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ever been to a concert dressed

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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before covid i took a 2 day girls weekend. dressed up and left the house. stopped to get a manicure, then to check into the hotel where i was going to be staying. i was going to Mohegan sun casino to see back to back concerts. first night was journey. that was an awesome concert. sat on the bleachers next to a couple of women. they talked to me and we danced in place and sang along with the songs. that was a fun night. next night was the 2nd concert, Foreigner. i sat next to another woman, we had seats on the floor. she could tell i was a cd. she was telling me about a kid she knew. might have been hers or her sisters. i don't remember. she said he wanted to be a girl. she asked if she could take our picture together. i said sure. she was going to show him that there are others like him out dressed. and she thanked me. that was a good weekend and i have gone to other concerts dressed. have any of you ever gone to a concert dressed? @

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@prettytoes oh yes I have and it is delightful.  In fact it might be the one departure of my female from male version in that I rarely went to concerts before but suddenly took interest in live music as a woman.

for some reason attending to listen to music I love - even grew up with - as female makes it extra special.  I’m a bit of a 70/80s girl in that regard and love every minute of it.


ive gotten over the fear of “oh someone might be able to tell I’m dressed” because in these events we all share a love of the music and that seems to be enough.  I’m not there looking for anything other than a great musical experience (yes I’m the kind who sings along …) and it’s been wonderful. 💕

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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
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 I hope to one day! I've been to the movies dressed.  🥰

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@prettytoes The closest I got was last year. I wore an 18th-century cut shirt, a pair of jeans covered in a floral print and a pair of boots. No makeup or wig.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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@prettytoes dose my bumpbox in the garage count on pandora lol 

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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I was at the Mohegan Sun casino a few years ago in the fall for a work meeting.  I saw a CD walking down the hallway, I still regret not commenting to her on how she looked and asking to talk with her.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 286

@leah63 it might have been me.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 286

when i go out i;d rather go dressed than in man mode.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I have been to concerts, show and cinema but with friends or family. It is such a lovely thing to do being part of the audience and chatting to those next to me. Such an enjoyable thing to go to shows that would never have been on the male agenda.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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I go to the same concerts with the same friends as Fiona, that I used to in male guise.  Three times so far, we follow a 1970's Genesis cover band when they play anywhere near us.  I've been to the theatre three times so far too.  Twice locally my own, where I met some lovely people in the bar queue and sitting next to me.  Also once in London including a hotel stay.  That was with two very good friends from CDH, and it was most enjoyable!  It's great having an opportunity to put together a nice outfit to go out in 🙂

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Reputable Member     GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
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Would love to do this one day but given my musical taste is a little on the heavy side (Iron Maiden, Metallica, ACDC etc..) don't think I survive a mosh pit dressed en femme...

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 286

@lizzy89 i don't think they have those anymore. all the concerts use to be stand up only. now its all seats and season passes. which sucks. what happened to first come, first serve? now its whoever got the most money gets the best seats.

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Prominent Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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@prettytoes We are lucky here in Sydney to still have the venue that was the main concert venue in Sydney back in the 1970's. It is called the Horden Pavillion and it is mosh pit in the middle and some elevated seats around the sides so three quarters of the crowd is in the mosh pit. Saw UB40 there last year (not in femme) and it was just awesome.

The rest of the venues in Sydney are as you say all seated and season passes.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Mosh pits are still very much a thing.  You're not going to find them at a casino or most large venues.  It's the smaller places.  Troubadour.  Whisky.  Casbah.  9:30. Crocodile.  Bowery.  Plenty more.

I saw X at the Troub about a year ago.  Mosh pit took half the floor.


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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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It's possible to survive the 'pit' if you dress for it.  Jeans and comfortable close toed flats/sneakers are a must.  Docs or similar are preferred.  Don't wear anything you wouldn't want ruined.  I've ventured into several mosh pits since transitioning.


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Reputable Member     GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
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@lizk when I have been to metal gigs in male mode I never wear my best clothes always old jeans and T-shirt that I am not too fushed about getting ruined.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Sorry.  My bad.  You've obviously done this before and don't need me to tell you what to wear. 

