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Do you keep a Crossdressing diary/journal ?

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Honorable Member     Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
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I keep a diary on my laptop at home (in a password protected account). For each crossdressing session I write about what I did and wore, plus include some selfies. In addition I add entries about my thoughts and feelings about my CD'ing.

I find the diary very useful. Its helped me track my CD development. If I haven't had the chance to dress for a while look at it to remind myself about the delights of dressing.

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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The nearest thing I have is my Flickr account. I don't really record feelings, but it gives me a record of outfits, and I can work out where I was and what I was doing from the photos and captions 🙂

I used to write a blog, but it's so defunct that I think the domain name expired.

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Reputable Member     Tacoma, Washington, United States of America
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I do keep a diary. I think I started a good 4 years ago now for each time I dress. Some are short and simple and occasionally some have much more detail. When I started it was only what I did then I later added my outfit which I liked a lot. As I go out each time dressed I write details of where I went, hat I did and anyone I met. Sometimes I send myself an email with attached pics. If it had something more special I sometimes post on my flickr page. Always surprised at how many views, comments and likes they receive. It's rare I go back and read any but every now and then I do and am glad I wrote these.


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Estimable Member     Mantua Township, New Jersey, United States of America
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I do. I keep an old fashioned black and white notebook. I don't document what I wear as much as thoughts/feelings/developments in my crossdresing life. It's great to go back and see how things have been playing out; both happy and sad, interesting and mundane. I highly recommend it!

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Wow. To document ones crossdressing journey. I have not, but Alicen, you have made me wonder what those pages would contain. I can only imagine if I had jotted down notes when I first dressed? Those first feelings. What led me on this journey. Those close, and sometimes uncomfortable, encounters. Subsequent purges and lapses. Times of undisturbed indulgence. Efforts taken to prevent discovery and as you said, the progression. Holy moly, all that combined, it might have made a good book. Then again, maybe not.
For those of you that do. God bless. Your reflections may give posterity a better understanding of who we are.
As for me, naaaah. I'm just going to enjoy the moment. HUGS Mina.

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Honorable Member     South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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I have started a diary many times and regret not committing to continuing this, I think it would be quite good to look back on my dressing and how I felt at the time.  It would also have been nice to have some of the outfits documented over time to see how styles and my tastes have changed.  I am thinking about starting a blog, just for my own amusement and to document my journey and thoughts, one never knows it could lead to a Netflix series, but then again perhaps not.

Jessica x.

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Honorable Member     Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
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You have some lovely photos on Flickr

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I too have a diary but it is really a photo one, so I can see how I develop and yes my change in fashion ( still like short skirts though ).

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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I would love to, but afraid someone untrustworthy would find it. Keeping my goods hidden and covering my tracks for my online purchases is already a full time job on it's own.

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Not so much a diary or journal, more as a frustrated writer from way back, I write articles for sites like this one detailing my "Cd'ing adventures".

These go back a very long way and have been "published" many times in various on line and hard copy journals. I'd detail some links here but the two I could nominate are now well and truly defunct.

( I'd like to think I did not cause tha above) and sadly in teh case of sister House .net, I know this to be true, cos the wonderful founder Tasi Devil passed away last Christmas.)

Well I'll be "buttered on both sides". One of my old missives just fitted in here. ("wrong button", but it worked!)

Happy dressing and reading


PS Tricia is me!!

PPS check out my CDH profile fora couple more stories





Tricia Riley is a “mature aged” crossdresser, based in regional Victoria, Australia  Over a working career which involved frequent interstate and overseas travel, Tricia  experienced many adventures, some of them quite scary, others quite humorous and the rest, just sheer crossdressing pleasure.


In conjunction with Frock Magazine, Tricia  has deceided to put these stories into print. Her motives for doing this are to try to assist those Frock readers who are perhaps a bit apprehensive about their cross dressing and what it means to them and those around them. It is intended that these people sit and read this document as they enjoy the wonderful, safe secure and non judgemental environment as provided by Frock


Whilst the “old gray mare” does not look as good as she used to, (far too many wrinkles caused by macho male pursuits in the sun), she hopes her “life experiences” as detailed in Frock will assist

Tricia ’s  crossdressing sisters in their own life experiences .


