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Does your attraction change when you are dressed

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Trusted Member     Michigan, United States of America
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I totally agree with you, we never know what could’ve been, but we do know what our life is now at this very moment,❤️🌹

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@drose4evr Truth!!  I'm fortunate that I'm happy with mine!

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Trusted Member     Michigan, United States of America
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32 years with mine this year, she just don’t agree with the Feminine side of me, but I still make it work, I do get my private times❤️🌹

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Estimable Member     Northern Michigan , Michigan, United States of America
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I so admire and respect a lady, but when I dress I want a man I can please in every way.

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Eminent Member     Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
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I don’t think so, but it’s an interesting question! When I get the chance to dress, most of the time it’s for relaxation. It can just feel right to get fully dressed and potter about the house for a while. But who I’m attracted to never changes.

I would say that I love everything about femininity and could be attracted to anyone that expresses theirs - women, transgender, CD, whatever. I’m long past trying to label myself in that regard. I recently heard Daniel Craig discussing a new film of his(Queer), and one thing he said stuck out to me, that everyone’s sexuality is as individual as their fingerprint, which I think is a great way to look at it.

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@irishlaura Thank you for your insight - especially Daniel Craig's quote.  That is an interesting point of view that I had not considered.

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Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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I really don't have any interest in men when i'm dressed. Other than to say that they do play a part in allowing me to enjoy being feminine. When feminine they seem to want to rush in and grab your attention. lets say i was in the bar of a restaurant and in male mode. From time to time a female would strike up a conversation with me. In female mode its rare that someone doesn't. Its a bit heady to suddenly have so much attention. No one wants to disagree with you and everyone loves whatever you have to say.

I do find that my softer traits like listening, empathy and sensitivity are more prevalent when in female mode. I guess its just the way i act and appear to others. Other than helping me feel more feminine, i don't think i would ever like any man.       

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Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
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what about your aggressiveness? does the way your dressed change the way you feel also, if I am dress more submissive I what to be taken , on the other hand if I dress with a more dominant persona  I feel more predatory then I guess I want to take it lol even if I have to tie him or her up and spank em lol There I go again bad Liza

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@liza4you when I'm dressed I have to be more careful about the way I speak - I'm quite a bit more open minded when dressed than when I'm not.

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Estimable Member     Staten Island, New York, United States of America
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I guess I'm what you call pansexual since my attraction goes beyond gender, so I can see myself with a man, or a woman, or a transgendered person, however I've only been with women so far, so for all intents and purposes I'm a straight male. In the olden times that used to be called "bi-curious". That being said, I find myself more willing to explore that side of me when I present myself as a woman. That's probably due to me feeling more confident when I'm dressed en femme, but also I've noticed that it's easier for me to be turned on while I'm dressed that way as well. When I'm dressed in drab I don't feel that way at all.

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@orcharddwee you are describing me!!

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(@Anonymous 97944)
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Definitely.  Whether I am at home or out, being dressed intensifies my intense attraction for men.

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Estimable Member     Minnesota, United States of America
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No, my attraction never changes. I am attracted to women in both modes and, honestly, I feel like I am even more attracted to women when dressed up. At least, I tend to notice them more. Of course that also applies to my partner though that might be more appreciation than anything else.

In any case, I don't feel any sort of attraction to men no matter how I am dressed.

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Prominent Member     The Hub City, New Jersey, United States of America
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This discussion goes into the realm of fantasy for me. My feminine self is a product of my imagination. I have no dysphoria whatsoever. I am a guy and am attracted to women.  I also enjoy taking on a female persona at least on a superficial level, dressing pretty and stylishly as women do and being the one pursued rather than the pursuer as is the traditional male role. Crossdressing gives me some measure of living out that fantasy. Were i younger i would have been very confused by this, but not as  a 73 year old man that has been married for 43 years. These things help me to be more grounded  and secure in my identity now than i would have been then - even tho I might have missed out on some interesting experimentation!


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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@krisburton Great to see that you have been able to incorporate crossdressing into your life in such a positive way.  To be honest, I sometimes struggle with it

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Trusted Member     Michigan, United States of America
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got to admit when I am dressed, I tend to feel more, sensuous, and flirty, and that maybe one day that special person will find me attractive and tell me that I’m beautiful, what can I say I’m a sucker for romance, I just want to be loved for who I am,❤️🌹

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Trusted Member     Southern Central Indiana, Indiana, United States of America
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As a CD in my teens and twenties I was excited by most women and some TS. By my thirties, I was dressing more and was fantasizing about men while dressed.  After that I began to look at men when not Amberlynn and admired/fantasized about them.  Now, I really don’t look at women other than to see what they are wearing, nails, hair, or makeup.  I think women can be extremely sexy but I am no longer attracted to them.  I now find men attractive if I’m dressed or not.  

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
Posts: 110

@amberlynnkain Quite the change ... happy to see you embraced it

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Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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Not really. I’m married to the person I love but even if I wasn’t it would hard for me to be anyting more then a friend to a male figure. There just haven’t been but a few that I thought well enough of for anting more than an a friend. 

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Eminent Member     Michigan, United States of America
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Yes when I’m all dressed up in a pretty dress I am most definitely attracted to men I’m always attracted to CD’s and tgirls 💕


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Eminent Member     york, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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For me I am attracted to women and also CD's but turned off by guys

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