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Dressing Services

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Any of your girls ever had any experience of visiting a dressing service.I have always had a fascination with them since I first heard of them in the media.I have toyed with the idea of going to one for a long time.The aspect of it that puts me off is the cost.On the other hand I keep thinking how great it would be to be fully transformed as a woman.I have seen some great videos of such places on Youtube.So many options to  choose from.Transformed into a regular woman or the option to become a beautiful bride.

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 7 years ago

Tho I live in OZ, in my working days I visited several dressing services in the UK. The best and she is still going is Juliette at Sophie's. She was located in Bath the last time I went, but that's 20 years ago. Worth checking. Also there's photos in my profile of my time there

"Youse Poms", not only have a good cricket team, but per capita would have more dressing services than anywhere else I have ever known.

Some would be good, others are left well alone. Especially the one that sold clothes as well and sold me a "gaff". aka "cricket protector" with a bit of satin on the front.

And charged accordingly...

happy dressing and say hi to Juliette for me


Caty Ryan.



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Reputable Member     Spokane, Washington, United States of America
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Whenever I'm in Portland, OR, I visit Over The Rainbow Transformations.  They do offer the full deal, clothing, nails, makeup and other esthetic services.  Yes, it's expensive, but the end result is so worth it.  Save up your money, if you can, and indulge yourself.  You'll feel like a princess.

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Hi Roberta ,

Like Caty I'm in Australia but I do recommend trying a dressing service at least once , it is fantastic what can be achieved. Softening makeup , fabulous photographic angles /lighting, clothes altered to fit make body , fitting shoes etc. Well worth the money , I go 4 times a year to one & never regret it afterwards 😊

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
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You should treat yourself, at least once in this life time. What is money???? Bits of paper that will be of no use come, death, market collapse, monkey business with govts./ As Bob Hope said.....Thanks for the memories.....these you will take with you.

Dame Veronica

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Reputable Member     Tacoma, Washington, United States of America
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I think it's a great idea and would recommend having one but you also need to research where before going as not all will be the same. The last thing you want to do is end up somewhere that does not have everything truely required and feel you did not receive the experience you wished. Are they expensive??? Probably not in my opinion. Whoever is doing this needs a sizeable inventory to fit from petite people to large people. Think about all thats required-panties, bras, breast forms, clothes, wigs, shoes and don't forget makeup for every skin tone person. Now there is the time involved to fit everything, do your makeup. Every place I have heard of usually let you pick 2 or 3 outfits and photos are taken of each. I sometimes change at a place that offers Full Transformations and I can assure the work is cut out for the provider and the inventory is huge.

I did a Full Transformation in early 2009. My goal was to see what was possible. Would I remain a clown or was there potential. I can tell you when she was finished and I looked in the mirror-I was at a lose for words, I could not believe that was me.  I have seen her do around 10 to 15 people on chance days I was there and the difference is astonishing.

It was worth every $ I spent. I have recommend her countless times and now know many others who went and many that went from my recommendation. This was a life changing day for my fem side. The next best thing I spent money on-Makeup lessons from her as soon as I could get back down there. Those 2 things opened a door and led to an incredible journey. It was about 6 months after my transformation when I started going out in public and I have never turned back, regretted anything and I kept pushing my limits to the point where I am as comfortable out in fem as my guy side.

As Rachel said earlier Victoria at Over the Rainbow in Portland has it all!


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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Before I 'came out' I used to use them in the UK when I could manage my time to sneak in a visit and afford the service.

Adam & Eve in London was instrumental in my coming out. The first time I went there I was offered the chance to go outside, rather than just stay within the confines of the service and have photos taken. So I went for it. I loved the experience so much that  I realised that I couldn't keep Rachel in the closet any longer - partially the idea of having to wait maybe a year for that experience of being dressed and out again was too much for me.

Anyway, a month later I came out to my wife.

A couple of months after coming out we were ready for my wife to see me dressed. We thought that it would be easier if she saw the whole transformation, rather than just being presented with the Full Rachel in one go. Enter Adm & Eve again. I arranged a session with them, and they were happy for her to come along, watch, ask questions and generally be involved. As a bonus she got to meet some of the other girls who were using the service that day - her first experience of other CDs, and a very positive one.

And having seen me dressed in such a supportive and friendly environment she decided she could live with it. The rest is history.

So - dressing services? I love them. One of them at least 🙂

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Joined: 9 years ago

Obviously I now don't need services for the simple function of dressing, but I'd love to go and use one for a full makeover, professional photos and a chance to wear some outfits that I cant's really justify the cost of purchasing for my own wardrobe. Unfortunately I live in Australia which, I think, has about one dressing service to cover an entire continent.

Posts: 251
Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Joined: 9 years ago

Ah yes - *that* dressing service. In my young, naive days, before the internet gave me access to more options, I did use that place. To be fair it did give me my first experience of being truly and fully dressed and made up, but looking back ... uuurgh!

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Rachel,

I'll give "that" dressing service some credit!! I did "business" with them. "I write article for your magazine, you give me discount on clothes/wigs or suchlike.

They had a shop in London's CBD, close to a major inter city rail station and a shop "up norf".

Are you and I on the "same track" with this one.

Apologies to any other girls who read this, "the laws of libel" prevent "us two" from being more specific..


PS I did an overnight transformation in the "up norf" shop. Left my purse with lots of quids in it on the counter. Another punter was quicker than me to retreive it.... Lost the lot....



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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I've dreamed about Emerald Fantasy in Seattle since I first saw it on the web many years ago.  But I never got up the nerve to go there.  The place in Portland looks lovely.  Does anyone know things good or bad about Emerald Fantasy in Seattle?

Posts: 388
Reputable Member     Tacoma, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Ann,

While it was years ago I reached out to Emerald Fantasy a few times and never heard back. To the best of my knowledge I believe they are in business and meet and provide the transformation in a hotel room. I've not heard anything negative and think her name is Annie.

I would reach out to them and see if what they provide is what you are looking for-nothing lost.

If you know members of The Emerald City (social group) you might ask about references/experiences.

If you go to one of these places please post about your experience.



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