For rest assured Tricia  has been through most of what crossdressing life hands out. Like so many, she started at a very early age, in her case her mother’s clothes and getting “sprung” by rellies whilst wearing them. (Tricia  doubts her lovely Mum appreciated her cutting off the straps off one of her bras to make it strapless!!!). Being convinced that by getting married, the “urge” would go away, but with all that feminine finery under Tricia ’s nose, only making it worse. Eventually divorce from someone who just could not handle the idea, her husband wanted to dress as a woman. Thence,  broken relationships with her children.


Numerous sessions with counsellors, some good some not so good. “Go home, turn the cold shower tap on and then think about being dressed in your finest”. Needless to say that did not work!!!. Equally tho’, Tricia  has had immense help from good counsellors so please, if it will work for you “dear reader”, give it your best shot!!!


But with all of this now behind her, Tricia  enjoys a new relationship with a loving new partner. This in itself creates many challenges as her “new and wonderful” knows nothing about Tricia  and keeping this secret can be quite a task.


The key here is to work hard to keep Tricia  away as much as possible from anywhere where “Ms X” may regularly inhabit in their home. Tricia ’s “Sheduoiur” (aka her rather large Shed), provides this environment.


Thus to all whom read this, we sincerely trust that at the very least you will smile and at best, some valuable tips about how to enjoy your “alter ago”


The American country/folk singer Jimmy Buffet, sums it all up nicely in a lyric from his song “He Went to Paris”












Over so many decades of travelling and crossdressing, Tricia  had a number of experiences whereby either a fluke or mere good fortune saved her from many “em BRAcing”, (abb. “embarrassing”), moments.


Here a few of them




With only small value commercial samples in her luggage Tricia  was always careful not to antagonise the “nice Customs man” by not declaring them. Most times they just waved her through the “green” This worked everywhere except a certain North American airport, where on at least three occasions, all of  Tricia ’s luggage. complete with all her "finery", was examined in minute detail. (Thank goodness in a private room!!).

With male clothes plus Tricia 's and the "stuff"  needed for work, she regularly had well over 30kgs of luggage. This led to comments such as


"You have enough luggage there for two". Yes,.. well,... quite so...

  1. "All that travel must be a real drag"


Well yes, you could say that.


OR A business contact comes to my hotel room, comments on the mirror with all the globes around it. "Hey, that would be great for putting make up on"

Unanswered question? Was he "one of us" or did he guess/know about me?....I "ended the association" very shortly afterwards, (business matter, not the mirror). Come to think of it,

same city as the “Red Channel”, did he have a contact in Customs at the airport?? We will never know….





The zip on my garment bag let go at an airport in Northern Europe. That was the compartment with all Tricia 's "unmentionables". (Including my forms and wigs....).Luckily "company policy" was to carry them all in plastic shopping bags. Cos all that could be seen was my garment bag and about six shopping bags merrily parading around the baggage carousel, in front of a plane load of people waiting for their bags.

A VERY quick “ baggage collection” ensued and I was out of that airport quicker than a 747 on take off….


3/. Driving around Perth late one night dressed, imagining I'm Tricia  the "female rep" for my company. Up and down a couple of dark streets wasn't smart, attracted the attention of "Perth's finest". Flashing lights, the works....Rule one when dressed. Dont drink alcohol;. Rule 2. Carry your drivers licence. 3/. Be polite to the nice constable. Nett result. "Think you should head back to your hotel now...... SIR....."

Think film, "Just Like A Woman" Our hero/ine goes out on the town, gets pulled over by the cops, spends night in cells in his/her "finest"

Post Sept 11 2001, Tricia ’s "signed the (temporary) CD pledge". Twice in 24 hours the Yanks went through my luggage with a fine tooth comb. (Why me, do I look like a terrorist)  Well at that stage Tricia  yes, cos you had not used make up for eons, your wardrobe was a shambles and your wigs were bird’s nests.

