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Do you feel

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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Question for you gals, do you feel equally attractive in male mode as you do in femme mode or do you feel more attractive in femme mode.

As for me when I was growing up all the girls looked at me saying you know that you're ugly. Only if they could see me now. I feel more attractive in femme mode than male mode.



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@allisonwannabe I always want and hope to look glamourous in a studio or presentable the rest of the time, but mostly dressing is how I feel about myself.


Anna xx

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@allisonwannabe I don't feel attractive per se in either male mode or femme mode, but reactions to my body are a lot more positive when I'm wearing feminine clothes than when I'm in male mode,

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Good question, Allison. I look in the mirror at male me and think, meh.

I put on nice clothes, now I've got a curling tong, I style my hair, and I put on my makeup. I look in the mirror and think, Much better!

Allie x

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@allisonwannabe I’ve been told I’m a handsome looking guy but I think I’m meh when looking in a mirror. Wearing something even casually feminine, even minus makeup and wig I look at myself and have a much more positive image of myself. I have been told by those who have seen me dressed that I’m an attractive woman. 
I guess I’m kind or rambling but I do feel more attractive and positive about myself dressed.



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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@allisonwannabe I feel pretty when I am wearing pretty clothes. When I was in my male mode most of my clothes were on the bland side.


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Trusted Member     Rome, Georgia, United States of America
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I definitely feel more attractive in femme

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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@allisonwannabe - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I find myself more attracted to myself when in girl mode than when in male mode. I don't ' feel more attractive' - I feel more attracted to myself. Strange but true. I do then hope that is reflected in how others see me - but I should be careful what I wish for. Like a lot of other CDs I suspect, mirrors are very important for me when I'm dressed.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@allisonwannabe I'm with you Allison...I feel so much more attractive as Lauren.   I attribute it to being personally authentic as well as wearing the clothing styles that I love.  I love my feminine clothing and wearing it makes me feel so much better about myself!

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Reputable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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@allisonwannabe “attractive” is perhaps hard to define for me, as “John” I always seem to have been able to attract women although I would never describe myself as handsome. Joan is very comfortable as a girl, but I’ve never really had an opportunity to assess if I’m attractive.

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Hi Allison

A great question - not something I've thought too much about... I think I'm "ok" looking in male mode but never thought of myself as good looking or handsome or anything, just pretty average.  I was never over run with attention from the girls (or boys for that matter) at school, put it that way.  

Nowadays, getting older (into my 50's now - how did that happen!) I think I still look "ok" just older, but ok for my age, I'm going greyer and I guess I don't like the direction that is going in!  

When dressed, and put on a wig and full make up - I do feel I look a fair bit younger even though I'm not actively going for a younger look (my make up skills are very much still in the making, so it is a bit hit and miss as to how I look).   So I guess on a good make up day, looking good makes me feel happier, and yes I feel that, as a result of the "disguise",  I do feel more attractive / better looking than when in male mode (not that I'm trying to attract anyone that is!)  

I guess for many here, our alter ego's are always likely to take first place on the attractive stakes.  If you ever get any validation of that from others, it feels amazing - "you look fantastic" from a GG are words to savour. 

Hope that answers the question! 

Jen x

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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@jennyphose thanks for sharing

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@jennyphose No question about it - I am younger looking thanks to cosmetics, my body is more toned thanks to shape-wear, my head is full of hair thanks to my wig and I am more eye-catching thanks to a more colorful wardrobe. The drab me absolutely cannot compete with all the accoutrements that are brought to bear when Penelope emerges. I wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, isn’t that why Penelope exists - to be pretty as can be with the goal being to receive compliments from anyone that see’s her, CD, male or female?

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It's not about attracting attention but just feeling good about myself. In male mode I look my age and nothing special at all. As the female I feel great and attract compliments and do look younger than my years. Someone I know gave me an age a dozen years less than my actual and people are surprised to learn I am over retirement age.

That's part of the attraction of dressing, I just love it.

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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@ab123 thanks for sharing

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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I have always felt better about my appearance as a woman. I never felt I was attractive as a man even though I had been told so by a few women. 

I look in the mirror and see him and almost cringe but as soon as I see Cheryl I just smile. 

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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@cherylt I feel the same as you Cheryl,thank you

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I would never consider myself attractive, but Cerys is more stylish and better turned out than male me ever is. A lot more effort goes into Cerys.


