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Hello to all on CDH,
Here's a "leftover" from the old forum format
Many moons ago, as well as being Catherine, (after wonderfully dressed lady going out to formal ball), I also came up with a middle name... Louise. The only connection I can think of with this is vi and old and dear friend living in the UK
So here I am, Catherine Louise Ryan" or as I normally prefer, just plain "ol Caty". true enuff, I'm closer to 80 than 70!
Does anyone else have the same
Happy dressing wherever you are.
I don't have a middle name. So much tied in with my chosen name, I never thought to have a middle. I'd have to think more if I want to. I think it's wonderful that you found yours, and it made me think.
My full name is Angela Marie Wagner. Marie is a very common middle name for the women in my family.
Good point, but no, just a short form.
My full name is Jill Ann Quinn. I like the double consonant in each name for one thing, and a middle name seemed natural to me. I chose Ann to honor my mother. She never knew Jill, hell, she didn't know me for that matter. But that was a matter of fate, destiny, or God, take your pick, but most certainly not her choice. She passed away three years ago, months before I understood I was a cross dresser. From what my dad has told me about her, I have her gentle nature and I suppose that's a way of knowing her. He also said she was a very loving mother, so I'm pleased and honored to carry her middle name as my own. I hope she would approve and be happy with both of my halves.
Hugs, Jill Ann
My name is Lauren Paulina Mugnaia.
Ms. Lauren M
Ooh, I've never considered a middle name. I'm going to have to give this some thought and revert back xx.
My middle name is Michelle.
I am a country girl from Georgia.
My first & middle name is my complete name.
I rarely think about it but a long time ago I became Denise Patricia Tano.
My last name is a portion of my true last name which I don't publish. Lol
I use my second name as a last name here: Claudine.
Gisela Claudine.
I was Melanie for many years then fancied a change, because I can! My best friend came up with Beverly which I love and suits me much better, but I've always had Anne as a middle name.
Hi Caty,
My middle name is Claire,
I'm Rozalyn Claire Richards, I just love the name Claire, it wouldn't work the other way round having Rozalyn as my middle name,
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
Never gave it a thought - something to ponder now that you've mentioned it.
Before I settled on Fiona, I was thinking of being Janice, after the only 6' tall lady that I have ever met, quite some years ago. Janice then became my middle name. I chose the surname Finlay because my initials would then match the letters on the registration of one of my cars and kind of give me a personalised plate for free! Vanity, eh? 🤭
So, I am Fiona Janice Finlay, at your service *drops a curtsey* 🙂 xxx