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End game?

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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This CD journey of ours, if it were a game, which game might it be, and what would the end game look like?

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Trusted Member     East central, Wisconsin, United States of America
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@valentina16 I do not see it as a game but part of our psyche.  As such it has no end until we pass from the earth.  Lots of people take breaks from dressing, my own 21 year break being one of them.  Yet the thought process remains the same.  Show me a well dressed attractive woman, and the first thing I check our are her clothes.


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@juliarey …but, if it were a game?

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 First thing that comes to mind is the Oasis "game" from the book (and film) "Ready Player One" with a lot of role playing and even some gender fluidity. Aren't we all hoping to find an Easter Egg somewhere?

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@astridt Not familiar with it unfortunately. I will look. TY. 💚

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 Is there a board game which involves shopping? Go for Broke? Monopoly?

Pass Go, collect £200, head to the dress shop? A Chance card could be Go Back to Old Kent Road (no thanks, it's awful) Advance to Mayfair (better choice, not far from Oxford Street)

Hugs, Anna xx

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@annaredhead Lol. Though, in my “end game”, all the clothing stores would have one non-gender section, just different sizes. If you want big, or with busts, you just choose. Gonna happen one day. 💚

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It could be any game.  Take your pick. 

The End Game is ALWAYS the same.  THE Party to End All Parties Celebration of Life!


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@lizk But will it be in a pair of whatever labelled specifically for Ladies, or will society have moved on. 🥸

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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It'll be labeled for women.  I'm trans and fully out to everyone that knows me.

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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Like the pursuit of knowledge, there is no end. It's a finite path.

When starting out, most want to be able to dress as a woman at any time. That is their goal.... The first steps are huge. Over time these steps get smaller. then one day you find yourself "living the dream".... But this dream is never complete. 

To many, I'm living the dream. But there are still steps I'd like to take. These steps are very small. No doubt when I reach those goals, there will be more smaller steps.... And then smaller steps. There will always be goals. 

As the steps get smaller, other steps appear. As I now live as Cerys 80+% of the time, shaving is a hassle. In the past it wasn't a problem as I only dressed occasionally, and I never ventured out, so two days of beard growth wasn't an issue.... Today it is. I'm now looking into IPL machines or possibly laser to get rid of facial hair. This is a big step. This step didn't exist 5 years ago. Just when you think you've got to where you want to be, the road gets a little longer.


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@dazzler Not chess, or poker, or scrabble then…


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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 Not great at chess or poker, but Scrabble, now you're talking! I'm addicted to word games. 🙂 


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@dazzler I only mentioned 3 games just to toss the ball up, so to speak!

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@dazzler oh girl - shaving is the worst part for me.  No matter how much I shave/epilate …. They never stay hidden.


zombie hairs 🧟‍♀️

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@mirandam I have never shaved, never really had to, fair hair. It’s almost like nature intended my ‘journey’. 💚

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My shampoo bottle directions read: Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

As humans, we understand it to mean wash, rinse, wash, rinse, done. But if I programmed those steps into a computer, it would run wash, rinse, wash, rinse, wash, rinse, ad nauseum until the wash routine throws a fatal exception, WASH: NO SHAMPOO IN BOTTLE. PROGRAM TERMINATED.

My life is like that. Wake up, clean up, get dressed, do what I have to do, go to bed, repeat. Whether I dress en femme or en homme may depend on different factors, but I just go about what I need to do.

If you insist on calling it a game, call it chess with only 2 kings left. I can move about almost anywhere in my own world and do different things, but there is no winning or losing. I'm just happy being me.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@alison-anderson TY. Though I sort of meant what will our world look like at the end of our CD journeys. Will, for a simple example, pantyhose stop being described as Ladies Pantyhose for instance? Sorry, I’m over complicating things perhaps by likening it to a game. Like a game of chess. 

But, 2 kings. Interesting. No queen?

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My philosophy is that life is a big experiment.  We try things and if they work for us we stay on that path.  If not we go in another direction.   Sometimes when things do work, we can envision ways to make it better which leads to another phase of the experiment.   For me this repeats and repeats and each time I get closer to my ideal.   I can't say exactly what this is or how I will get there but I'm definitely on the path.  Right now I'm at a point where I feel good about myself but I can definitely see things that I should look into......the process goes on!

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Estimable Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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I absolutely agree. 

