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ear piercing news

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Honorable Member     Ottawa area, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 7 years ago

A week ago I did finally after some years of hesitation pierce my ear lobes, both sides. I been wondering what friends and family was going to say about it so when one finally noticed it did go something like

  • She: did you pierce your ears?
  • me: yes (and now my defence get in to high gear, I'm going over the answers I rehearsed in my mind to a long list of questions)
  • She: did it hurt?
    me: (oops didn't expect that questions) not at all
  • She: Hey, I have a pile of earrings that I can give you to use later once it healed
  • me: uhm thanks (guess I have rehearse some more responses)


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Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi kelly,

That sounds so nice,

Any negative reactions

How was your S/O about it?

I hope you have a lot of earrings I would be trying on so many.



Posts: 606
Duchess Annual
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Honorable Member     Ottawa area, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 7 years ago

My SO knows about my CD just silently accept. She said something about have to get used to it.
I haven't been out to much and none of my closer friends seen it. Meet some new people but they of course don't know that the piercing is new so they don't say anything at all. One part is also my own confidence, I'm getting used to it and with that my confidence goes up so if I get any negative reaction I can ignore it. Only thing I have to remember right now is that all reactions may not be negative, I have to be ready for positive ones also (something I didn't even consider).

I have purposely avoided getting earrings that require hole but now it's getting way harder to resist. For a start I'm looking around more on it now and while I haven't bought any yet it will very soon happen.

I have to leave this stud (3mm "diamond") in for a few more weeks and during that time I can't even wear the clips I have so I just have to live with it and try to figure out when I can change for the first time.

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Noble Member     Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Kelly I am real happy for you,

and I'm glad you are getting positive reactions.

Keep your confidence up and be proud of you new piercings.

I am proud of your courage,

Thank you so much for sharing

I hope to one day pierce mine.

Love patty

Posts: 46
Trusted Member     Arlington, Texas, United States of America
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I'm planning on having mine pierced after I retire at the end of this year. My clip-ons are too uncomfortable so I've quit wearing them. Guys with pierced ears are fairly common now and while friends and family may comment I doubt anyone else will care enough to comment.



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Estimable Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

I did it (piercing) five weeks ago.  I went back to the place I had it done (tattoo shop) and they cleared me.  I got out of the studs I have been wearing for the past five weeks and can now change them at will.  I was starting to get impatient.

I hadn't thought of it until my SO, who knows, asked if I was going to.  After that I made the appointment.  Of course people at work noticed and all I said was I've thought about it for a while and now that I'm in my sixties why not?  They all accepted it well.  My adult sons noticed of course and so I had the conversation with them about what I was doing.  It went really well.  I am so glad that I have tolerant and open minded children.

Right now the only earrings I have are the ones I ordered from Amazon, a set of 6 of which three are men's earrings and three are women's.  The only disappointment I have is that they are all studs.  I'm going to have to save and start getting some dangling earrings.  I love the look of them.

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So would love to pierce mine. So many additional choices. No more pain. No more earrings falling off or lost and I'm sure the femme feeling those piercings provide. OMG did I just convince myself to get them done?

Posts: 155
Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I had my left done 18 years ago but never my right. Had to stop wearing ear rings because of work ten years ago.  Yesterday I tried my left and the ear ring went right in. Then I decided to do the right and it was awesome to wear ear rings out last night. Been wanting to do it and now I'm happy I did.


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