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I recently transitioned to working from home. At first, it was a bit challenging. Finding a new routine has been the hardest part. Over the last month or so, I decided I would start wearing my women's clothing while working. I'm always calmer and more focused when I am most comfortable. For me, there's nothing more comfortable than a pair of leggings, a sports bra/bra, and a comfy shirt. This has been my wardrobe for the last 6 weeks. In the beginning, my wife would ask are you working out today. Some days, I would, and others, I would tell her no, I'm just wearing what is most comfortable. The other day she wanted to go out and get lunch. I told her sure let me change. She responded, "No, just throw a sweatshirt on and lets go. You look fine." I have been out plenty by myself dressed in my leggings and sports bra/bras, but never with her and never to go out and sit down to eat. So, I put on my sweatshirt and we left. We sat down at Panera after we ordered and got our food. While having lunch, she mentions me dressing every day. She pointed out that I seem to get more work done and, most importantly, mentioned that she sees me getting more comfortable with my dressing. We had a great conversation about it. I thanked her for noticing and being supportive. It's been a great six weeks. Hopefully, one day, she will be ok with me working fully dolled up with makeup and wig. I know that's pushing it, but a girl can dream...
I do understand how you feel. I started doing the same when I transition from the classroom to the private sector a few years ago. I, however, would frequently dress professionally, choosing an outfit that would be appropriate for the office. Today, my situation has developed to the point that I am able wear a professional feminine outfit to the office without concern.
Also, having the support and acceptance of one's spouse is something to cherish. Be patient and be thankful with the limits that your wife gives. I know that I am of my wife's support and acceptance. With time and patience, it will perhaps grow.
MacKenzie Alexandra
Dreams can come true Chelly.
I work from my own house, but the OH and I live at her place 20 miles away. So Fiona gets to spend time at work if she wants - normally in the warmer months, I'll happily work in panties, bra & forms under a dress or a skirt and top. Work doesn't know about Fiona though, so I have to be careful if I'm scheduled on any video calls! My office has Fiona's mirror wardrobe right in camera view behind me, so even if I'm in drab on top, a skirt under the desk is visible unless I sit straight-on, or set the background to blur.
On a Thursday night I normally stay over at my place so if I'm not due on any calls I'll tend to go the whole hog in the morning with hips & hair too, and add makeup and nails once I log off for the day, as they take too long to do before work. The clothes come out again on Friday but everything pretty has to be gone, and back in drab by the time I leave at the end of the week.
I don't work, or at least get paid to work, as I am retired. I do spend more time around the house in yoga pants, sports bra and tops, and have a similar response from my wife. She is fine with it. my dressing but says I probably shouldn't go out in public. That said, I have been out in the front yard dressed as such and she doesn't care, which is a big step for her. She does inject if I am wearing a dress and want to check the mail or take out the trash.
Chelly -
That is wonderful that your wife did that with you. It is nice to have spousal support.
My wife has become more accepting of my dressing over the years. In the past year she has suggested that I have a Suzanne day. The first time was last Easter when she commented that people don't get dressed up for Easter anymore and asked if I would like to. I spent the day dressed which felt amazing. Since then there have been other times, not as often as I would like but I'm okay with that.