We try one path and see if it works, and if not, take the other path.

In my IT related career, we always have to test changes to see if they work. If they do, great. If not, try something else.

One mantra to keep in mind is that "There is so such thing as a failed test. You might not get the results you wanted, figure out what wasn't right and try again."



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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@rachelle71 or as I found out, change one thing at a time until it works. Oh, and try turning it off and on again. I got paid thousands for turning things off n on again! Happy days.

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For me, life has always had a playful character, where we plan strategies of attack and defense as in most sports. The Game of Life has victories (Joys) and defeats (sadness). It is more serious because what we bet on it is our own existence. I am a lady of options, so for me the alternative is: a 5,000-meter race, where if you run too fast you get tired and if you go too slow you fall behind, and you may or may not get a medal (recognition of a fruitful life) when you cross the finish line, or a game of chess in which each move has reasons and consequences, and is subject to multiple variants. There is nothing left to do but fight as long as the game lasts. I have not yet met someone who avoids checkmate.

My CD journey is a part, now vital, of my way of looking at life. 


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@firefly And do you see any eventual lessening of Ladies this and Ladies that in the clothing sector one day?

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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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@valentina16 Possibly.

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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It's not a game and certainly not a hobby for me. 

Were it a game I think it would be Monopoly. Landing on designers, buying clothing outfits or lingerie, train trips to other countries, growing your own fashion house, runway shows and avoiding bankruptcy. 

Community Chest would have a whole other meaning. 

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@cherylt lol, community chest. Re end game, I wasn’t actually suggesting it was a trivial game, more like a decent game of chess, where the outcome just before checkmate of the clothing manufacturers is one shelf for both (all?) genders, just different sizes with or without a bust. It’s not gonna happen, is it!! lol. Fagin: I think I’d better think it out again!

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@valentina16 Yes, one shelf for all. Reminds me of a movie from years back. Perhaps a watch would be enjoyable. It's call "The Lathe of Heaven". In it a man is what is known as an "effective dreamer". What he dreams becomes reality. When this is realized by his psychiatrist it is used by the psychiatrist for his own purposes. 

In one segment he tries to solve the world's issues, one being racism. George Orr, the "dreamer" has a solution. It would be similar to what you suggest. Perhaps a watch is in order. It's a very interesting, thought provoking movie. It should be on YouTube.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@cherylt ty. The Lathe of Heaven. I’m on it. 💚

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I loved playing basketball, but at 70+, I'm too decrepit to pursue it anymore. But I was always trying to make myself better-more accurate shooting, no-look passes, etc. Then I stumbled into CD, just fooling around with my otherwise all-female fitness class and their Halloween Party. I received sincere, much better than I anticipated, positive feedback, so, with nothing else going on in my life, I decided to see how much better I could get at it. And the results have staggered me...and several friends. I'll never "pass", but I'm to the point where I have no hesitation about going about in public...and, like basketball, I'm still always trying to make myself better 🤣 

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(@Anonymous 98283)
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Interesting post.

The game: tennis.

What the end game looks like: you win.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@buildoe ty. And the end game world will include clothing no longer labelled “Ladies tights” etc? Not that it really matters of course.

(@Anonymous 98283)
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@valentina16 Perhaps. But either way dear Valentina, we'll both be wearing cute little tennis outfits and holding trophies 🙂

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@buildoe Quite. ☺️

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@valentina16 Clothing is definitely morphing more towards unisex for sure. Hoodies anyone? Jeans? T-shirts? Real easy to wear the ladies versions of these which I adhere to daily. None of my “bros” has the slightest clue.

That said, I always feel better when a garment says “Ladies” or has the “W” on it. It makes no sense, I just like them better when I know it was made for a girl. I am really starting to believe that I may be a crossdresser.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Mousetrap, perhaps?

Always moving forward, always adding to the experience, the trap growing in complexity till you get to the point where you're trapped in an inescapable cage of femininity. And it's such a fun journey.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@caroline2k Brilliant. Love it. Go to the top of the score board  with that. 😇

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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Posted by: @gracepal

I am really starting to believe that I may be a crossdresser

…how do I break this gently to her people…

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 760

And am I allowed a slight and gurly-giggle that I NOW HAVE A GOLD STAR!!!! That’s not bad for, what is it, 10 days??! 😇✌️💘🥂☺️💚!!!


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