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So...driving in heels. I've never done it myself, but I've always wondered how it was done? Being a huge car person, it is something that I just can't seem to get my head around, especially when driving stick. Won't the heels get in the way when switching between the gas and the brake? Do GGs even drive with them on, or do they take them off? Just another random evening thought. Haha
I always wondered the same until I tried. I found it no different than driving in flip flops.
MacKenzie Alexandra
When I started dressing I used to change into flats to drive, but I generally drive in heels now. Nothing more than 3-4" though (which is the most I wear anyway). The heel sits on the floor in front of the pedals, and you used the toes and front part of the foot. It *is* a different feeling to driving in flat shoes.
I mean, when I'd just learned to drive (in my mid-twenties - I was a late-starter) I could only drive in trainers; my 'ordinary' bloke shoes felt awkward on the pedals. So it's really just a matter of getting used to different things on your feet.
(Some women drive in heels. Some don't. It's obviously down to their own comfort.)
(Also I didn't get your bit about 'stick' cars. Regardless of whether a car is automatic or manual, don't you always use the same foot for the brake and accelerator? The other is just used for the clutch on a manual, and is redundant in an automatic.)
I have tried in some platform boots with a 4" heel and I found it a little awkward.
I can't imagine stilettos but I am eager to try.LOL
Never tried driving a stick shift, but I found very little difference driving an automatic in 4" heels, which I usually wear. I just rest the point of the heel on the floor and use it to pivot my toes up/down on the accelerator. I have no issues at all driving with mine on. Never though about changing or taking them off.
Thank yall for the replies. The only reason I specifically mentioned stick is because my car is a stick shift. Now that I think about it, hitting the clutch shouldn't really be any different. I usually pivot between the gas and brake on my heel as it is, so in my head, doing that same pivot with a 4" heel seems like a daunting task. I suppose I'll just have to try it and find out the old fashioned way!
I've tried a few times and find it awkward. I find myself over-revving, braking too hard and losing some clutch control to the point of almost stalling the car.
I drive an Audi sport, which is very sensitive. I'm a keen driver, and enjoy the experience even after all these years!
So I drive in flats, or girl trainers.
Love Laura
I've never felt that flip-flops were safe to drive in, in case your foot slid out of them.
I have driven in my heels and it takes getting use to. I sit in the driver's seat with my legs bent slightly, knees together and use to toe part of my heels to work the gas pedal. With my 6in heels,o I put my right foot on it's side to work the gas pedal. Sometimes when it's late after the show is over I drive home with out my heels on bare foot.
My first heels I bought for myself was platform wedges. I drove my car in them. They were a bit different at first but I had no problem with them. Then I bought some stilettos that I could barely walk in. I broke them in and got used to wearing and walking in them.
I was wearing them to a party. I walked to the car in them, got in and drove. It was pretty easy. Today I often drive in heels. Most of my pumps are 4 in. I drive fine in them.
While I haven’t been out fully dressed I will occasionally bring some heels in the car and slip them on during the day. I use the same method as Miss Chelly Cross for the gas pedal. Find that the break pedal takes a little more getting used to. Have to exaggerate the lifting of my foot until I get used to the heel height and not feel like I’m going to catch it on something or hit the break solid enough with my foot. Once i’ve Done it a few times it’s second nature. I drive a automatic, but I would think the break and clutch movements would be similar for me. I guess you probably won’t know unless you try. As far as the gg’s i’ve Known I think it’s just preference, some i’ve Known leave them on some take them off and go barefoot. It does take some practice though in my opinion. I wouldn’t do it your first time in high traffic stop and go type place start. Also don’t be too proud to take them off if you find yourself feeling a little more awkward then you feel comfortable with. Safety first as you know😉
Tried driving in heels once, dangerous, dangerous dangerous. When out en femme I always put a pair of ballet pumps under the drivers seat to wear in the car. Don’t fancy explaining to the police my stilletos were the cause of my crash, or worse the ambulance crew carting me off to hospital.
The last time I went for a drive en femme I wore some heels, I found it quite easy because they only had a small heel, i think that from now on when I go for a drive I shall wear my heels every time x
I don't know about manual trans in heels. I drive automatic trans everywhere with 5 inch heels, very easy for me, same as gym shoes. However, I would recommend practicing on side streets/parking lot first to make sure you are very comfortable doing it.
Driving while wearing heels isn't too hard. Provided you're wearing single sole heels. Just takes a little adjustment in how you place your feet. I have no problem wearing heels while driving my mustang with 5 speed manual. What is hard is trying to drive while wearing platform pumps. Its like you can't feel the pedals. If I'm wearing platforms, I'll switch over to my sneakers when I'm driving.