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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Hi Ladies, I’m still quiet about sharing my secret (Katey). So do you find it that you feel more feminine when you get to be your real self? I always wear my undies under my male clothes, so when I go out it gives me such a warm feeling that Katey is with me and no one around me knows. Feels a little mischief. 

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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
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@katey Hi Kate, underdressing does definitely help me to feel feminine, the delicate reminder of what I’m wearing , that others don’t know about. Self care like using lady’s shower products and deodorant , keeping hair trimmed or removed also helps. I don’t get to dress very often, but that definitely makes me feel feminine… sometimes it’s just the little things for the win!! Hugs… jo

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@katey Good question.

I always use feminine shower gel / deodorant and wear knickers every day, so yes, Anna is always there.


Anna xx

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Reputable Member     Shady Cove, Oregon, United States of America
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@katey I definitely feel more feminine when I'm dressed up. When I'm out in drab I always wear panties and often a bra with small breast forms under a loose-fitting shirt or coat. That feels great.

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@tia what a great feeling 😍

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@katey I do the same , panties and a bralette daily , woman’s deodorant, pantyhose in the cooler weather , toenails painted.

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@cdashley what’s your favorite nail polish color?

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@katey I use a lot of reds and pinks.

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@katey Hi Katey. And the answer is a big YES. I just came back here after purging almost everything except panties and nylons and one bra. I have always wore my panties and nylons and Sara was not impressed and I only wish I had someone to talk to before I purged because it solved nothing. So Sara is back and we have ordered online and now awaiting my new arrivals

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@feline yeahhhh, Sara is back! So glad you’re bringing her back. Please model your new clothes for us

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@katey Do I feel more feminine when I dress up? Not really. I don't dress to feel differently. I crossdress to look better.

The clothes that I wear are chosen to hide what I am doing, so most of them can be worn when going abroad, say with my wife beside me. All of the clothes that I wear are women's, so nothing changes from day to day, which is way more up time for me.

At home, especially when it is hot (nearly all of the time), miniskirts are useful, but I can't  wear those where others can see me (I.e. on our balcony, unfortunately), well maybe after our neighbours go asleep.

However, I also wear padding to attain a more female shape, and I try to push my limits as much as I dare. This gives me a sense of being naughty, of going against the grain of society, more than of being feminine.

I also attend a few monthly CD group meetings when I can wear more feminine clothing, so there is that outlet, too.

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@harriette hi Harriet, I’m so jealous you are out there while I’m hiding.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@katey Hiding is a choice, Katey.

You suggest that you would like to do more crossdressing and your profile indicates that you are single and that you probably dress only at home.

With the right choice of clothes, it should be relatively easy for you to do more. It may not necessarily be while you are en femme, but it can be more than what you do now. A compromise. Lots of CDs don't just dress en femme.

Will you consider doing more?

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@harriette hi Harriette, of course I want more I just need to push myself

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@katey That's a great start, Katey!

If you need any ideas or help, post a thread describing what you would like to change and lots of us can think of something.  😉

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@katey My mind is coming in alignment with my feminine self more and more these days so I feel feminine to some extent all the time.  When I am dressed and presenting myself to the world how I want to be seen, I feel totally feminine.

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@lauren114 hi Lauren, I love your response how you say you are coming more in alignment with your feminine side. I do feel more feminine over the years. I need to shred the last few bits of male.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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@katey i understand your feelings we in the same boat 🛥️ 

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@erinb I love the cruise just can’t wait to get to the final destination

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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@katey indeed 

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@katey Over the time I've been retired and have been spending more and more time dressed I've become more relaxed and I believe "natural" as Cheryl. To the point where I have to almost think about my mannerisms in drab, my speech patterns in drab. Years ago it was the opposite. One night out with our support group my wife mentioned she thought I acted very feminine. I was still learning to relax into femininity and let things flow rather than consciously think about it all. 

Now it's the opposite. There are times I catch myself drab and talking to someone, standing in a feminine pose, feet and arms not male typical. How times change.

