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Lesson learned today that going out in the sun in a white top with a white bra underneath is not a good idea, the sun made the top see through which I discovered walking down the street in Plymouth today. I don’t know if anybody noticed as nobody said anything to me and I didn’t notice anybody pointing or staring. Lesson Learned ! maybe.
Hi Allison,
Just curious.....what would have been seen under your white blouse with a white bra? In my imagination I see a vague outline of your figure in skin tone and your white bra. What am I missing? A waist cincher or corset? Anyway warning duly noted, thanks. TTFN
Hi Danielle, the top was completely transparent in the sun, bra and straps fully visible to all.
Hi Allison. I would not worry too much. These days girls walk around with bra straps visible and uncovered as well as the back strap showing. How horrid! That should be a fashion faux pas. My mother wouldn't hang knickers and bras/suspender belt on the backyard line! Carry on regardless!
Dame Veronica
Hi Allison. I would not worry too much. These days girls walk around with bra straps visible and uncovered as well as the back strap showing. How horrid! That should be a fashion faux pas. My mother wouldn’t hang knickers and bras/suspender belt on the backyard line! Carry on regardless!
Dame Veronica
Hi Dame Veronica and Allison,
I was thinking the white blouse and white bra combination should be fine for evening wear. Even though many women dress in the fairly transparent blouse with a colored bra, horrible choice, this is fashion to them. It is not about imagination anymore it’s about showing what you can and not worry. Fashion sense has gone downhill especially when wearing a t top with bra straps showing is considered okay for anytime wear. I may dress like a sexy woman at home but not when I am out and about. Even though you had that happen Allison I would bet you looked fabulous walking down the street regardless. TTFN💋👠
A white bar will tend to show through a lot of clothing, which is why I wear black or beige bars.