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before covid i took a 2 day girls weekend. dressed up and left the house. stopped to get a manicure, then to check into the hotel where i was going to be staying. i was going to Mohegan sun casino to see back to back concerts. first night was journey. that was an awesome concert. sat on the bleachers next to a couple of women. they talked to me and we danced in place and sang along with the songs. that was a fun night. next night was the 2nd concert, Foreigner. i sat next to another woman, we had seats on the floor. she could tell i was a cd. she was telling me about a kid she knew. might have been hers or her sisters. i don't remember. she said he wanted to be a girl. she asked if she could take our picture together. i said sure. she was going to show him that there are others like him out dressed. and she thanked me. that was a good weekend and i have gone to other concerts dressed. have any of you ever gone to a concert dressed? @
I was at the Mohegan Sun casino a few years ago in the fall for a work meeting. I saw a CD walking down the hallway, I still regret not commenting to her on how she looked and asking to talk with her.
I have been to concerts, show and cinema but with friends or family. It is such a lovely thing to do being part of the audience and chatting to those next to me. Such an enjoyable thing to go to shows that would never have been on the male agenda.
I go to the same concerts with the same friends as Fiona, that I used to in male guise. Three times so far, we follow a 1970's Genesis cover band when they play anywhere near us. I've been to the theatre three times so far too. Twice locally my own, where I met some lovely people in the bar queue and sitting next to me. Also once in London including a hotel stay. That was with two very good friends from CDH, and it was most enjoyable! It's great having an opportunity to put together a nice outfit to go out in 🙂
Would love to do this one day but given my musical taste is a little on the heavy side (Iron Maiden, Metallica, ACDC etc..) don't think I survive a mosh pit dressed en femme...
Been to an off-Broadway theater and movies but not a concert.