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Trusted Member     Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Personally speaking, when in male mode I don’t really bother about my appearance. I’m an ugly SoB, not vain or anything.

But in femme mode, looking good is everything. All my “real life” problems, stresses, etc are gone and I can just concentrate on looking my best. Maybe She is more shallow than Him, or maybe it’s another example of societal norms.

But that’s how it is for me, and it works so I’ll go with it.

Hugs, Tamara

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Allison, 

I definitely feel more attractive when I'm in Femme mode especially after i had my first makeover, before i just used to dress up with no makeup on and i didn't really feel attractive at all, now I've been shown that i can be an attractive woman with the right make-up on, 

Hugs Roz X 

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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@rozalyne definitely feel better, Rozalyn you are a very attractive woman.


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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks very much for your compliment Allison, I couldn't believe my eyes how Tracey had transformed me she made me look and feel so feminine i felt like i was in heaven, 

Hugs Roz X 

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Reputable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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@rozalyne there is no doubt that you are a very attractive lady darling.

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks very much for the compliment Joan, I was mesmerised when Tracey showed me what she had done in the mirror i couldn't recognise myself, 

Hugs Roz X 

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I definitely feel more attractive when I'm in girl mode.

I certainly fancy my mirror image a lot more than I do when I'm in guy mode.

I've never considered myself particularly handsome or anything. My partner disagrees, says I am attractive and so forth as a bloke; she also gives me compliments about my femme appearance, which frankly mean a lot more to me.

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Estimable Member     Shaftesbury, Dorset, United Kingdom
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definitely in female mode, but I could look better, I have a make up lesson at Boots next week and when my hair is a little longer I shall have it styled and then I hope I will have the courage to go out in public as I will look feminine (I hope)

Randi xx

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I have always felt more attractive in fem mode than male and my attitude is better as well

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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  • @debbiedd  I feel the same way with my attitude it is totally different than male mode.
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Prominent Member     Florida, United States of America
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FOr me it's FAR more attractive in femme mode given I wear romantic lingerie to bed almost every night. I don't feel ugly in male mode but I feel gorgeous in femme mode needless to say. So the bar is pretty high to feel as good looking in male mode as when I'm wearing lingerie and being intimate with my boyfriend lol.

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Duchess Annual
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I've had some positive feedback about my male appearance from several women over the years, and they seem to prefer me with shorter hair. (Wouldn't you know it?)

 But I'm still waiting for that phone call from Hollywood. 

As Rayna, my appearance does make me feel feminine, but I'm no cover girl either. I have seen women that I think are less attractive than me as  Rayna, though. 

Being a crossdresser means I have to accept myself for what I am and how I look. Would I like to look better as Rayna and present a somewhat more plausible feminine look? Does a bear do his business in the woods?

 I suppose you could say it's a journey and not a destination. I might never achieve a perfect feminine look. So it's either learn to live with it or hang up my dresses for good.

Which is not an option. 


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I had to give this some thought before answering. Jo doesn’t leave the house and only comes out when she is alone. As Jo… I feel super sexy and think I look good,from the neck down,I have in the past shared some photos with other CDs and was complimented and said I was quit sexy…so there’s that. But I never showed myself above the neck, I need a whole bucket of makeup to look pretty in that area, or a mask…lol my strongest asset are my long legs.  In boy mode, I was very dapper in my young age, so I have been told. I believe I did turn a few ladies heads , I’ve been with the same lady on my arm for 38 years now, she tells me I’m still good looking and her pet name for me is Sexy. But I think she is definitely biased… this was a fun little question to ponder and

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At much.. closer to 80 than 70, this gnarly, old bald geezer male does not look or try to me good looking. I'm just "male me" and happy to be so.

But when properly made up and dressed as Caty , not sure about good looking, but definitely a much better "package". That's cos (obviously) I have a stack more "coverage" on the old bod. Wig, make up, dress, jewellery, shoes etc. That with my own make up, its "next level" when I have a professional do it.

I must be OK cos of all the lovely comments I get about my photos here on CDH.

I do feel ever so femme with forms attached, securely gaffed and wearing some lovely  up scale lingerie under what ever external outfit I have on.

Happy dressing,


(Nana) Caty.



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