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@cherylt Hi Cheryl I will be retired soon and I plan on practicing being more feminine and spending more time being the real me. I hope it will become natural just like it has become for you

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Feeling like I'm hiding in plain site is what gives me my fun when out and about. I can look at all the clothes and jewellery I like without feeling like people are looking at me as they might if I were in drab. It all feels a little naughty, but it's such fun.


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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter naughty Becca😂

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In a way sure. When I’m wearing all the clothes and nails and shoes, I definitely feel very feminine. That’s a feeling I can’t usually get any other way.

But my mindset typically is a bit more feminine than masculine. Ok maybe a lot more … 🎀.   In that sense my feminine feel doesn’t change very much whether I’m dressed or not.

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@mirandam Miranda (great name) don’t ever loose that mindset

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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My journey into CD does include some exciting journeys out n about. But, mainly indoors. But, you have to buy some shopping in some days, and it’s such a bind burying the en femme look. I’m not ready (and may never be ready) to go out fully en femme. 💚

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@valentina16 hi Valentina I to want to be able to go out as myself true self but I’m just not brave enough (yet) hugs!

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@katey Kindred souls then, or maybe even bosom pals eh? 💚💚💚

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Katey -

Be yourself. 

I have my femme feeling pretty much all the time. I do underdress at times in panties, tights, knee high nylons as well as wearing ankle boots. My ears are pierced so I wear earrings 24/7, mostly studs and small hoops although I have worn dangling earrings in public. I keep everything form my neck down shaved, as well as wearing nail polish (clear with a pink tinge on my fingers and color on my toes). All of this reminds me of my femininity without others knowing.

Enjoy what you do, there is no right or wrong in expressing yourself.


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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@cdsue Suzanne thank you so much what great advice. I love feeling feminine I’m always looking for ways to improve myself

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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
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I have felt feminine since I was a child, like every waking moment. I had to live another way. It was for survival. I am more free to be me now. Earlier this week, I went out to my hair stylist dressed up. It may sound corny but I felt like I was one with the universe. 

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@dee2 hi Dee, not corny at all. Did you wear a cute outfit? I bet your hair came out beautifully

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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
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@katey Hi Katey, I wore my standard women's jeans, women's running shirt and women's running shoes. I had my earrings in and light makeup. The lady who does my hair does a wonderful job styling!

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Trusted Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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@dee2 Good effort! Having only recently "burst" onto the scene myself, I get what you're experiencing. I no longer hesitate to go anywhere (with reasonable risk assessment) as Kendra. Hopefully your list of "adventures" will quickly expand, too! 😍

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Reputable Member     Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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I am unusual even amongst unusual people and I always find threads like this interesting. I simply don't know what it means to feel more feminine or feel masculine for that matter. I am always just me. The female clothes are a preference, what feels like the right thing to wear, they don't make me feel any different

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@butteryeffect I find these threads interesting too. I’m always myself of course. When I go into my ‘Grace” role play and lay out all my pretty things I definitely feel ‘girly’ as I go about my business. To a degree. I’m still me. I’m not going to try and change my voice or start mincing around as that’s just not for me. I want to be good at it, but  I can only take my girly feelings so far.

Conversely, I play competitive senior softball. When I go into my ‘Bros doing manly things’ role play, I definitely feel as macho as I ever get as I go about my business of playing ball. And here again, I’m still me. I want to be good at it. But I’m not as uber serious about it like some of my fellow bros - who think every game is the 7th game of a tied World Series.

”Feelings. Nothing more than feelings….”

Sorry girls, couldn’t resist🤣 

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Reputable Member     Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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@gracepal I don't have a competitive bone in my body, show me a competition and I'll quietly walk in the other direction. I think it underlies a lot of what makes me different. It does mean I have no FOMO but it also means that I only go as far as I want to, I don't necessarily feel the need to be particularly good at anything. Comparatively in life I am fairly successful through hard work, good decision making and some good fortune, its not that I lack ambition but always on my terms.