So to just be the "normal" (sic)... me on that trip was a blessing.... (I could add the words, "in disguise...). But no, that's pushing the metaphor a bit too hard...




Transformation Shop, Manchester UK, late '80's. Overnight stay organised, so is Tricia . So I'm wandering around the shop with my "spare wallet", (see security precautions, last chapter), with quite a few quid in it I might add. Put it down on the counter and get distracted for a few seconds. Another "punter" in the shop was far too quick for me, lost the lot... That took the edge off that stay as well.......Later years Transformation shot one of their early CD videos in the rooms above the shop. Brought back memories of my lost, "currency of the British realm".

On one trip to an Australian capital I arranged to go to a dressing service, which, OK, offered “other services”. (Not that I “indulged” in same). So Tricia  is all dressed and made up and having a nice time with the lady “assistant”, when suddenly this “nutter with a knife” bursts into the room looking for money.


Now even in “male mode” I could not fight my way out of a wet paper bag, so I had no hope of ever doing much whilst in “Tricia  mode”. So I just sat there calmly and handed over my wallet and he took off like a scalded cat.. (See “Security Precautions II” in the last chapter).


OK, that got most of the “bodily harm” problem out of the way. But if the police got there before I got out of the place, I would have ended up a/. as a star witness in an armed robbery case and b/. divorced.


So off comes the clothes and make up and back into male mode and then I’m out on a busy main road circa midnight, with no money and desperately searching for a cab.


If “fortune favours the brave” (aka damn fool for going to this establishment in the first place), it sure did that night. I did manage to get a cab and I did manage to convince reception at my hotel to let me back into my room to pay the cabbie.


But I think I hid under the bed covers for about an hour after I got back to my room. Helped calm me down a bit.


Chapter 3/. MORE MASCARA, (if you don’t laugh you”ll cry) MESSERS


Early morning in a ladies recycle shop in Sydney. I’d written in advance and was welcomed by the owner. I’m in the changing room trying on a few dresses and she gets “invaded” by some “genuine” customers. Just as well I’d allowed PLENTY of time before I was due to do my first sales call for the day, cos they took what seemed liked at ETERNITY to leave the shop. Don’t remember if I bought anything, just leaving in a hell of a hurry.

I go to a very good East London dressing service with the objective of looking my best and then out to a trans friendly nightclub. I felt great and thought I looked the same. Before we left, the owner puts on a very long blonde wig, obviously her “disguise” for the night. Outside the club and on arrival, some passers by said “oh, look at that tranny”. My reaction?? They must be referring to “long blonde wig” beside me….

A long time Pommy tranny contact lines me up with his make up artist partner and off we head to the famous “Ron Storme’s” tranny nightclub in London. Again I’m looking and feeling great. Coffees at a late night caf afterwards at a tranny friendly place complete with Karoake. Two memories. “Christine” gets up and does (deep baritone?) Karoake to a song I still hear on the radio, but right now the title wont come to me. 2/. Another tranny joins us and tells me to improve my beard cover, cos its showing through my make up.

That deflated poor old Tricia’s ego more than somewhat. With "compliments" like that it’s no wonder I "signed the pledge" for as long as I did. Tho I do recall a couple of "tranny admirers" eyeing me off that night. Did not know whether to be scared or flattered...


Early on in my CD travelling days I was befriended by a new North American client and utlimately invited to his home for dinner.

So I of course went to some trouble to buy a gift for my hosts, from memory I think it was a bottle of good Aussie wine. Trouble was, (HUGE "BBOOOOB" BBBOOOOO), I got my shopping bags a bit mixed up. Yes, the wine bottle was there but also in the bottom the bag was one of my first attempts to purchase some cheap foam falsies.

Somehow, we all got over this very "em BRA cing" (abb. embarrasing), moment and I kept in contact with this couple on many a trip afterwards.


