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As I'm still thoroughly in the closet regarding my crossdressing, I haven't had many opportunities to dress. During the summer, it's very rare for me to have the house to myself, so any exploration or development of my feminine self has had to happen stealthily.
Lately, that's meant that my avenues for (slowly!) working a bit of the feminine into my daily self have involved walking and dealing with excess hair.
For walking, I've tried to find quiet moments (usually when everyone's asleep) to try different gaits to find a more feminine mode of walking. In particular, I've tried acclimating myself to walking more heel-to-toe while engaging my hips. It's slow work, but it has had the added benefit of motivating some muscles that my default gait leaves unused.
Unlike a feminine walk, which I can turn on and off, excess hair removal has a more lasting effect. I've been looking for opportunities where I can sneak hair removal into my daily life. So far, I've managed to shave my underarms, my chest, my stomach, and my posterior. I'm not particularly hairy above the waist to begin with, but I felt like I needed an alibi for my shaving. My wife and child haven't commented (or seemed to have noticed), but I feel better if I have an excuse prepped. For my armpits, it's odor control. Sweat is easier to wipe and deodorize without the hair in the way. For my chest, I figure that I can argue that my sparse chest hair and nipple (why?!) hair weirded me out and I wanted them gone. For my belly hair, I think the lack of hair creating lines emphasizing its shape helps my belly look smaller. As far as hair on and between my cheeks, no one checks there but me, so I feel free to shave. That being said, if I'm ever asked, my answer will probably have to do with cleanliness and toilet paper getting tangled in the hair.
I don't have a good alibi for shaving my legs yet. I feel like I may have to get more into swimming or running to give myself convincing cover. Anyway, thank you for reading if you made it this far.
The excuse i would come up with for shaving my legs would be to make applying false tan easier!! but not everyone uses this of course. Does your wife prefer a hairy man? or is she not bothered either way? shaving legs is very prominent in the weight training community, especially when they are competing in say mr universe as shaving legs and applying oil, enhances the leg muscles.
I shave everywhere, and i mean everywhere!! without going into too much detail. Personally, i can see no problems with shaving your legs, but of course, your situation is totally different to mine. There is no doubt in my mind that when wearing a skirt or lower denier tights, leg hair spoils the effect. Lisa, its totally up to you at the end of the day, sometimes its best to do a little at a time rather than shaving your whole body.
I have gone further than yourself regarding this, but not as far as many others on here!! for instance, i will happily wear perfume and body spray to work, even applying female deodrant too. I have even been known to stealthily apply the minimum amout of eye liner and nude colours of eyeshadow to work, true you can notice, but its not over apparent. However, i have not been anywhere dressed femme as yet, so yes! i have a long way to go too 🙂 . Good luck!!
Fiona xxx
Hi Lisa,
What you have said rings so true with me, particularly trying to find a reason to shave legs, arms and body hair. Some of this I have gradually introduced as it is not as noticeable, higher chest region and back of hands and wrists, but ultimately I would like to go the ‘whole hog’ but what excuse can I use.
With regard to hair there is still the problem that men face as they age and that is keeping on top of where the damn things seem to grow the most, i.e.nose, eyebrows and ears. I shave my face daily as I don’t like even an inkling of stubble but find the daily personal care routine takes longer as I remove hair from elsewhere on my head. The joke in our family is that I spend more time in the bathroom than my wife.
Other gradual feminisation I use include growing and manicuring my own nails, not to any excessive length but to a length and shape where I can put nail polish on. I also try to keep my eyebrows at a reasonable shape.
Good luck
Jessica x.
I'm fortunate not to be that hairy – so I decided to rid myself of as much as I could – especially in the visible areas when dressed. I use the manscaping or male grooming excuse
I had what I would call leg fluff – I just removed it little by little – the SO didn't even notice; I shave my legs once a week. My eyebrows used to look like hairy out of control caterpillars – I started trimming them back, then getting rid of out of place hairs and slowly reducing the growth and have just started shaping them a little. My upper chest area is shaved regularly – leaving token chest hair which isn't visible once I have my bra on. Armpits – after a skin inflammation problem required me to shave them, I just kept shaving them. I occasionally shave my arms – usually the wrist area which gets the hairiest.
The answer if challenged is simply "why not". That you wanted to try it, that you prefer feeling smooth, that you wanted a change.
If your partner can have their hair and body hair the way they want it then so can you.
I personally get my full body waxed every 4 weeks and I love the result.
Hi Lisa,
My so makes us a honey wax that I use on my chest belly and privates.
Works fairly well.
My wife is OK with these areas being hairless.
But for some reason she doesn't want my legs shaved in the summer time?
I don't know why, my guess is I would be discovered.
I have gotten her to accept me shaving my legs this winter which is a big step.
Lisa, since you mentioned swimming and running, I remembered a movie called "breaking away" (1979) that was about bicycle racing. The main character started to shave his legs because the Italian bicycle racers that he idolized shaved theirs for less wind resistance. I was a teenager and I remember thinking it was strange..... but also thinking it was a good excuse.....
As was mentioned before, because You like it and feel cleaner shaved(which is true btw) should be good enough reasons.
I recall the first time I shaved my legs as a teenager, and put on a pair of panty hose. That sensation put me over the moon!
It was fabulous, and I still love it to this day!
Got one for ya. My wife likes my totally shaved. Unlike you I do not shave my arms or pits. I still gotta be a guy to my family and friends. When I first shaved my whole body I told my wife that the feeling on skin is so sexy and stimulating that I thought I would try it. She agreed, she liked the feel of my skin on hers without the thin blanket in the way. We both find hair anywhere but on our heads is kinda gross. So I hope this helps. You mite be able to tell your wife the same thing.
Rebekka I had that same experience as a teenager I used Nair and I put on my pantyhose it was and still is one of my favorite things to do I just cross my legs and daydream about becoming a woman