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I've been going out of the house en femme for the last year. I don't get out and about near my home since I live in a very small town where I'm just not comfortable presenting as Michelle. I drive to a nearby large city which is a little over an hour from my home to blend in with the masses. My wife has been going with me on many of these trips and we've had lots of fun. Regardless of how I'm presenting she prefers that I drive as it's just not her thing. Yesterday we were out together and I was in male mode driving into the city to do some shopping for furniture. As wives sometimes do she "offers suggestions" regarding my driving. Apparently yesterday I must have been driving in a way that she wasn't fond of. At one point she exclaimed, "Why can't you drive like Michelle?" I hadn't given it much thought until that exchange but she went on to explain that I drive far better when I'm en femme. For those who may go driving en femme, do you notice or has someone else noticed a difference in your driving as related to how you are dressed?
Never noticed it personally as since I got caught speeding earlier this year, I've tended to stick to speed limits; but even before that, still not.
I think the only change I make to my driving is I tend to look at other people more, probably to see if they are looking at (and admiring, perhaps) me. 😊
I drive a manual transmission car. It’s hard to shift when wearing a skirt and heels. Your foot can easily slip off the pedals when wearing heels. Plus I’m extremely careful when enfemme. I do not want to have an accident when dressed.
I've been in a fender bender while dressed. We exchanged info. I said, "Obviously, I'm really a guy." He said, "So what?"
@mkat3874 That's a very funny observation! For myself, I don't think it's any different. 😉
The difference used to be very noticeable. I would be more cautious, less likely to speed and other things. Since I retired I drive more that way all the time. I have no use for an accident and all the mess it makes dealing with insurance and all. I just can't be bothered anymore. If others want to drive like fools then be my guest, just stay away from me and don't involve me in your mistakes.
Old habits can die hard when driving. I would say that I am more cautious when driving En Femme as not to draw attention to myself. Male drivers tend to be more aggressive and reacting to an idiot driver as a male would is probably the best test of driving while dressed.
I think it is a good thing we are more aware when dressed as being more laid back makes a journey more enjoyable and also safer.
I drive the same as when I used to present as male, no difference.
I'm in the "extra careful" lane when driving en femme. It only happens maybe 2-3 times a year and due to some niggling health probs, did not go out at all in 2024.
Another factor: I'm and old "chook", (trans. chicken) who's done almost everything she ever wanted to do as Caty. So the idea of driving dressed aint the thrill it use to be.
Tho I did drive from Plymouth down to Cornwall back in the mid 90's. I deliberately got out of the car ata layby so the "world would see me".
But the world did not give a hoot, so I got back in the car and went on my merry way.
There's a story about what happened when I got down to Cornwall, but that for another day.
I do have a tendency to drive a bit more cautiously when dressed. Partly to hopefully accidents and partly because I take the time to really enjoy the experience. I have owned many sports cars in the past and was always a fairly agressive driver in them. Now I drive what is best described as a soccer mom SUV and I am a considerably less agressive even when in male mode.
Good question! Thanks for sharing it.
For me, I'm a lot calmer in general when presenting as Lauren. I tend to drive more cautiously and avoid any kind of adverse interactions. Another reason why I should be full time!