Chapter 4/. FUNNY NOW, BUT NOT THEN!!!


Back in the mid 90’s Tricia  achieved a very long held ambition to stay overnight with Juliette at Sophie's Dressing Service, then of Plymouth and one of the best of that ilk in the UK. Had a great time, (still got the photos to prove it).

Plan B after leaving there was to spend the day as Tricia  driving to my next accomodation down in Cornwall. About a four hour drive and a huge conundrum. Whilst I was wanting the "world" to see what a great job Juliette had done turning me into Tricia , I was equally scared witless that someone would "spring" me.

It was supposed to be a "tranny friendly B&B". Instead it was a dump of a place run by a very scary character whom when I arrived greeted me in the driveway in the "full disaster", "external" S&M gear. Black everything, boots, full cape, hat, the works. The "accomodation" walls were covered in all manner of S&M posters and prints.

Needless to say I found this very unnerving and having paid in advance, got out of there ASAP next morning and as the "normal me" hightailed it to a "normal" hotel.


On another trip, location, a North American town. Local CD group cajoles me out for dinner dressed. I was petrified, but starvation was the only other option. But I survived the night OK. Next day I'm "out on the road" with one of the local reps and it gets to lunch and he pulls into the same town. I thought, "if he takes me into the same restaurant, I’m gone". Luckily no. Have the photos from then too.  Really look like a man in a dress… But I improved as the years rolled by



I made "penfriends", (remember them?? "pre FB", Facebook), with someone in a major northern capital city. So I went there for a dressing session one night. It all went well, until a/. this person became "tipsy" and b/. started making "untoward suggestions". So  I made a VERY quick change back to "me" and headed for my rental car. Opened the boot and this big "plus size" blighter promptly sat in it and refused to move...

I got him out... eventually and yes, that was another night of getting back to the safety of my hotel.









I distinctly remember sitting at my desk at work, planning the next O/S trip and the critical business dates I needed to be “there today, somewhere else tomorrow” BINGO!. This trip coincided with the The Tiffany Club of New England’s three day TG Convention at Provincetown out on Cape Cod. One of the best and longest running in the States.  “YAY!! I CAN GO TO P’TOWN!!!”


Got there and by the time the resident make up artist had finished with me I looked and felt like a million bucks. (Blonde wig, black Liz Davenport pant suit, matching black dangly earrings, 4” black high heels, etc etc.) Half way through the first night, what I thought was serious health problem re-emerged. (Travel stress caused it). I panicked and got back to "me" in very short order and headed back to Boston like a scalded cat. So what should have been three days of crossdressing bliss just did not happen.

<u>Chapter 6/. “ER INDOORS WILL GO SPARE”</u>


Just a couple relating to my ex "'er indoors". I once overheard her conversation with someone, (whom does not matter for this story), when she was talking about expensive ladies clothing.

"No one we know wears Schaparelli or Dior stockings". Wrong dearest, they always were a weakness of mine... Sotto voce, of course...(Black, seamless, preferably with a nice tight corset and high heels, both black...,naturally!!)

Later years of our time together I would arrange to meet her somewhere in Oz or NZ on the back end of one of my o/s work trips for a holiday... Hmmm... Planning required here. If I cant ditch Tricia 's stuff before we meet I'm in deep, deep, do do. (Remember she hated my CD'ing with a passion, but give me credit, I did tell her early on, she did not find out the hard way).

So..... Flights are organised so that I get in well before her, cheap motel rooms are booked for a few hours, "packaging materials" sent there well in advance and if all goes to plan, Tricia 's gear is despatched from the local post office to my "secure address" at home and I'm all smiles back at the airport as she gets off her plane.

Back up plan in case flight schedules come unstuck??? Buy cheap luggage at last work port of call, pack Tricia 's stuff in that before check in and if necessary, beseech airline staff to send it to me at home as unaccompanied luggage. Did not come to this, tho' did have to carry a "modicum" of Tricia 's gear around a NZ holiday once, labelled in my bags as "quote samples". Awkward Customs decs and getting it in back into OZ, you see.

