank you.
Miss Clara Cross
I was probably a tad strong on a few bits of that message, as I was frustrated at the time.
it’s seldom my way or the highway, the managers confer on most of our actions here.
I’ve said it many times, and I’ll say it again, I would rather help every single member here than have to ban another person ever again.
I don’t like doing that.
We don’t, however, live in a perfect world.
I enjoy being a protector of our piece of Heaven.
I have nothing but respect for the staff here and the job they do.
This is, frankly, the *only* site where I feel safe to truly express myself, ask questions, and share my thoughts and experiences about this.
I was surprised, and saddened, that this post was even necessary.
Hi Billiejay im so happy that you and the rest of the staff here put CDH together as im coming up on two years here and joined and have jumped my status to Princess to support this wonderful site as best i can to keep it going i was lost and alone when i found you girls here and joined now im still lost ha ha really but never alone it would be a really bad day if you had to close you and all the staff here keep us going down out femme girly path in life right where i want to be .. As my wife says im a much better person since joining CDH and she should know being married 38 years to Stephanie.. Thank you for all the help and support you put into this wonderful site hugs ..
Stephanie Bass
Billiejay,This girl thinks you do a great job ,thank you.Its wonderful to have a place to come to and be welcomed by awesome people.Stay with it ,my friend,you are doing very well.
Thanks Billie. I got no problem with what you do. Keep the peace and keep the trolls and creepers out of here and I’ve first hand had to deal with some.
I agree Dianne, this is the ONLY place I've found where I am comfortable enough to let Jillian roam free.
I Also think you do a great job and would like to thank you for your effort. Maybe the few that have a issue would like to volunteer?
I’m sure it’s very hard to be a moderator.
You and the rest of the staff do an EXCELLENT job (and I use caps sparingly!) This site is exactly as advertised, a safe and respectful place for human beings to explore a piece of themselves that can in the best of times be confusing. There are so many places online where you can argue and denigrate everyone and everything. CDH is literally an oasis, a cool drink of water in a desert wasteland otherwise known as Social Media. This is the only social media site I have ever participated in and that is no doubt because of the wonderful job you do keeping everyone aligned to True North
All the volunteers on here so such a fantastic job - this is the only place I would feel happy posting on as a wife and know that it's a safe space.
Billiejay and all the mods, admins and volunteers I thank you and think you do an amazing job x
The staff is doing A terrific job keeping this site A safe and enjoyable place for us all. If there are some that don't appreciate it here they might look for A place that suites them. I and most members are VERY happy here and we love our hard working staff.
There is not anything I can add to what I have ready already from others. I am glad this site is here, It took me awhile to finally decide to join. I am glad I did, just in the past few months as a new member I have read so many stories that have been similar to mine. I now know I am not alone.
Hugs for everybody. Tina
I think I speak for most of us when I say how much I appreciate and admire all your efforts to keep this community as close to heaven as humanly possible. We don't say it enough but you deserve three cheers for all the hard work you put in. Thank you!