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So I am in the process of getting a new job at a company that claims to be LBGTQ+ (not sure what the + is) friendly/supportive. This is position would be a mid-management level position in corporate finance. My wife, who supports my dressing, wants me to go full time. She is tired of the buy/regret/purge/depression cycle. I do not try to pass (not breast forms or hip pads).
Do any of you openly dress at work? If so, how has that worked? What type of work do you do?
ive not done anything yey, but tomorrow going in with nails painted, so we will see how that goes!
I can't imagine doing that myself, but my work environment/culture is very different from a typical office environment. With HR already on their toes, and the various legal protections in place, I'm certain I COULD, if I really wanted to.
I did have a coworker for a time who was in the early stages of transition, and while they weren't open about it, everyone knew. The response wasn't kind, but not outright hostile either. Whispered jokes and such. Of course if anyone's behavior made it a hostile work environment, the company would be legally obligated to step in.
You don't have to necessarily go fully dressed, but can wear some fem items and explore your new world. BTW, the + is meant to include all variations not listed. Doesn't facebook have 20 something gender identifies now? That would make for an awfully long acronym!
I am a veteran educator. While I cannot say that I openly out at work, much of my wardrobe is only womenswear. I have freely worn jeans, shorts, and some tops and shoes without issue at work. If anyone has noticed, it has not been mentioned to me. I have also worn my bra and breast forms under my shirt (both collared button down and tshirts) without issue on a semi-regular basis. I only have a B cup, but am over 6 foot and 300 pounds. Lastly, I currently coach girls' swimming and have previously coached soccer (boys and girls) and lacrosse (boys). As such, I am always in shorts and have shaved my legs for years. The boys never seem to notice, but the girls have. There comments have ranged from curiosity to envy, but nothing negative.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I work for a large transport company. I was already out to coworkers as I had been wearing makeup for some time at work. I approached my manager and asked if I could start wearing the female uniform. She said yes and now I only go to work in female clothing. Everyone has been brilliant.
I suggest anyone thinking of doing the same get permission from HR or your manager before you commit.
P.S the + includes all the small or larger groups in the community. Including a C for crossdressers
Hi Aisleyne,
How did it go ??? Or didn't it ???