I remember doing it up in Qld one trip, these days I still go to that city for holidays. The "cheap motel" is passed on a regular basis, but there's so many of them on that strip, I cant remember which one it was.... Remember the post office tho'...


Used to love bridal gowns and formal wear, but how to get them? Answer, tell stories in recyled formal wear shops about a role reversal fancy dress party. (Yes.. An oldie but a goody!!!). "She can get into my dinner suit but I cant get into her bridal gown".

These days if I tried that stunt, it would have to be "mother of the bride"....Not to mention that with what a bridal gown costs these days, what wife would let her CD'ing husband near it???..  Still it happens  on the “CD fiction” sites on the web enough, so that will have to do.


Cut to my time with my current and beloved partner. We once went to a live stage show where one of the main male characters spends most of the show in a dress. So when she said, "most guys at some stage have dressed as women, have you???", I just about fell through the floor. Hated lying to her, but I had no choice.

Recently, Ms X,  responded thus to my question about the location within our residence of a steel tape measure.  Her reply, "it's next to MY TRANNY (aka her small radio), in the laundry cupboard".

Says I sotto voce, "Well how can that be dearest, when "she" is standing right next to you???"..

AAHHHH,....... if only it were so.......  OR


Before she leaves for her days away, (aka Tricia  Days, otherwise I’d have no chance), instead of asking me about my “proposed day’s activities” it’s “what have you got on today.”


“Well dearest, I’ve just had the zip fixed in my long evening dress, so I’d like to try that and after that perhaps, the lovely Fella Hamilton bronze three piece, jacket cami and skirt” Bronze strappy sandals and jewellery to match. (Wearing it all now).




1/. In addition to crossdressing , another “hobby” of mine is fishing. This and by now what you dear reader should have realised is a badly warped sense of humour, led me to pose the following question to a few of my CD friends.


OK, you are out fishing en femme, you hook the “fish of a lifetime”, (insert prize species here) and just as you lean over to net the fish either your wig falls off or a breast form drops out of your bra and the current is running rather hard. Which do you net? The fish or the vital part of your en femme self???




Survey Result??


Non fishers went for the ”en femme” item, fishers went for the fish. I’m in the latter category, cos forms/wigs can be replaced and you cant circulate a “brag” photo to your fishing mates of a “triangular C cup”!!!


Ah the wonders of the English language and how different meanings are attached to words.

EG Victoria's famous sail powered ‘couta fishing boats are said to be "gaff rigged". So when a CD like me "tucks" (or perhaps that should be "tacks"!!), does this make me "gaff rigged". Certainly keeps the "mainmast" steady!

Tho', those from the fishing fraternity would be very much inclined to wince in pain. A gaff for them is a stick with a very pointy and sharp hook at one end. Big game fishermen use a much more lethal sounding device, i.e. the "flying gaff".

Made my eyes water just typing this….




Another one that has me “pondering” is how when we CD’s  buy “undies”, it’s “lingerie” or “intimate apparel”, all very ethereal… Then back in male mode, it’s back to marketing reality with a big thud….“Socks and jocks”.




As a life long lover of female period clothing, (think I must have been a female back in the 1800’s, all those bustles, bows and corsets), 2013 saw  me achieve my ambition of owning a 17<sup>th</sup> century ball gown, complete with flowing overskirt, panelled underskirt, panniers, i.e. the “full disaster”. This led me to think that will all the width created by the panniers, I  should ask my supplier to embroider a small sign on the back of the dress .Ala warning signs we have on the back of trucks here in “Oz”


"Do not overtake Turning Tranny"!!!!???


 Only drawback... the red and yellow they use on those truck signs did not match the rest of the selected dress colours.....

