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European song contest

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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Hey ladies, anyone watching the Eurovision Song Contest?  I’m not really into that kind of music, but there are lots of very sexy outfits and lots of crossdressing….on that front it’s a great spectacle.

i won’t ask which was your favourite song…but which was your favourite outfit(s)?

Mine are the dress worn by the Israeli singer and the outfits worn by the Spanish dance troop.

hugs Christine

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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…and the winner was a young non-binary crossdressing Swiss singer….but I really did not like her skirt (the material, colour and style), although it did ‘bounce’ nicely as she walked.



PS sorry if this sounds a bit bit&#y.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 606

@christineth Yes, I agree. The song was OK, I liked the spinny-disc thing but the skirt was a bit 'meh'. Plus, she couldn't keep her legs together when the camera was on her in the green room... needs to work on her decorum! 😼

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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@caroline2k yes Caroline, I noticed that too.  It was really unladylike.  I think someone must have told her to drop the flag over her legs.



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@christineth Hi Christine, yes Eden looked fabulous!! Song was good also

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 606

@christineth You are not alone Christine - my partner and I watched it!

My favourite outfit was possibly the gold outfit worn by the Georgian girl, although right now, the half botte of Bordeaux and the two bottles of Cava we consumed in the process are blurring my memory... I may update this as details come back into focus🙄🤣

We watch it every year (I have done since a child!) and now I'm out as CD, we like to make an effort and glam ourselves-up a little (or a lot! lol).

My favourite song was the Armenian one - the singer had quite a cute outfit too btw!

Edit: I've just remembered that one of the presenters -Petra Mede - wore a lovely long black leather dress I rather fancied trying!

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
Posts: 747

@caroline2k Caroline…yes the presenters’ dresses were indeed nice…I liked the white dress with the thigh high split.  And I agree that the Armenian dress was really nice.  She reminded me of my first proper girlfriend who also happened to be Armenian.

i think the cava and wine are the only way to get through it all.

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Estimable Member     Vienna, Austria
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@christineth I wished I could wear the white dress 🙄 but, the dress is „glued“ to her skin around the cleavage, no? So nothing may pop out accidentally…?

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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@jamiec there are so many tricks of the fashion world I still have to learn…gluing dresses on, is that a real thing?  I loved the flash of long leg as she walked around the stage…and her heels were to die for.

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Estimable Member     Vienna, Austria
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@christineth well „glue“ is wrong. What I wanted to say is “taped”. So nothing may slip (out). The right words often only come to me *after* I hit reply 🙃

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Estimable Member     Vienna, Austria
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With all that’s going on in the world and how conservative and bottomed up even Europe seems to be, the Eurovision never fails to give a glimpse of hope 😊 

Of course we watched. And we predicted it correctly 😀

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Duchess Annual
Honorable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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Wow I wish I had a way of watching it after reading all of your accounts of it, I don't think it played here in the states.


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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
Posts: 747

@blondsherri Sherri, I am sure there will be clips on YouTube…but don’t hold your breath expecting great songs.  🙂



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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I watched it, I always do, although the wife thinks it's a bit naff. The UK entry was a bit naff too and I thought the vocals were seriously weak and yes, we get it, Ollie Alexander is gay, the dancers were gay, and the whole act was gayer than a gay thing at a gay bar. We couldn't vote for the UK entry in the UK so they really should have taken into account that many other countries would have found the simulated gay sex rather off-putting.


I rather liked the scary Ireland entry for the costume and staging but for me, the best actual song was the Croatian entry; it was so close to winning.


@blondsherri Would a VPN not have got you in to the show from the USA? If you couldn't see the UK output (the BBC are a bit sharp with VPNs) there were a lot of other countries one might have been able to access.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 606

@rebeccabaxter Don't forget Rebecca, that the contest as a whole has realised that for a long time, Eurovision has been incredibly popular in the gay community, and has been growing increasingly 'gay-centric' ( I really do hope that's not offensive to anyone!) - hence the inclusion of Australia as a competitor, due to it's popularity with the gay community down there. I think they have realised the value of the 'Pink Euro/ Dollar'. I would have added 'Pound' but that's worth SFA 😉

For years, as a unashamed fan of Eurovision - even though I hate most of the songs on there! lol - I have had 'nudge, nudge, wink wink', limp-wrist insinuations that I must be gay to like it... imagine if they'd seen me on Saturday night! 🤣

Anyway, what was my point again? Oh yes - Olly Alexander and his gay boxing club! I think the problem was just that it was a poor song plus the fact that most of the world hates the UK. Besides, smutty-business aside, his performance just wasn't fun

Croatia was very popular in our house too btw - my other half's choice. Still not as good as Armenia though! lol 

Duchess Annual
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Honorable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter Forgive me Becca but just what is a VPN?

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Virtual Private Network. It's a way of making you appear as if you are somewhere you are not so you can access things that might be unavailable. For example, I am actually in the UK but can appear as if I am logging in from, say, Boston Mass. and everything about my presence would seem to originate in Boston, or Albania, Australia, anywhere. My own ISP couldn't snoop on me either. I use one (NordVPN, there are many others) because I don't trust the internet and don't want malicious agents (scammers, virus-makers or 'Nigerian Princes' telling me I've won a lottery I never entered) knowing where I live. At the moment, if you looked up my ISP, you'd see I was in London; I'm not, I'm 200 miles away).

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I think the Croatian band was heavily infuenced by the German industrial metal band, Rammstein; Du Hast, for example

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1447

@rebeccabaxter I watched the songs being performed (apart from the first couple we missed) along with several of the other guests on the boutique cruise we were on, up & down the Croatian coast.  We also liked the Armenian entry, but totally agreed that Croatia's was the best song of the night - although I did think they were channelling Maneskin from a couple of years back just with a bit of an added industrial/techno edge.  I was so disappointed for our tour manager and the barman who were hosting and looking after us so well, when I heard the next morning that their country's song got pipped to the post.


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