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Hello all,
Do you find that who you are attracted to changes when you are dressed? In my male mode I'm really only attracted to women, but when I dress I feel a physical attraction to women, other dressers and even some men. When it comes to emotional attachment, I'm definitively only interested in women or other CDs.
Not much, but more so than in the past.
Hi Carlos,
No my attractions don't change when I'm dressed you see I'm Bisexual I'm attracted to men and women the same, it would be nice to have a big strapping man on my arm when I'm all dressed up in my finery, with a beautiful dress and all my makeup on and take me dancing or to a nice restaurant for a meal,
Hugs Roz X
Over the years my attraction to men has grown when I am dressed. Whenever I see a nicely dress man who is well kept I do find them attractive. When a person that has a great personality that is more important to me rather than their sex.
I have found that while I am dressed as a woman I am more attracted to a man. If I get another mans attention I feel that I am more feminine in my presentation. I was once at a Lesbian bar chatting with another attractive lady when a guy walked up and asked me to dance. I immediately went out on the dance floor with him and gave him all my attention. For me I wanted to impress the guy with my feminine attributes more than the girl that I was talking with.
Er, no. I seem rather attracted to myself though and tend to look in mirrors a lot when out shopping .
No dressing doesn't change my preferences. Obviously others that know me have asked the question when coming out as part of them looking for a reason. I have questioned myself in the past while doing my own reasoning and see from any topics on this question that others do too.
It could be that dressing also brings out an area of sexuality that was suppressed or evolves as part of the crossdressing.
It is complex as is most things but we are such a diverse group that no real rule applies to all.
Not at all.
The woman who did my makeover would always call me Alison, even when dressed in male mode. When I asked her why, she asked me, Is your wife/sister/mother still your wife/sister/mother when not wearing any makeup? The implication is that I am still the same person.
I could ask a similar question. Is <name a GG in your life> suddenly attracted to women in skirts or dresses when she is wearing pants? Asked that way, it is pretty absurd. I know that some crossdressers want to validate their femininity by being able to attract men. But I present as a woman because I want to be able to wear women's clothing without attracting undue attention. I have no desire for men no matter how I'm dressed.
Mine doesn't, I love my feminine self and only attracted to women. I guess if I was a woman full time I would be a lesbian.
Yes, very much so. When I am dressed I am very drawn to being with men.
I'm bisexual and have a boyfriend, so I'm attracted to my boyfriend even when not dressed, and when I'm dressed (mainly romantic lingerie at bedtime) and the hormones really fire up, you can only imagine how badly I want him.
When I dress in female clothes
I would like to be a woman of the 1950's
And take care of my husband
He would be such a lucky man
No, I like both Girls and Gurls, just now I like to be dressed while being with other gurls
That’s a great question. I’m attracted to women most definitely. As Rosiebeth I do have fantasies about men and I enjoy them but I would never really be with a man. Not sure where I fall in this category but I love feeling feminine and think about that manly touch. In reality I adore women and would not be with a man.