Thus as at March 2015 , here Tricia  sits in her “Sheduior”. There are times when she hankers for the “good old days” and perhaps a dinner out en femme or a nice drive in the country. But living the “small town country life” (complete with hypersonic gossip mill) and given the situation on the “home front”, very little realistic opportunity to dress away from the Sheduior, she is content to let you “dear reader” enjoy your “other self” in whichever way suits you best..


Have a glass of wine for Tricia  if you are able to venture out tonight!!!








1/. Enjoy our “unusual hobby” to the full extent you can. This within the financial and physical environment you find yourself in. IE The $$$ you have available after all other necessary expenses and your situation with friends and family.


2/. Unless you are absolutely sure those you love will react positively to your femme side, keep your femme self to yourself. They know and love the person you present from day to day, so they don’t need to have this “whole new you” sprung on to them.


3/. If you cant resist “spreading your wings” and 2/. above applies, the Internet is your friend here. You can spend hours reading and learning from others in the same situation as you. “YOU ARE NOT ALONE”.


4/. Be discreet. By this I mean if you wish to communicate with other TG”s, set up a “generic” email address and get a PO Box not within your same delivery area for delivery of clothes, make up etc. A credit card separate from your “usual” and with a low limit is a good way of ensuring your “usual” does not get hacked for too many $$$. A Paypal account is a good idea too.


5/. When shopping for femme things, the shopowners will be happy to take your money, but just do it so you do not embarrass them, their female clients or for that matter yourself.

Advance phone calls/e.mails are a great way to “smooth the way” and if you can arrange to be there during quiet times, so much the better. Many of the people Tricia  has dealt with have a very positive attitude to us CD’s, so be sure to return that compliment.


6/. After a dressing session, wherever that may be, go back to that area at least twice and check to see if you have left any “incriminating evidence” behind. Security is paramount and it’s easy to leave “clues”. This comment comes from personal experience!! If you have used make up, a/. Take it off in the laundry or some such place, not the main bathroom. Place your “clean up” materials in a separate shopping bag and preferably dispose of same in a public rubbish bin. The more steps you take not to leave “evidence” around the less chance you have of getting “sprung”.


7/. “If it’s all too much and you have to tell someone” do it with a professional counsellor first. Then if that works maybe you can ease your loved ones into the “femme you” with a couple of sessions.





1/.If you are in a married  or long term relationship, DO NOT touch her clothes, lingerie, make up etc. It’s hers and her alone and if she finds you having been using it, well “hell hath no fury, etc. etc” Find some way to procure and store your own


2/. Just open up one day and tell her you like to wear women’s clothes. There’s no easy way to “break it to her gently”, so just “stow it” until maybe it can be breached in a nice way. Try to think about her and how she will fare if she is told and does not like the idea. If she leaves, where will she live, will she take the kids??. I can attest that separation and divorce is not only traumatic, but very, very costly.


3/. If you must go out dressed for your sake and that of others you should/.


a/.Unless you are REALLY convincing, do not use the ladies toilets. Take a small container with you in the car and….. Also if out driving, a track suit, runners and make up wipes should be carried at all times. Emergencies do occur and you may need to get back to the “male you” in a hurry.


b/. Obviously carry a purse and handbag, but only have the bare “financial essentials” with you. Small amounts of cash and only one credit card. “Cos if you lose the lot, “Questions will no doubt, be asked in the House” Plus, of course, your driver’s license…


This covers the “Cash Security” in Chapter 2


c/. Find a way to leave and return from your “outing” quietly and discreetly. If home is not an option, the “motel for the afternoon” trick should do it. Find one where you can park outside your room and/or don’t go past reception.


Here endeth the “mini novel”


Happy Dressing


Tricia Riley

SomewhereTown Vic





Posts: 27
Eminent Member     Florida, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I use to keep a journal writing about my experience and how I felt that day. Until my mother found it and showed it to my therapist. During that time if we had family functions she would bring it out to embarrass me in front of family. Some family would come and tell me good luck with my transition. Others would say I needed to be locked up or a good beating. Now they are not in my life to see how I have grown and the good things I have done.



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