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Estimable Member     California, United States of America
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What do you like? I find that even when I'm not dressing I tend to got for a more feminine earring. Why? They're just so much nicer. Men's earrings are kinda boring. Lately I've been wearing small hoop earrings about 1" in size. I asked the wife if they were too girly and she said no. She liked them 

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@kapt I love wearing earrings especially bigger, statement ones!   I love hoops but mine are about 3" to allow them to show better under my hair.   I also love pretty dangle feminine!

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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A bit of everything really, but I'm not a big fan of studs. If someone bought me some diamond studs I might change my mind ! Nothing massively blingy or complicated. I have a few  simple hoops, although I prefer dangling. I tend to buy silver ones from my local market trader at around the £15 a pair mark, and have a few small moonstones set in silver ones. I have quite an extensive collection of single earrings too ( in other words they go missing).

My favourites are some solid silver cuboids (like a long cylinder, but a square cross section) that an artist friend made for me. Quite heavy and long so I get a good dangle feel. 

I do like my earrings and tend to wear them all the time. Some have got secure fittings in which case they'll stay in 24 / 7

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@kapt mine are all clip-ons, having pierced ears would be too risky for work.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Rikki -

Interesting question - what I like and what I wear are 2 different things.

For starters I got my ears pierced a little over a year ago so I wear earrings 24/7. I like feminine dangling earrings but I wear either small hoops/rings or studs. When at home I will wear my dangly earrings and depending on time of day (early morning when wife is still sleeping) more feminine ones (read sparkly, blingy) at other times ones that are less feminine (read charm type - angel wings, tree of life, guitars, fish and such). I have gone out of the house with the charm type dangling ones but not very often. Some I've made myself others have been purchased and a couple of them were my mother's. I have more earrings than my wife does and se borrows some of mine on occasion. She doesn't wear much jewelry, I on the other hand am a jewelry slut. I have a couple rings (need to get more), quite a few necklaces (some I've made, some purchased), quite a few bracelets (purchased and made), barrettes (I consider them t o be jewelry if they have some bling on them), a femme watch, an ankle bracelet and broaches. I have my own jewelry box and my wife and I share an earring tree.

When I dress I may not always wear make up or a wig but I don't feel complete if I'm not wearing jewelry.


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@cdsue i know what you mean. i have quite a bit of jewelry too. makes me feel more womanly. i got my ears pierced a few years ago. i hated clip ons. i have a jewelry display earring stand that probable holds about 100 pairs. its about 3/4 full now. i have some necklaces. i love anklets. I'm always buying new ones. i wear a toe ring all the time. i even got my bellybutton pierced this year. i never go out dressed without some jewelry.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Posts: 2116

@prettytoes wow that's quite the earring collection you have. I don't have any toe rings will have to look for some - belly button piercing won't happen unfortunately - I always have some type of jewelry on as well


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Estimable Member     Shaftesbury, Dorset, United Kingdom
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I had my ears pierced about 4 months ago and always wear earrings, although sitting here I realise that forgot this morning. I love dangly ones that I can feel as I move but also like small feminine studs and have a preference for silver



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Reputable Member     South Central, Indiana, United States of America
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My wife encouraged me to get my ears pierced way before she knew about my crossdressing.  She wanted me to be more hip.  I wasn't about to complain.  I wear small about 1/2 inch hoops most of the time when in drab.  When dressed I prefer to wear heavier earrings or noisier earrings.  I love the feel of them moving on my ear.

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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I always wanted to pierce my ears then my nephew had the idea he wanted his done so I said I would take him and do mine as well. I did one and then just had to do the other. When they healed I went back and had them done again and ever since, over 20 years, I've been wearing 4. The uppers have diamond studs that my wife got me for my birthday and they never come out except for cleaning. The lowers have small hoops or something dangling when I'm dressed. I saw someone with that look before I got the second piercings and just loved how feminine it was to have studs over others. Sometimes I do remove the studs and wear 2 sets of hoops. Sometimes they are the same size, sometimes different, sometimes large, sometimes small. 

Lately I've been intrigued by the look of Missy Peregrym on FBI. She wears a double set of huggies hoops. Very small and close to the lobe and for some reason I'm drawn to that look. Basically I love being able to wear all the lovely styles available and changing them to suit my mood and outfit.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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I'm a full time girl and my ears are pierced. I love hoop earrings, I feel they are the ultimate feminine earring and I wear a pair each and every day!  I have various sizes but don't wear any that are three inch as they easily get caught in my hair.


Ms. Lauren M

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Noble Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
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I adore earrings and a girl can never have too many. I feel so feminine in them and love the feel of their movements. I probably wear hoops mostly and like many I know that problem of earrings getting tangled in long hair so now with a shorter hair style and wigs I no longer have that problem

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Reputable Member     Houston, Texas, United States of America
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oh I love wearing earrings but i do not have pierced ears and the clip on's are not fun... i like big danglys but with clip ons they are always falling off. I am going to be looking for a new job next month and am trying to find something remote so I can get my ears pierced and not have to have employer drama... wish me luck! 

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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I need to upgrade mine to hoops been wearing studs for probably over 8 years know 


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