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We watch alot of Drag shows. One thing I don't understand is the deliberate bad attitude. Everyone is a bitch and seemingly angry. I know alot of it is an act but its such a turn off. I get there are so many different reasons why we all do what we love. but one common denominator I see here is support , understanding and kindness towards each other. The persona they put on seems to be the exact opposite. Even when they appear to be playing nice there is a constant underlying impression of pure evil sometimes. Is this all an act? because im not sure they are all such great actors and its extremely convincing. I would think every male that grew up different as we did would not be able to hide the understandings for peoples differences, and body shaming. ect... we end up fast forwarding alot to the performances as we cant stand the bitchy. some you can tell its in jest like Rue Paul does it in a way thats not offensive but most of the others . wow they just seem like terrible people.. Does anyone have better insight to this. I really want to give them the benefit of the doubt. I guess maybe thats why they add in the word Queen.
I wonder if some of them might have been abused when they younger and developed a bad attitude because of it.
Maybe they have this impression that that's the way women are to each other or maybe, their just a bunch of b____es, who knows.
Hi River. I almost hate to say it, but it is what sells theirTV programs. How boring would it be to watch if all the people in reality TV programs got along, no one would watch to see what happens. The thing I hate the most about it is that the more programs are structured that way, the more people think it’s acceptable behavior and we see a lack of civility in our everyday lives. The reason that we care about each other here is that it’s how this site was presented and that behavior is expected. Oh how I wish that was more of a reflection on societal mimicry than the bad behavior that we see on reality TV.
I assume it sells the programme better. Would people watch it if the entire cast were nice all the time?
Its a dirty little secret that is a common practice within the lgbt scenario. DV is extremely high in both the lesbian and gay environment. And it comes out in these shows.
Reality shows like conflict.... better ratings that way! I don't like the way people get portrayed in those shows.
I did like watching Transcendent because it portrayed more of the women as real people, with real struggles. There was of course one woman portrayed exponentially worse than the rest. Technically the women were trans cabaret performers, so not the same as drag.
The origins of the term Drag were from the theatre when men dressed as women and the skirts dragged across the stage. The addition of Queen was from the sixties when it was associated with 'flamboyantly dressed gay men'.
Of course the word Queen has evolved, used to describe a precocious girl with attitude. It is that part which I feel has given rise to this image of a drag Queen with attitude. In earlier incarnations it seemed in context and quite funny with the act dressed as an exaggerated woman, overdressed, over made up and say things that were on the edge. The caricature has evolved and so has the attitude. All the time the public want it then the performers will go further.
The attitude is probably intended to convey a sense of self confidence albeit at the expense of others. Definitely not the way that a kind or compassionate person would act, but as we regularly see that doesn't sell much these days and is completely counter to the concept of reality TV.
I make a distinction between trans women and drag queens who are generally gay men camping it up. I have seen several drag shows and I agree that the negativity and cattiness on display is unpleasant to witness. While this kind of behaviour can be found in trans women, it’s rare. To me drag queens embody dark feminine behaviour that reflects the competitive nature of drag queens more than what I experience in mtf trans communities.
The drama and cattiness of drag queens make for exciting entertainment in some people’s minds, more so than a bunch of trans women getting along, but to me it feels like a parody of women, which I find repugnant and disconcerting. I simply don’t support these kind of shows.