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I have often wondered if anyone here has a son, nephew, or grandson who is also a crossdresser?
if so, do they know about you and if they do, do you dress/do things together en femme?
I don’t have a son. I do have a daughter. I don’t know if my ex told her about me. I don’t think crossdressing runs in families. My own brother is very transphobic and even though I love him, I would never tell him about my little hobby.
Well, funny you should ask. My son said he was “gender dysphoric” and I didn’t want him making major life irreversible decisions while he was going through puberty so I told him about me in confidence to illustrate the very many paths on this journey.
Wow Sheryl, that was very brave of you. How did your son react?
Well, actually he was pretty non-plussed about the whole thing. I have found this generation takes all things gender very much in stride. He’s a very good kid and he would have taken any advice from me with or without that information, but I felt like he might be more open to talking to me about it all if he know I had 1st hand experience. And it worked because he does. No matter what’s going on with me in my life, I have to be a father first.
I have two daughters and aside from them wearing women's jeans,pants or leggings, that's as far as their "crossdressing" goes
However, my mother was a very zany character and would do things at the tender age of 75plus, like putting on a schoolgirl uniform, curly black(cheap) wig, flowery tights and a garter on her leg and sip on a "stubby", (aka small bottle of beer).
I've often wondered if I inherited her "penchant" for dressing, albeit as Caty and not as some kind of male version. EG Clown or Hobo. (I;d like to think I would not.. make a good hobo..)
Oh, and by the way, I believe dressing as a woman DOES run in the family! I got it from my Mother!
Hmm, I can't say for sure that it doesn't run in my family as I don't believe any of my brothers 'indulge' nor my sisters - all married to the opposite appearing sex. My adult children all appear pretty straight, two married with children, and the third is very much into their own sex, as far as I can tell. My several grandchildren also seem to be not into it.
However...I have several pictures of my (our) father who at about age 7-9 was dressed up by his older sister (+2 years). And it's appears 'Dad' took the pictures. Now, 'Dad' being my grandfather was heavily involved in his college theater group (very similar to Harvard's Hasty Pudding Club), was President his senior year, and appeared in a college production as a chorus girl - I've seen his picture in costume used as an example of early 1900's college theater in a fairly viewed publication. My father I don't think appeared on stage but he was heavily involved and was VP his senior year.
As an aside, I really did not know about all the above for years as my grandfather died in his 40's before I was born and my father died accidently when I was 4. I did appear in 2 college plays and was 'heavily' involved in community theater for a number of years before I found out about the above. President for a year, did lots of backstage stuff, and on stage in 5 productions but only in male drag, as it were.
So, does crossdressing run in our family? From an outsider's (and fully not understanding) view, maybe? In reality? I don't think so, but I can't be sure.
great question Genni I know my father was a roughhouse type of man and I don't think my two adult sons are into crossdressing.
I certainly hope it is just me as it is a tough life and a very lonely one!
My main family is / was all male, except my mother (the grief that she must have gone through with 3 sons!) and, now, our daughter.
Except seeing a 1926-7 picture of Dad as a baby in a white dress, there is no indication of anything else going on. If anyone of us was going to be out of the ordinary, it would be me. 🥳
If anyone of us was going to be out of the ordinary, it would be me.
That's pretty much what I said about myself in a post on another thread 🙂
I'm the only one in my family that I know of. Pretty sure from his reaction to my coming out that Dad never did, and pretty sure that my son isn't inclined either, although in the manner of his generation he totally understands gender positions other than the usual binary.
I always wondered about an uncle in our family.
He kept his nails perfectly manicured and painted with clear coat. Also, his hair had a grey streak in it that had to be professionally dyed in, and his hair was perfectly maintained. Interestingly, he was very familiar with female fashions too.
I’ve often wondered if there is a genetic component to our crossdressing. I believe we may be pre-programmed at birth. Some is latent, and some blossoms and is acted upon. But I do know that I have a niece that is trans, if you can call it that at 13. I also believe that everyone has a desire to dress as the opposite sex at some time in their life, just out of curiosity. Especially males, I mean who wouldn’t be curious about all the female clothing options available to women and just how they feel.
But,I don’t think that any of my male relatives have a tendency to dress, but they could be like me, and nobody would know or guess.
Hi girls
i dont know if it runs in a family gene wise.
but nice always felt that I was predisposed to cross dressing. My interest in lingerie goes back very early in my life. With it being some of my earliest recollections.
I do believe they my second son now in his late 30’s may crossdress or has a lingerie fetish. There was a few instances at home where I knew for sure he tried on my ex wife’s lingerie. My ex also found a number of panties hidden in his bedroom. She tried to claim they were mine but I never hid anything in his room. I though maybe they were from his girlfriend but the more I though about how I hid panties when I was his age the more I realized they were his. One time I came home early and walked into our bedroom to find his mother lingerie drawer open and some items on the bed. He was the only one home. Realizing what was going on I went back downstairs and out into the back yard . I made some noise so he would know where I was. 1/2 hr latter I came back upstairs to find the lingerie put back in her drawers. We had a brief awkward moment later. But I never said anything to him but I knew how he was feeling. I’d been there at his age. After my divorce from his mother he decided to stop all contact with me. I feel some of this stems from his crossdressing but I’ll never know.
The very idea that there might be another crossdresser in my family is laughable. My family was so mired in toxic masculinity that I was the black sheep simply because I wore my hair long and preferred to live with my mother. My SOB paternal grandfather always called me his granddaughter because of my hair, my older brother was my first bully, and while I never doubted that my dad loved me I was a father myself before my dad saw me as a whole person. I can't imagine what would have become of me without the countervailing influence of my paternal grandmother who was my sole model of unconditional love growing up. Her quietly insistent defense and protection of me probably saved my life. My brothers don't know about me, and never will because we have never been close. Given their casual racism and homophobia over the years, it's a non-starter.
Tl;dr... not In my family!