I will never forget a few hardcore shows seeing women dressed like they were attending the symphony!  What were they thinking? 🤣 


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Reputable Member     GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
Posts: 154

@lizk just like when I go hill walking I always dress appropriately walking boots and active wear and always have a waterproof jacket and trousers in the ruck sack just in case the weather turns bad, then I see people wearing open toe sandals or light weight trainers basically dressed like they are going shopping or for a day at the beach and no waterproofs either and I just think 'what morons' LOL

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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@lizzy89 I have seen Status Quo (with 10CC as support), Thunder (Those Danms Crows in support), Sabaton (with Lordi in support),  Rammestein, Lynard Skynyrd, and many small, local rock bands in Cerys mode. Never a problem.Boots, tights (sometimes fishnets, sometimes not), miniskirt (either faux leather or denim), T-shirt (never a band T-shirt), and jacket (again, either leather or denim). Hair down and ready to head bang.... At 57, never a great  idea!!!!
I've also been to see comedians, plays, and many non rock bands in Cerys mode.
Never been in a mosh pit... Again, 57... Though Rammestein  was almost one huge  mosh pit... I didn't get in early enough for tickets to get in the fire zone.
I've seen The Who 5 times, but not in Cerys mode. B.B.King 4 times.  Eric Clapton, Page and Plant, not in Cerys mode.... Sooooo Many bands. Sadly Maiden and AC-DC have passed me by. I never got to see Motorhead, but I have seen Phil Campbell. He's from my part of the world 😉

Considering I was a Mod through my teenage years, Cerys has certainly brought out the rock chick in me.... I do go to see mod bands too (suitably attired in Cerys Mode). The Who cross genres. The world's biggest rock band and mod band 🙂


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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 286

@dazzler you seen a lot of bands like me. foreigner, journey, Lynard Skynyrd, cheap trick, Boston, poison, Styx, Bad Company, Joan Jett, Nickelback, Heart, Kiss, Aerosmith and many more. missed Tom Petty, Cars and never saw the Who.

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Reputable Member     GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
Posts: 154

@dazzler we seem to share similar tastes in music I saw Quo twice before Rick Parafit sadly died (both concerts were great evenings) once saw Thunder as part of a triple bill with Peter Frampton and Deep Purple (an random mix of bands but was still a good evening). Also seen Clapton live (what really made my night at that gig was when Peter Kay one of my favourite comedians came on to introduce him!). Was lucky enough to get to a few decent gigs in my teens as my parent gave me a good musical education and took me to gigs and also had some school friends with similar tastes as well. Perhaps the best gig I have been to was Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band no support act just them for over 3 hours and they were superb.

Who knows I might try a gig en femme a good excuse to try a rock chick look, tarten mini skirt, one of my band Ts I would normally wear in male mode and fishnets and a leather jacket.

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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@lizzy89 One of The Who concerts was a 3 hour one without support. A fairly large arena, but they only sold about 1000 tickets. Standing only. We were only about 20 feet from the stage. We could hear Pete talking to Roger away from the microphone. As a lifelong Who fan, this was very special... Only the insanity of the the Rammestein gig beats it, and boy do they put on a show!!!!!!
I've lost count of the number of times I've seen Quo. It must be 6 or 7. They are the band I've seen the most. Even after Rick passed, they were still brilliant!
Go for the rock chic look. I have two main versions depending on the gig. Quo gigs are denim jacket, leather miniskirt.... You've gotta wear a denim jacket to a Quo gig!!!! My hair is a bit shorter now though, so it won't fly around whilst headbanging 🙂

Cardiff venues are great, and the NEC in Brum is huge, but seriously expensive to eat and drink in. Lynard Skynard are Playing Brum in the summer. We saw them there a few years ago.... Still deciding on whether to go or not. It's a long round trip from south wales! 🙂

keep on rocking \m/


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Been to an off-Broadway theater and movies but not a concert.


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