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before i became a cd i had less feelings about people and other things. i didn't care much about people of other races, what women go through and feelings. don't know if because i'm a cd or just getting older. i think it about being a cd. ever since i became a cd i understand women and treat them better. i have and know a lot of people of different color and races. i get along with just about anyone when in cd mode. i shed tears whenever something is sad or someone does something really nice for someone else. even at the movies i can shed a tear if some kid is going to get killed or someone falls in love. has your cd'ing changed your life for better or worst?
It is honestly pretty hard to determine how much my dressing or nonconforming gender expression has to do with my depth of empathy. I started dressing at a younger age and I never really felt like any people in the world were "wrong" to express themselves a certain way. I like to think that without dressing I would have matured into a well-adjusted adult who accepts all kinds of people either way. But I think being part of a marginalized group certainly helps in that regard.
All my life I felt that my emotions and reactions to things were more like a female would feel and react than a male would. I certainly had male feelings but the feminine feelings were the more prominent.
I have tried to look at things differently.I am more calm for sure.Always been a Republican and that will never change.I really don’t identify with trans issues or pride stuff.I respect others views just don’t care to be bothered.I just try and live my life my way.
What an interesting question.
I would have to say that since coming out and acknowledging my CD'ing I am kinder and gentler. I spent most of my life suppressing any emotions that could have been construed as feminine. When I described things they were nice never pretty or beautiful and shy away from anything that gave the appearance of being feminine. After retiring from the military I became a nurse and this caused me to be a bit more empathic and compassionate. I became more aware of female issues (hard not to when you work with predominately women). Since coming out I find myself being more emotional and sensitive, I will cry when watching movies though I still try to stifle it. I'm more aware of people issues (how others are treated) and more tolerant of others. I'm not sure how much of that has to do with age and how much has to do with CD'ing or a combination of the two. I do know that I feel better about myself and am enjoying life more.
PS - by the way chick flicks are more fun to watch when you're not trying to be macho and let your true feelings out - my wife and I enjoy watching award shows and critiquing the outfits on the red carpet
Good topic Rachel. Personally, I don’t think being a CD changes my view on things overall. I DO think that when you’re dressed as a lady, part of the “act” is portraying yourself as more sensitive to things. Gives you carte blanche to be emotional and more understanding -if you will. Maybe shed some tears that you wouldn’t if you were in male mode.
I’m an empathetic person to start with and in Grace mode I suppose that trait is more suitable. I used to have girlfriends tell me I was “too nice.” Friends too. I don’t think being “too nice” is a bad thing in any persona. I try to stay in touch with my feelings because those are usually the best judge of people. Go with your gut feelings - as more often than not, they’re right. And you’re right that getting older adds to the equation. Everyone gets mellower at some point as they age.
I do believe all people have male and female traits within them -whether they admit to it or not. CDs are just more interested in exploring those dynamics than your average “Joe Six-Pack”.🥰
I think that because I've been dressing for so very long I've always felt for others and their plights. I always tried to show kindness to others in the hope that I would receive the same, especially when I presented as Cheryl.
Rachel great question!
my thinking doesn’t change too much when out as female because I have effectively the same personality male or female. My female expression is in a way an extension of who I already am. Ok in male mode I dont wear high heels … but I tend to treat people the same way.
in short inside the same person, but some of my expressions change. for example I love to compliment women I meet. But as a male I’m a little careful as to not give the wrong impression. As a female I do it way more to women …. But not to men.
I can't really talk about any difference in my outlook between being dressed and being in male mode, as I don't really do male mode any more (the occasional 'Fiona in boymode' doesn't really count). My personality is as it is, all the time. I do know my attitudes towards a lot of things have changed over the years, I'm way more understanding and respectful of differences than I used to be - I certainly couldn't do what I'm now doing with the attitudes I had even twenty years ago, when I was already supposedly 'adult'. Although I think of my shift into femininity as being quite a recent thing and somewhat surprising for it, maybe I've been on this road for a lot longer than I realise. I definitely had a long way to travel from where I was, that's for sure.