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So the other day I was out and about and had some time to kill so did some shopping. It ended up being quite disappointing because I just could not find anything even remotely close to my size. When I left I made a decision.
I had never left my property dressed save the occasional panties. I decided however I had a 6 hour drive coming up (today), and Sarah was going to be making that drive.
This morning I put on my panties, black leggings, a maroon sweater, black leather waist belt, and a pair of boots, and have been making my trip. It has been a most wonderful and exhelerating day!
I just love that outfit description. It's kind of how I like to dress as I experiment on what feels comfortable for me.
Lisa 🙂
Pittsburgh, Pa
Hopefully you can let yourself be you more often. It’s such a great feeling to be free to be you 🙂
It sounds like you have had a great time. I am glad for you, Sarah.
Hi Sarah
I know what your talking about when you said that you were so excited about driving as Sarah
The first time that I drove dressed en.femme I was nervous about doing it as I thought that everyone would be looking at me.
After driving very carefully for a few miles I realized that I was just another girl driving a car and no one was paying attention to me.
I drive dressed en.femme now without a second thought about doing it.
I still get a feeling of doing something naughty and the rush of doing it.
Enjoy it. The feeling only gets better
Good for you go for it girly. Anne
Enjoy, i remember my first outing Py xx.
I was a little worried about that too at first, but only when in the city during rush hour, and yeah realized pretty quickly that most people too focused on driving (or their phone) to really notice, or even care. Then decided so what if they do?
What I was more worried about however was getting pulled over lol.
I certainly did. Once I decided to do it the hardest part was driving in heals! I have been walking for years in them, but getting used to driving in them was more difficult then I expected.
Congratulations Sarah and thanks for the update about driving in heels!