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How many ladies have got pierced era's and who wears clip on.
I wear clip ons, scared of needles,and am amazed at the variety available. There are clips that can be bought that will carry standard ear rings.
I wear clip on ones as I don't wear earrings in male mode.
I'm a full time girl, so I'm always wearing pierced earrings, usually hoops.
Ms. Lauren M
Clipons for me. As a closet CD, getting my ears pierced would attract too many awkward questions.
My ears are done had them for many years never been questioned as long as you take the big hoops out lol 😂 considering my belly button but SO says no to feminine so I’m considering a clip on but haven’t bought one yet
I had my ears pierced in August, yes it hurt but only for a moment. I kept the studs in for the prescribed 6 weeks and since then I have worn earrings every day in whichever mode I am. Usually I wear small earrings that have a locking piece on the back but my favourites are longer dangly ones that hook in to the ear. Putting in the smaller ones can be tricky and I always take them out at bedtime.
I tried clip-ons but the range was so limited so, in January, I had my ears pierced and it has been fantastic ever since. My ears healed up enough to change earrings after six weeks, although it was a little sore doing that at first. Now of course, I have no trouble with them.
I like drop or larger hoop earrings when I go out, but for everyday use (if in male mode) I have a few pairs of smaller hoops. All my rings are either fish-hooked (my favourite but only work for drop earrings) or latch-closure. I hate those ones where you have to put a stud on the back as with my sausage fingers, they are a pita.
I keep thinking about getting a second piercing in each lobe, but each time I remember I'll have to go through that darned cleaning and healing process and I think I can't be arsed with that. The thought is always there though, so I'm not ruling it out.
Clipons for me. If I find a pair of pierced earrings that I like I just convert them.
Getting my ears pierced was the greatest moment of my CDing!!!! No regrets at all. I wear earrings in both modes. No one questions.
Clip ons are OK, but the selection is nothing like that for pierced.
The feeling of a large, dangly pair of earrings swinging about is just wonderful.
Careful though. My holes have become long through to many hours of heavy danglers! 🙂
Clip ons for me, my wife says no to piercing my ears. I've found that you can always adjust the clip if they are too tight by bending them out just a bit.
I wear clip ons too. I’m too scared to have pierced ears, I just know it would raise a lot of questions.
Clip ons for me.
I wear clip on earrings.
I had a desire for pierced ears decades before CDing was even on my horizon, but it probably was the seed. Still haven’t done it. I present as male (I’m an underdresser) with only a few subtle visible feminine gestures. But men with pierced ears are not that unusual now, so I’m seriously considering finally taking the plunge. I’d probably wear mostly “guy type” earrings, but the idea of pierced ears has always seemed somehow deliciously feminine to me, and getting them pierced would be sort of a (semi) permanent symbolic acknowledgement of my feminine side.