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I was replying to another post and mentioned if anyone ever asked about the woman driving out the driveway of hanging clothes on the line I would reply that my sister was visiting. That reminded about the other day when I had been looking at some family photos while I was dressed as Olivia. I had to go to the bathroom and while I was in there looking in the mirror I was shocked at how much I looked like my sister. Like seriously if we were standing side by side with me femme you would definitely say those two are sisters. At first I found this quite disturbing as while I love my sister to death she is pretty out there and the opposite of me in so many ways. Then I thought it is amazing that generally everyone thinks we don't look too much alike but with some makeup you can really see the resemblance.
Has anyone else found the same thing with your sister or even another relative?
In the first wig I bought (long, straight, grey/silver, centre parting) I found I looked very like my sister. Not that there's anything bad in the slightest about her or her looks, I just don't want to look like her! So that's one of the reasons why I don't wear it very much.
One million percent! It’s honestly a little disconcerting at times. From my mother to my sister and even my daughter it is frankly a little odd sometimes. I think if some family members saw me they would think it was actually my mother from back in the day. Lol
When I started seriously dressing (by that I mean getting my own clothes, my first wig ect.) In my early 20's I looked a little bit like my mother. In some recent pictures I look similiar to my sister.
Messing around with AI gender swapping photo editing I look a lot like my sister.
The first time I put on a wig and makeup and looked in the mirror, I saw my mother. It was a bit eerie given my first forays into dressing as a child were with her undergarments. It's less jolting now, but I can't deny the resemblance.
I look like my mother, I take after her side of the family. She looked very much like her brother, my uncle, and I was often told I was the spitting image of him. They're both passed away now so I have to rely on photos to do a side by side comparison.
It may have something to do with being intersex, I have my Mom's hands, feet, chin including dimple, nose, cheekbones, eyes and eyebrows. With makeup on my pictures look a lot like hers, so much so that I've been told I could pass as her sister or daughter. I don't begin to resemble any of my siblings, just my mom.
Ms. Lauren M
I feel like most people would look at my sister and I (in guy mode) and not have a tough time deducing that we were siblings. But my Melodee look is nothing like her, though she's quite pretty.
Funny story, when I was telling her about this, I used the 'picture is worth 1,000 words' method and just handed her a photo. She stared at it a good 5-10 seconds before understanding...and even then I think the fact that the photo was taken in my own living room helped her a bit. I was secretly quite proud that my own sibling didn't immediately recognize me!
I resemble my mom. A lot. Sometimes when I see myself in the mirror I prepare myself to be reprimanded for coming home late on a school nite.
I resemble my late mother, just wish i had the same female parts my mother had.
I resemble a cross between my mother and sister and my wife is the one who noticed first. Sometimes she says OMG you look just like your sister while other times she says my mom. I think I should have been moms other daughter and my sisters sister lol
I'd have to say I look like my mother when dressed. The funny thing is that when I'm not dressed, I look exactly like my father. I guess I'm just a pretty good mix of the two.
I love this topic. My wife found an old polaroid selfie I took of me fully dressed, wig and makeup. She was upset that I had taken the photo and left it where she could stumble upon it. She was worried that another family member might have found it. When she calmed down she said, "Good Gawd, you look just like your mother"! I considered that a huge compliment, as my mother was a beautiful lady. Plus, it meant that I looked like her sister - my aunt Kathy, who inspired my fem name, Kathy. Aunt Katherine was a military spouse in the late 40's through the early 60's. Her hubby, an Army Brigadier General, commanded an Armored Division in Vietnam. So, Aunt Katherine was always dressed "to the nines". She has been my female inspiration.
For me there isn't any real resemblance now to my direct family. When I was young I looked like my sisters but age does weird things. Since my nieces have grown into adults I have been asked if they are my daughters when out with them..I'll take that.
When dressed I look like my mother with aspects of my sister mixed in as well.
When I told my son I showed him a picture of Traci and he said “You look like your older sister (his aunt)”. I realized I do. Wow, family resemblance. 😳