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Did anybody see the Channel 4 programme Drag SOS this week, [if you live outside of the UK you probably can not get this channel] it was the first time I have herd someone talk about "tucking". I will explain the programme to you all outside of the UK. A group of Drag Queens go around the UK & visit some towns, & try to get some people to dress up as Drag Queens & then put on a show. In this episode a local guy agreed to give it a go, while he was getting dressed they asked him if he had herd about "tucking", he said no. So they explained it to him, & he said he would give it a go, after a few attempts he succeeded or from the quick shot of him standing there in his knickers, I think he succeeded. So have you tried it & did it work for you, do you still "tuck" or do not bother. I have had a go, but do not usually bother as I do not see much difference in the appearance between "tucking" & "non tucking". Anyway I will not Drag this out any longer, so let us know what you think. love,Helenmarie
It depends on what I'm wearing as to whether I tuck or not - basically, can anything be seen or not. So, with a loose skirt or dress, there's no need, although I still do sometimes. With trousers, shorts and tight skirts it is more or less essential for a good look. Obviously in order for things to remain tucked, you need the right underwear to hold everything in place. I'm not a fan of shapewear and so I use 'normal' pretty knickers which do the job nicely. I even have some thongs which work well which is good since I much prefer wearing a thong under trousers or shorts. I do not have a gaff, which some people use.
If you're not getting much of a difference tucked or not, then you're not doing something right. With everything tucked away (including pushing your balls back inside you) you should be able to wear trousers with no apparent male dangly-bits and just have a smooth, feminine shape; keeping it that way then requires the right underwear.
Personally, I often tuck even when I don't need to - even in male mode. I like the feel of it.
I do a token tuck if I'm wearing something close-fitting enough that it might show. I have spandex knickers which do the job, and a pair of tights will always help.
Generally, though, I wear dresses or skirts that are loose enough that so long as everything is neatly tucked away inside my panties there won't be an issue.
I did make a gaff from some old tights the other week, though, because I was doing a burlesque class where everyone would be stripped down to nothing but panties, and whilst the ladies in the class have assured me that my having the only 'bulge' in the group isn't a problem for any of them, I felt self-conscious about it. I tucked good and proper. It worked really well, so I might make some more in different colours, for performance purposes.
Yes, tucking isn't the problem. It's keeping it all there during the day that's tricky. That's why some performers tape it I guess. One drag-queen at a festival I went to last year actually joked about how she'd been tucked and taped for three days 🙂
We do receive a couple of UK channels on our cable system. I'll have to look for this program! Sounds like fun!
Tucking is so hard for me. I try often. I'm a little bigger down there, including the "boys", and it is difficult. I've tried putting them back from whence they came, but cant seem to find the right spots.
I do tuck being very small there is not a problem with just a little tape and I have use eyelash glue.
Just here and there. depends on the outfit really.
Everyday tuck and gaff.
Tucking. ~ Always. One of my favorite joys is running my hand down between my legs and feel that rounded mound. Flat though. Nothing sticking up - too graphic? In pantyhose I am very particular about lining up the front seam with the longitudinal indentation that remains.
A one size too small pair of control panties put on back to front will "hold" me as long as I like. Tho sometimes I will usea gaff first just for good measure.
In "olden days" an old pair of panty hose with slits cut in them in the "appropriate" places worked well too. First up you put all your "tucked bits" in the top, pull the panty hose back between your legs. then use the panty hose legs to tie "everything" off.
Hope this helps