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I saw the other post about hair - and rather than ask there I thought I'd make a separate post. I have thick course hair on my chest, back and face. my arms are much finer and my legs as well (looks coarse but I would probably only have to shave every week or so. Chest - no. Every other day at the least. And "other" areas, well it's sort of hit or miss. Coarse hair there too and I think you could watch it grow and growing out can be extremely painful. I have to keep that area lotion'ed up to prevent that.
- Do any of you with similar issues shave our face with a razor? I've definitely been thinking about a wet or dry Norelco, one of them in the $50-$75 range maybe.
Do you shave this way? Or not? And what were your results? - Neck down - I'm seriously considering one of the man scaping razors. The Lawn Mower 3 (stupid names). If they shave like they say they do and how it looks on video that would be a godsend. That model is on sale at Amazon for a pretty good price.
After the first of the year I want to try sugar waxing. There are several recipes. Electrolysis is out - cost and even if I could afford it I have a pacemaker. I think IPL would work. My hair does turn gray if I let it grow out but when it "sprouts" it's black. I would consider it on my chest.
I've got a couple of electric razors. They've fine to an extent but the results don't last as long as a blade.
I don't have a huge amount of chest hair and virtually none on my back but plenty on the legs.
Since I had to shave, I began with an electric shaver. As hardware, it always let me down. They didn't last long, they need new consumables more often that I thought was necessary. I gave up and used modern safety razors of various types on my face ever since. I rarely have ingrown hair issues there.
For the rest of my body, once I started crossdressing, I started with what I used on my face. That was a huge mistake! I ended up with hundreds of ingrown hair around both knees, the back of my thighs, and my buttocks have untold bumps all over them and I am still picking more apart today as they come out of hibernation. This had to stop!
So, I experimented with Nair, but its smell is pretty revolting, so I switched to Veet. Creams works a charm, but I don't want to use them forever, so then I found IPL. Oh, yeah!
Since I started using it, I am now mostly hairless. Not pain, no weird smells or chemicals, no ingrown hair, inexpensive, effective. Even my white hair in nearly nonexistent.
IPL works best in combination with yanking out hair roots. Both will, eventually, destroy hair's ability to regenerate and make hair again.
Forget blades this or razors that. Be scientific about hair removal. Do you want a permanent, inexpensive solution for this "problem" or not?
It really won't matter which model you use, as far as the hair is concerned. What matters more is how you care for the one that you do get.
There are expensive name brand models, but I was lucky to start off with some cheap no-name models and I am glad that I did because I killed a few of the wands by letting them overheat. I only use the strongest setting in repeat mode, to be done with this hair ASAP, because some hair can be pretty resistant.
The models that I got were between $35-50 CDN. My source was Wish.
The thing to look for now are power cut-off switches that help them not overheat and for you to let them cool down before that switch kicks in. This safety feature is new, at least with some less expensive models. Heat will destroy some of the electronics inside, so protect your investment the best that you can. Once I learned this through experience my last wand has lasted about one year, instead of only a couple of months.
Blade shaves are much beffer, closer and last longer then electric shavers. I do both, plus many other things depending on body parts. I mix and match, and change as needed. The only thing I have not tried is lazer, but I have too much gray hair for that. Electric razors are great for a quick touch up, but just do not come close to a well done blade shave. I have owned a couple types over the years. I use mine e-razor for my face, but blade shave once or twice a week as well. I have blade shaved everything else on my body and it is good for a few days, at most. Currently I have my legs waxed monthly and use an epilator on my chest and arms. Even waxing often misses a few hairs, so I often do a blade shave after waxing and both then are good for about a month...rthe first two weeks are great and totally hairfree. The thrird week I am noticing some hair, butacceptable, and the fourth week I am looking forward to my next waxing.
I use an epilator, initially once a week, after a while....every two weeks, trim amy long hairs, shower before hand and stretch the skin....great success....i was that hairy monster previously but now nice and smooth.
It is basically a dry wax, I'm very pleased with the result....i did need the assistance of my SO to reach inaccessible places.
Persistence pays...best of luck in whatever method you choose.
Epilator is the way to go. I hate shaving and having irritating stubble reappear over night. Depends on how thick the forest is I guess. I’m fair and hairless in any case. I have the Braun Silk ‘epil 3, it’s the basic but does an amazing job.
Electric razors didn’t work very well for me. I used to use them on my hand and arm and then I would use a women’s Billie razor everywhere else. I really hated the in grown hairs and red bumps so I tried hard wax and sugar waxing which was way better than shaving but got expensive. I have an IPL and I made a tiny bit of dent in my legs but it was slow. Then last month a new med spa opened up and had some laser hair removal specials. So I got full body hair removal. It was a game changer for me and although to date it’s only been 2 sessions I don’t have to shave and the red bumps and ingrown hairs are a thing of the past. The laser tech noticed that I was wearing panties and turns out she is super trans/lgbtq protective and very supportive. In retrospect I wish I would have gotten laser hair removal years ago.
Yeah, my one regret is not have lazer done years ago. Now I have too much gray to justify the cost and would need to do thermolysis, which is the best way to go, but way too time consuming for me.
I’m an occasional dresser so most of my time is spent with body hair but when I do wanna go fully dressed I shave my entire body with the manscaper electric razor. Then I get myself smooth with a hand razor and cream. The entire process doesn’t take long at all