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"Dressing Up" or "Getting dressed"

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Good afternoon all you lovely ladies.

Over the years we have all either used the phrase, "dressing up" to be our femme selves or have heard of others saying the same thing.

However, for many years now in my own case, I am not "dressing up" to be Caty, when I start this process. I am merely "getting dressed" to be the true female that lives inside me.

What do others think??

Happy dressing






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Trusted Member     Auckland, New Zealand
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Hello Caty You made an interesting point .From now on i will be "Getting Dressed " . Thank you , Rhonda .

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Caty. Another very intuitive question. I’m like you. I get dressed up if there is something special but otherwise, simply get dressed.

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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I happily identify as a MtF crossdresser; my male side is still the dominant one and the one I default to. I simply say I'm 'dressing' though. 'Dressing up' is something I do in both gender presentations.

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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
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I don't see myself as having two personas. I'm me and my clothes  don't change that.  I also generally present as man regardless of what I may be wearing.  Given this, I am getting dressed to conduct my da . Besides, dressing up is when I  dress to the nines for a formal occasion.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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I am unable to say the same. As much as I would would love for my body to completely transform into a full female body when I put on a one piece swimsuit, I have come to acceptance that that will never happen. However, I still get a whole lot of satisfaction in just wearing women's swimsuits.

Over the years, I've been around natural born ladies, and worked with them, and realize that I can never bring myself to stop acting like the man I was born to be and start acting like a lady. I still enjoy male activities such as fishing, yard work (yes, I actually like mowing the grass), and I can even back up my truck with a trailer attached. When spending hours on end at the lake, I would prefer to keep my ability to easily go to the bathroom behind a tree from all the sodas I drink while out there.

The terminology doesn't really matter to me. When I put on a one piece swimsuit, I am just myself wearing a swimsuit.

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I am in my male role 90% of the time so I dress daily as a man, whether work, casual, playing golf etc., trying to look my best.  I use the term dressing when I get to be Michelle in feminine attire, makeup, etc.

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This thread blends another thread with it regarding what kind of CD ARE WE?  Kay made another good point. So, my comments:

these may be so obvious as to be profound. However , these thoughts have swum around my head for years and now, we are altogether, so, more muttering.

1. there are men (can use same for women) that are 100% men. From their thought to their sexual prowess. I must interject that I know several women farmhands capable of all the above - well, except standing to pee!  I would not believe this to be the case but have come to realize that these men exist.

2. There are men that CD as it brings them pleasure and an attachment to the woman within them. To varying degrees these men (myself included) act the male role at times (especially those of us who are older and were living male for so long) but embrace their female sexuality. The expression of that is very personal but no different than for anyone else.

3. there are men in relationships with women where the women truly accept the relationship; but also goes back to #1 & 2. I read that many are unaccepting or limiting. Some spouses are more flexible. It has been less common reading the truly accepting. We are who we are and I wonder of the giving demeanor of that group of women. Yet, the complete opposite are also probably wonderful women as well.

4. As if we all root for the same team. Each expresses that passion in their own way. Some paint their face with team colors. Some sit at home and watch on TV. There are spouses that root for different teams but put up with your team allegiance - as long as you accept theirs?

Random thoughts to pass a AM.

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Hi Caty

I adopted the Two Spirits idea, as it helps me deal with the fact that, when fully dressed, with makeup, a completely different sense of persona overtook me, one that is superior in many ways to my male persona.

I am beginning to realise that the thoughts and feelings I have and actions I take when dressed have not only been ones I wished I have while in drab, but have wanted my whole life.

Recently I have gone out a lot without makeup and felt and thought similarly. It's not as powerful, but definitely the person I want to be.

It carries over to some extent in my memory, when back in drab, and my male persona is definitely improving as a result.

Sorry this is all self analysis, but at the moment, I can't find other ways to express it.

The short version is that I see it very much as dressing the way I want in order to express something or someone deep inside, who is actually the best side of me.

How's that?

Love Laura

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Honorable Member     Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
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Up to a couple of years ago I would have said dressing up - now I'm getting dressed

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Trusted Member     Long island, New York, United States of America
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Omg yes those words are SO true. To wake up get dressed as the woman inside me DEFINITELY

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For many of us, and certainly for you, "getting dressed" is the correct term.  But for others, such as myself, "dressing up" is accurate.  As much as I enjoy "getting in touch with my feminine side" (as my wife calls it),  I am creating an illusion, not changing reality.  Unfortunate, in some ways, because my XY persona is dull, a hermit and a bit of a grouch - not the preferred choice.


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Prominent Member     Newport, Victoria, Australia
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HI Caty

I wake up and get dressed every morning, I played dress ups when i was a child

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
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Good question Caty! I, like others, used to feel I was “dressing up” , now it’s just getting dressed for day to day activities. Sometimes it’s a skirt and top, other times it’s jeans and a t-shirt. Depends on where I’m going and what I’ll be doing. You wouldn’t mow the lawn in a skirt and heels, right? I’m always the same person inside regardless of my outfit.

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    los angeles, California, United States of America
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Hi. As a closet girl with no outside support for CD other than the sweet girls here, it is Dressing Up for me.  Being a pretty girl for short period of time is so relaxing and every second of time is precious.  I am 99% girl 1%boy.

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