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Does anyone go through periods where they just don't want to dress enfemme, whether you just don't feel like dressing, don't want to put in the effort, or avoiding passive agressive vibes from a SO?
I'm not going to purge but wonder why I have all these enfemme clothes and don't feel like wearing them.
My only advise is just packed them away safely, do not purge just place them out of sight for awhile. The pink fog will appear again. 💋💋
Its only normal for many that desires ebb and flow but don't purge because I assure you at some point the desire will return and probably stronger than before.
Myself, desire to dress seemed to come and go more often when I was younger but as I've matured and accepted this as a permanent part of myself I'm at a point where I have to do something every day to express my femininity or I feel something missing.
I did experience ebbs and flows until about 3 years ago, when I went out fully as Laura for the first time.
That experience showed me that it's way more than just wanting to dress up - it felt exactly like there is another person inside me who has been trying to get out for more than half a century.
That may not be the case for everyone, but, for the overwhelming majority, it seems purging is not only futile and a waste of money, but a potential cause of regret.
Regrets are a waste of anybody's mental effort and time, so any that can be avoided, should be in my opinion!
The fact that you are experiencing a deep ebb now, and have experienced flows in the past would indicate that a strong flow might be due - so store the pretty clothes carefully!
Love Laura
Hi Tina!
Yes, over thirty years I’ve purged and bought, purged and bought countless times.
Even now, I’ll have periods of just not “feeling it”. Why? Many reasons: health, commitments, seasons, ???, etc.
But now, after understanding that I, Jules is a real and authentic, I know that those feeling are only temporary.
So, as other have said, don’t purge, just set your precious “stuff” aside for when Tina is ready to be girlie.
If like me, Tina is an authentic part of the whole YOU, she’ll let you know when she needs some “girl time”.
When she does, go with it, enjoy it, and embrace “her”.
Hi Tina,
I wonder if it would help to think about clothes in a non-binary way. You could think about developing your sense of fashion and appropriate expression in ways that are not completely male or completely female. Just be you.
- Robyn
>> where they just don’t want to dress enfemme,
Hi Tina,
Not in a long, long time.
Thanks for asking.
Dear Tina ,
Speaking for myself , there are times when
"the pink fog" , as it is referred to her on CDH , is stronger than at other times.
The exact reasons for this I don't now , I can only guess , and may vary from one person to another probably.
But the need to dress for me , has been , and always will be there.
So purging I have never done . and will never do in the future.
Love Sylvia.
Sorry, but the longest I have "ebbed is one evening, but I still wore my panties and bra. I have been femme, since the day I accepted myself, in one form or another
Hugs, Regi👸💖
Tina, are there some external stresses in your life, unrelated to crossdressing? Work, financial, etc.?
I’ve found that these things, unintentionally, tend to dampen my urges. If the stresses pertain to crossdressing, on the other hand, they intensify my urges.
Maybe try to identify them and find some way to alleviate them. I know, easier said than done.
If so, hope you find some peace.
Much love,
I can't dress anywhere near as much as I would like, but even so I get times when I feel I probably couldn't be bothered even if I had the option. It's sort of cyclic, but not in any way I can pin down.
If I could dress whenever I wanted, I wonder if I'd feel the same way? Am I just protecting myself from the frustration I feel at present?
Anyway, don't purge. Things change. I hope.
Hi Tina,
I've always likened it to the tide.
The tide rolls in and I can't wait to get into a bra and panties. The tide rolls out and I just can't be bothered.
I always feel the undercurrent, however. I know that inevitably the tide will rise again.
Hugs, Jillian
Ebb and flow happens in many aspects of life does it not. If you are a gardener spring is a flow time, by mid summer the gardening passion seems to ebb. For many a man deer hunting or fishing or golfing all come with ebb and flow. In my circle of life woman have this same experience. Holiday season is flowctime for baking. Other times it is hard to get a Betty Crocker out-of-the-box cake baked by them. House cleaning? Spring is the flow season, winter definitely the ebb.
In the ebb time does the gardener pull out their prize dinner plate dahlias and trash them; does the deer hunter trash his custom made compound bow; the golfer drop his clubs at Goodwill?
No. What do they all have in common? They put that part of life aside a wait until the flow returns. "Put that part of life aside" is personally defined, but rarely if ever does it include "purge."
This is not to imply that our personal feminity is but a hobby, but I do know plenty of hunters who claim that, "I hunt because that's just who I am." (Hmmmm. . . . that's sounds familarly like the reason I crave feminine expression)
In the ebb, understand that it happens; don't purge, just go with the flow until the flow starts again.
Hi Tina!
Oh yes! For me, it's the shaving. Good Gawd, is it that time again? Do I really wanna to get all dressed up and femmy today? So much work. Sigh...
I always LOVE the final feminine outcome (even if my mirror is horrified), but I despise shaving. I can't and just won't put on my silkies with any abrasive resistance. Ick!
I can do my entire body in a reasonable amount of time with a good razor and gel foam, but I'm now getting impatient and complacent.
A couple of days ago, I scraped a nipple with my razor and it stung and bleed like crazy! And it stung for a day or two afterwards, but only when I played with it. Interestingly, the bleeding stopped almost immediately! I wonder if this is a defence mechanism for over-aggressive infant sucklers or horny partners? Hmm....
Hugs, Barb 🤗
you are not tidal honey....you are a Regi tsunami!!! xx