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Do your kids know?

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Trusted Member     LONGVIEW, Texas, United States of America
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I have 4 little kids ages 1 to 11. They should know i wear panties because I don't hide it and have had a few discussions on it since I started wearing them. The older ones don't care as long as I'm comfortable but my wife is nervous that they will find out about the other things I wear.

So my question is, do your kids know? How did they find out and how did you talk to them about it?

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Good question, we have 4 kids too, ours are26-31. I told them about 10 years ago, my wife and I separated for a while and I didn't want my life to come out like dirty laundry, so I sat them down and told them. They really weren't phased by it, they had some questions. How long have I been like this? Am I gay? My youngest son asked if it was hereditary? I said no and it's not contagious either. The younger generation is much more accepting and open to these things than it was back in my day. Thanks for asking.

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
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Hi 1 daughter has a suspicion but she is full grown with kids of her own. I live alone 500 miles from nearest relative so, it is not an issue for me. Showed my pictures to my mother 95 and she didn't recognize me!!!!!! I told her it was me....and she said....well, you were always different from your litter mates! 5 minutes later, I showed her again....she didn't know who I was!!! Oh that is one of your girl friends from that stupid computer!  I like to talk to the hole in the wall.....get better response...sigh!

Dame Veronica

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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My kids are young adults, and they do not know.  I don't know how I would ever tell them, or if  I would.

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Good question! No my two children do not know. They are grown and have children of their own and they are 2000 miles away. If I were to tell them I would have to tell my very young grandchildren at some point too. At this point I am way too scared to tell them or anyone else for that matter. But you never know how the future will pan out so it is one day at a time for me. Still at some point if  I plan on coming out and walking the Earth outside of my domicile they should know from me and nobody else. TTFN💋👠


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Estimable Member     Bath, Somerset, United Kingdom
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My 2 boys are 3 and 1 so they are to young to know about my feminine side, I do dress infront of them though when my wife is at work, I have always said to myself that I won't ever hide it from them but I do get worried that they will tell people when they are older and at school and may get bullied because their dad is a crossdresser, I most likely will tell them but when they are 18 or so.

Samantha x

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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My girls are both in their 40's. The older one asked far too many questions about 20 years ago and "sprung me". This on top of my ex hating it cuased a nasty split for a lot of years. I'm back with my girls now, cos they think I "dont do that anymore". But of course I do...



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I have 2 spooky smart (state academic champion daughter) children that don’t miss much. My daughter I am sure knows as she has asked way to many subtle questions and has even asked for my help walking in heels and with clothes and makeup... much to my wife’s extreme displeasure. My son is 10 and reads at a college level and has corrected his teacher on her math mistakes but seems to find most humans beneath him and I am not much of a mental challenge for him so he just ignores me, so I doubt he knows or cares. My wife does not want our children subjected to my issues and our agreement is it stays out of the house on the road. I suspect some day my daughter and I will talk about it as we are very close and honest with each other. I suspect my son will never be overly interested enough to ask or care as long as dad will hang out and help him try to forge a sword


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Famed Member     Richmond, Virginia, United States of America
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I have two adult kids-mid 20s. Told them when they were 16 because they were considering coming to live with me instead of my ex. They were ok with it, but neither really wants to see it or talk about it.

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Yes!! My kids know I put the whole shabang on. I absolutely love make up so I started with that first. So they could see me. They giggled and then the next thing. It was normal. I told them I would try not to embarrass them but now they act like they don't care. 3 and 8   Hope to do my daughters make up for prom.





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