I really feel that I am neither feminine or masculine, some aspects of me are slightly too aggressive and blokeish  for a typical woman, and some too sensitive and gentle for a typical woman.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@butteryeffect We all have choices to make Cathy and the world would be a pretty dull place if everyone made the same ones.🥰

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Trusted Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
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@gracepal I mentioned something about this elsewhere here, but...I used to love to play basketball, always trying to improve my game. Gave it up due to the infirmities of age...and then last Halloween, I opened the door to CD...and now I'm always trying to improve my game!  🤣  adding a fake nose ring, for example (yes, they're a thing! $15 online, and it looks darling!) So yeah, you can take the guy out of the game. but you can't take the game out of the girl! 🙃

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@kendra2024 Not this girl either Kendra. I too, played all the sports growing up. I was certainly pleasantly surprised to get to my 60’s and find a thriving senior softball community where I live. Hard fricking core too…these guys are BETTER players today than when they were younger…some of them anyway. Only the strong survive in our league.😎

It’s natural to re-embrace crossdressing with the same attitude of wanting to improve and get better. I am aware of stopping and enjoying things “in the moment”. Then I think of how my next moments can be even better🥰 I’m always on the lookout for tricks and tips to enhance my experience as Grace.

Teddy Roosevelt said: “We’re either going to wear out or rust out. I’d rather wear out.”

Same here Ted.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@gracepal I would rather wear out than rust out..... I am writing that one down.

Thanks Grace!

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@butteryeffect hi Cathy stay true to yourself I love your thought process

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It don't feel feminine. At least I don't think that I do. I wouldn't know what feminine feels like.

My persona doesn't change when presenting as Cerys other than I'm a lot more confident. Cerys is a lot more stylish than the name me. 

As for the real me.... Cerys is my superhero. She's my armour. She boosts me Even though I spend a lot more time as Cerys than it did the real me, the male me is the real me.   If feeling like I do when I'm out presenting as Cerys is what it feels like to be female, in very envious of females 🙂


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These responses show how not all CDs are the same.

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Baroness Annual
Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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I wear cotton panties every day even when out in public in drab 🙂! I start to feel very anxious and depressed if I’m forced to wear my male underwear (like if I’m on vacation sharing a room with someone who doesn’t know I crossdress)

❤️ Ashlyn

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@girlyboy9020 keep a smile on your face and panties on your …..

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  • @katey Thanks Katey, will do ❤️🙂!!
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I underdress every day in panties and camisole, occasiaonnly with a bralette as well. and sleep femme every night. My favorite time is the latter, especially ion a warmish night when I can clothe myself in pure silk nightwear. Plus bra and forms.

Sometimes I get lucky and my forms stay attached sans bra. So to lie in bed with all "that loose weight"  on my chest, makes me feel as close to the "real thing" I can get.

Due to minor but persistent health probs, I have not been "full femme" for two years. I'm hoping to correct this in 2025.



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@ryanpaul I hope you get better soon and you get back to your ful fem hugs

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I'm not sure how different I feel when I'm dressed. I'm still me. I do think that I behave differently and when I'm fully dressed I am much more feminine in my mannerisms.

I underdress almost always and usually in other feminine tops and jeans etc, so always feel connected to that side of me. However, I don't always put a wiggle in my walk when I'm not in heels 🙂

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@caroline2k I’m have to work on my mannerisms when I’m in public- I have to work on my wiggle-

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Caroline your response reminded of one time I was leaving the grocery store. This hottie came pulling in nearby. One of those girls so good looking just sitting in the driver’s seat - you have to wait for her to exit so you can get a good look. It was worth the wait and she wiggled and strutted her way across the parking lot into the store. I almost went back in, she was THAT cute🥰.

As I passed by her car I noticed her personalized license plate: SWIVEL. 


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Prominent Member     Florida, United States of America
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Absolutely Katey, I wear romantic lingerie to bed every night so I feel extremely feminine as Jess! 

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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That’s wonderful ❤️

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